Teacher-Brother Dave's initial comments: I am presenting some of my Topical Studies from the fully public domain, 2097 page, Fifth Epochal Revelation of Truth and with my added comments. The Revealed text is free of copyright, so you may freely share individually these supernal quotes with your friends and relatives. But my order of selections, font types for emphasis and my added comments are Copyright 2021 by Dave@PureChristians.org All Rights Reserved. Contact me first about using the whole Study or group of Studies.
[My added comments of explanation below are in these square brackets]
Topical Study number 134
"KNOW and related words !"
Part 43
Compiled June 23, 2021 by Dave@PureChristians.org
The Urantia Book
[Paper:Section.Paragraph (numbers)]
105:7.1 Transcendentals [Ultimate levels] are subinfinite and subabsolute but superfinite and supercreatural. Transcendentals eventuate as an integrating level correlating the supervalues of absolutes with the maximum values of finites. From the creature standpoint, that which is transcendental would appear to have eventuated as a consequence of the finite; from the eternity viewpoint, in anticipation of the finite; and there are those who have considered it as a "pre-echo" of the finite. [or the finite may be considered as an echo of the transcendental which is an echo (or cross-section image) of the Absolute-Infinite I AM First-Final Father-Force Source and Center.]
105:7.2 That which is transcendental is not necessarily nondevelopmental, but it is superevolutional in the finite sense; neither is it nonexperiential, but it is superexperience as such is meaningful to creatures. Perhaps the best illustration of such a paradox is the central universe of perfection: It is hardly absolute -- only the Paradise Isle is truly absolute in the "materialized" sense. Neither is it a finite evolutionary creation as are the seven superuniverses. Havona is eternal but not changeless in the sense of being a universe of nongrowth. It is inhabited by creatures (Havona natives) who never were actually created, for they are eternally existent. Havona thus illustrates something which is not exactly finite nor yet absolute. Havona further acts as a buffer between absolute Paradise and finite creations, still further illustrating the function of transcendentals. But Havona itself is not a transcendental -- it is Havona. [Havona is the one billion immense, glorious spheres that we will each ascend in a personally unique manner (sequence) for more training and experience to later become Paradise residents. Havona may be an Ultimate-Absolute level; Paradise is Absolute-Infinite level.]
105:7.3 As the Supreme is associated with finites, so the Ultimate is identified with transcendentals. But though we thus compare Supreme and Ultimate, they differ by something more than degree; the difference is also a matter of quality. The Ultimate is something more than a super-Supreme projected on the transcendental level. The Ultimate is all of that, but more: The Ultimate is an eventuation of new Deity realities, the qualification of new phases of the theretofore unqualified.
105:7.4 Among those realities which are associated with the transcendental level are the following:
105:7.5 #1. The Deity presence of the Ultimate.
105:7.6 #2. The concept of the master universe.
105:7.7 #3. The Architects of the Master Universe.
105:7.8 #4. The two orders of Paradise force organizers.
105:7.9 #5. Certain modifications in space potency.
105:7.10 #6. Certain values of spirit.
105:7.11 #7. Certain meanings of mind.
105:7.12 #8. Absonite qualities and realities.
105:7.13 #9. Omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence.
105:7.14 #10. Space.
[Note that time is not included above, as it must be a lesser, supreme level Reality.]
105:7.15 The universe in which we now live may be thought of as existing on finite, transcendental, and absolute levels. This is the cosmic stage on which is enacted the endless drama of personality performance and energy metamorphosis. [In the future on this planet, Personality will properly be capitalized. You as an individual I AM made Personality Are absolutely UNIQUE, without duplicate, in both time and in Eternity !!! What a Gift the Paradise Father of All Reality has now given to you and to me ! I am a Beloved Son of I AM; and so are You ! When each mortal in this still partly confused world Really knows and believes that each Human Person is a SON OF GOD as well as a SON OF MAN; then there will be true Jesusonian peace and progress into eventual full Light and Life ! Be now the ever ascending God-man of our GOD-MAN that GOD and JESUS AS ONE want you to Be in Their One Spirit and thus in All Truth ! Note: All humans -- females and males equally -- are spiritually classified as sons of God; the daughters of God are the many types of angels and super-angels created by God the Infinite Spirit -- the third Person of the Existential Paradise Trinity.]
105:7.16 And all of these manifold realities are unified absolutely by the several [fifteen !] triunities, functionally by the Architects of the Master Universe, and relatively by the Seven Master Spirits, the subsupreme co-ordinators of the divinity of God the Sevenfold. [ Jesus is our first Coordinate God in God the Sevenfold in and to our local universe.]
105:7.17 God the Sevenfold represents the Personality and Divinity Revelation of the Universal Father to creatures of both maximum and submaximum status, but there are other sevenfold relationships of the First Source and Center which do not pertain to the manifestation of the divine spiritual Ministry of the God who is Spirit. [The three Deities -- Father, Son and Spirit -- in the Paradise Trinity are each a Personality and a Spirit and are Co-ordinate level.]
105:7.18 In the eternity of the past the Forces of the Absolutes, the Spirits of the Deities, and the Personalities of the Gods stirred in response to the primordial self-will of self-existent self-will. [ I AM; I AM IS; I AM infinite will-volition-choices-decisions] In this universe age we are all witnessing the stupendous repercussions of the far-flung cosmic panorama of the subabsolute manifestations of the limitless Potentials of all these Realities. And it is altogether possible that the continued diversification of the Original Reality of the First Source and Center may proceed onward and outward throughout age upon age, on and on, into the faraway and inconceivable stretches of absolute infinity. [Yes, I fully believe this to be true, as the Father-Infinite I AM now IS ... Thank You, our loving, merciful, ministering Universal Father and Eternal Mother-Son -- One in Spirit ! Thank You, our Master and Creator Jesus Christ Michael, for these unending and increasing Revelations of the Father and His/Your Realities !]
105:7.19 {Presented by a Melchizedek Son of God [of your local universe] of Nebadon}
[A review of earlier presentations: Each Melchizedek is considered in the Bible and in this supporting, enhancing Revelation of Truth to be a "Lesser Christ" type being; thus a quite high order Son of God. Some hundreds of billions of years ago, our Creator Father-Son Jesus Christ Michael and our Holy Creative Spirit, Who Together made/are making this local universe, joined in the Creation of about ten million Melchizedek Sons of God; this is very close to one per mortal inhabited world here. This also means about seven trillion Melchizedeks total in the present Grand Universe (Supreme) age. There are many lesser orders of Sons of God; and we humans are the very lowest of the free-will ascending sons of God; with a Destiny to be the most complete and replete in Godly perfection ... just as our Very Elder Brother Jesus Christ Michael now IS .... Amen !]
106:0.1 It is not enough that the ascending mortal should know something of the relations of Deity to the genesis and manifestations of cosmic reality; he should also comprehend something of the relationships existing between himself and the numerous levels of existential and experiential realities, of potential and actual realities. Man's terrestrial orientation, his cosmic insight, and his spiritual directionization are all enhanced by a better comprehension of universe realities and their techniques of interassociation, integration, and unification.
106:0.2 The present grand universe and the emerging master universe are made up of many forms and phases of reality which, in turn, are existent on several levels of functional activity. These manifold existents and latents have been previously suggested in these papers, and they are now grouped for conceptual convenience in the following categories:
106:0.3 #1. Incomplete finites. This is the present status of the ascending creatures of the grand universe, the present status of Earth mortals. This level embraces creature existence from the planetary human up to, but not including, destiny attainers. It pertains to universes from early physical beginnings up to, but not including, settlement in light and life. This level constitutes the present periphery of creative activity in time and space. It appears to be moving outward from Paradise, for the closing of the present universe age, which will witness the grand universe attainment of light and life, will also and surely witness the appearance of some new order of developmental growth in the first outer space level. [of the larger Master Universe]
106:0.4 #2. Maximum finites. This is the present status of all experiential creatures who have attained destiny -- destiny as revealed within the scope of the present universe [Supreme] age. Even universes can attain to the maximum of status, both spiritually and physically. But the term "maximum" is itself a relative term -- maximum in relation to what? And that which is maximum, seemingly final, in the present universe age may be no more than a real beginning in terms of the ages to come. Some phases of Havona appear to be on the maximum order.
106:0.5 #3. Transcendentals. This superfinite level (antecedently) follows finite progression. It implies the prefinite genesis of finite beginnings and the postfinite significance of all apparent finite endings or destinies. Much of Paradise-Havona appears to be on the transcendental order.
106:0.6 #4. Ultimates. This level encompasses that which is of master universe significance and impinges on the destiny level of the completed master universe. Paradise-Havona (especially the circuit of the Father's worlds) is in many respects of ultimate significance.
106:0.7 #5. Coabsolutes. This level implies the projection of experientials upon a supermaster universe field of creative expression.
106:0.8 #6. Absolutes. This level connotes the eternity presence of the seven existential Absolutes. It may also involve some degree of associative experiential attainment, but if so, we do not understand how, perhaps through the contact potential of personality.
106:0.9 #7. Infinity. This level is pre-existential and postexperiential. Unqualified unity of infinity is a hypothetical reality before all beginnings and after all destinies.
106:0.10 These levels of reality are convenient compromise symbolizations of the present universe age and for the mortal perspective. There are a number of other ways of looking at reality from other-than-mortal perspective and from the standpoint of other universe ages. Thus it should be recognized that the concepts herewith presented are entirely relative, relative in the sense of being conditioned and limited by:
106:0.11 #1. The limitations of mortal language.
106:0.12 #2. The limitations of the mortal mind.
106:0.13 #3. The limited development of the seven superuniverses.
106:0.14 #4. Your ignorance of the six prime purposes of superuniverse development which do not pertain to the mortal ascent to Paradise.
106:0.15 #5. Your inability to grasp even a partial eternity viewpoint.
106:0.16 #6. The impossibility of depicting cosmic evolution and destiny in relation to all universe ages, not just in regard to the present age of the evolutionary unfolding of the seven superuniverses.
106:0.17 #7. The inability of any creature to grasp what is really meant by preexistentials or by postexperientials -- that which lies before beginnings and after destinies.
106:0.18 Reality growth is conditioned by the circumstances of the successive universe ages. The central universe underwent no evolutionary change in the [initial, perfected] Havona age, but in the present epochs of the [perfecting] superuniverse age it is undergoing certain progressive changes induced by co-ordination with the evolutionary superuniverses. [Maybe this means that the seven superuniverses are taking on (perfected) aspects of Havona in preparation for the many new beings ascending through this expanded Havona functioning in the larger outer Master universe's Ultimate Age.] The seven superuniverses, now evolving, will sometime attain the settled status of light and life, will attain the growth limit for the present universe age. But beyond doubt, the next age, the age of the first outer space level, will release the superuniverses from the destiny limitations of the present age. Repletion is continually being superimposed upon completion. [!!]
106:0.19 These are some of the limitations which we encounter in attempting to present a unified concept of the cosmic growth of things, meanings, and values and of their synthesis on ever-ascending levels of reality.
106:1.1 The primary or spirit-origin phases of finite reality find immediate expression on creature levels as perfect personalities and on universe levels as the perfect Havona creation. Even experiential Deity is thus expressed in the spirit person of God the Supreme in Havona. [Three Papers on the Supreme Being come here again a little later.] But the secondary, evolutionary, time-and-matter-conditioned phases of the finite become cosmically integrated only as a result of growth and attainment. Eventually all secondary or perfecting finites are to attain a level equal to that of primary perfection, but such destiny is subject to a time delay, a constitutive superuniverse qualification which is not genetically found in the central creation. (We know of the existence of tertiary finites, but the technique of their integration is as yet unrevealed.) [There is no time limitation in the one billion Havona worlds, and no space or time limitations in infinite, eternal Paradise.]
106:1.2 This superuniverse time lag, [outside of Havona,] this obstacle to perfection attainment, provides for creature participation in evolutionary growth. It thus makes it possible for the creature to enter into partnership with the Creator in the evolution of that selfsame creature. [!!] And during these times of expanding growth the incomplete is correlated with the perfect through the ministry of God the Sevenfold. [The first Deity Person in God the Sevenfold is our Master Creator Father-Son Jesus Christ Michael ! "Michael" is a high Title of Jesus Christ which means: "HE Who IS Just Like GOD !" See JESUS: See GOD; as THEY ARE ONE in Spirit Union !]
106:1.3 God the Sevenfold signifies the recognition by Paradise Deity of the barriers of time in the evolutionary universes of space. No matter how remote from Paradise, how deep in space, a material survival personality may take origin, God the Sevenfold [our Creator Father-Son Jesus Christ Michael and his Coordinate Creative (Holy) Spirit Partner running our local universe here named Nebadon !] will be found there present and engaged in the loving and merciful ministry of truth, beauty, and goodness to such an incomplete, struggling, and evolutionary creature. The divinity ministry of the Sevenfold reaches inward through the Eternal Son to the Paradise Father and outward through the Ancients of Days to the universe Fathers -- the Creator Sons. [Yes, Jesus Christ is our Creator Father-Son here in Spirit loving, saving, and ever-guiding us !]
106:1.4 Man, being personal and ascending by spiritual progression, finds the personal and spiritual divinity of the Sevenfold Deity; but there are other phases of the Sevenfold which are not concerned with the progression of personality. The divinity aspects of this Deity grouping are at present integrated in the liaison between the Seven Master Spirits and the Conjoint Actor, [God the Infinite Spirit functioning for God the Universal Father and God the Eternal Son and God the Father-Son and also as God the Infinite Spirit ! Four functions] but they are destined to be eternally unified in the emerging personality of the [evolving] Supreme Being. [She allows us to exist here as finite, perfecting-evolving human sons of God !] The other phases of the Sevenfold Deity are variously integrated in the present universe age, but all are likewise destined to be unified in the Supreme. The Sevenfold, in all phases, is the source of the relative unity of the functional reality of the present grand universe.
106:2.1 As God the Sevenfold functionally co-ordinates finite evolution, so does the Supreme Being eventually synthesize destiny attainment. The Supreme Being is the deity culmination of grand universe evolution -- physical evolution around a spirit nucleus and eventual dominance of the spirit nucleus over the encircling and whirling domains of physical evolution. And all of this takes place in accordance with the mandates of personality: Paradise personality in the highest sense, Creator personality in the universe sense, mortal personality [the nucleus of you is God spiritually indwelling you !] in the human sense, Supreme personality in the culminating or experiential totaling sense.
106:2.2 The concept of the Supreme must provide for the differential recognition of spirit person, evolutionary power, and power-personality synthesis -- the unification of evolutionary power with, and its dominance by, spirit personality.
106:2.3 Spirit, in the last analysis, comes from Paradise through Havona. Energy-matter seemingly evolves in the depths of space and is organized as power by the children of the Infinite Spirit in conjunction with the Creator Sons of God. And all of this is experiential; it is a transaction in time and space involving a wide range of living beings including even Creator divinities and evolutionary creatures. The power mastery of the Creator divinities in the grand universe slowly expands to encompass the evolutionary settling and stabilizing of the time-space creations, and this is the flowering of the experiential power of God the Sevenfold. It encompasses the whole gamut of divinity attainment in time and space from the Adjuster [God's pre-personal, pure spirit plus pure energy, within each of us] bestowals of the Universal Father to the life bestowals of the Paradise Sons. This is earned power, demonstrated power, experiential power; it stands in contrast to the eternity power, the unfathomable power, the existential power of the Paradise Deities.
106:2.4 This experiential power arising out of the divinity achievements of God the Sevenfold itself manifests the cohesive qualities of divinity by synthesizing -- totalizing -- as the almighty power of the attained experiential mastery of the evolving creations. And this almighty power in turn finds spirit-personality cohesion on the pilot sphere of the outer belt of Havona worlds in union with the spirit personality of the Havona presence of God the Supreme. Thus does experiential Deity culminate the long evolutionary struggle by investing the power product of time and space with the spirit presence and divine personality resident in the central creation.
106:2.5 Thus does the Supreme Being eventually attain to the embrace of all of everything evolving in time and space while investing these qualities with spirit personality. Since creatures, even mortals, are personality participants in this majestic transaction, so do they certainly attain the capacity to know the Supreme [and later reveal God the Supreme] and to perceive the Supreme as true children of such an evolutionary Deity. [in addition to our being sons of Jesus and sons of the Paradise Universal Father of all Reality ! Amen !]
106:2.6 [Our Jesus Christ] Michael of Nebadon is like the Paradise Father because he shares his Paradise perfection; so will evolutionary mortals sometime attain to kinship with the experiential Supreme, for they will truly share his evolutionary perfection. [!]
106:2.7 God the Supreme is experiential; therefore is he completely experiencible. [when fully manifest out here] The existential realities of the seven Absolutes are not perceivable by the technique of experience; only the personality realities of the Father, Son, and Spirit can be grasped by the personality of the finite creature in the prayer-worship attitude.
106:2.8 Within the completed power-personality synthesis of the Supreme Being there will be associated all of the absoluteness of the several triodities [of Actuality and of Potentiality] which could be so associated, and this majestic personality of evolution will be experientially attainable and understandable by all finite personalities. When ascenders attain the postulated seventh stage of spirit existence, they will therein experience the realization of a new meaning-value of the absoluteness and infinity of the triodities as such is revealed on subabsolute levels in the Supreme Being, who is experiencible. But the attainment of these stages of maximum development will probably await the co-ordinate settling of the entire grand universe in light and life. [In a few simple words, we each have an unimaginable, glorious eternal destiny unfolding on many levels !]
106:3.1 The absonite [transcendental, ultimate] architects eventuate the plan; the Supreme Creators bring it into existence; the Supreme Being will consummate its fullness as it was time created by the Supreme Creators, and as it was space forecast by the Master Architects.
106:3.2 During the present universe age the administrative co-ordination of the master universe is the function of the Architects of the Master Universe. But the appearance of the Almighty Supreme at the termination of the present universe age will signify that the evolutionary finite has attained the first stage of experiential destiny. This happening will certainly lead to the completed function of the first experiential Trinity -- [The Trinity Ultimate --] the union of the Supreme Creators, the Supreme Being, and the Architects of the Master Universe. This Trinity is destined to effect the further evolutionary integration of the master creation. [Our Master, Jesus Christ Michael is NOW a Member of The Trinity Ultimate !!!]
106:3.3 The Paradise Trinity is truly one of infinity, and no Trinity can possibly be infinite that does not include this original Trinity. But the original Trinity is an eventuality of the exclusive association of absolute Deities; subabsolute beings had nothing to do with this primal association. The subsequently appearing and experiential Trinities embrace the contributions of even creature personalities. Certainly this is true of the Trinity Ultimate, wherein the very presence of the Master Creator Sons among the Supreme Creator members thereof betokens the concomitant presence of actual and bona fide creature experience within this Trinity association.
106:3.4 The first experiential Trinity provides for group attainment of ultimate eventualities. Group associations are enabled to anticipate, even to transcend, individual capacities; and this is true even beyond the finite level. In the ages to come, after the seven superuniverses have been settled in light and life, the Corps of the Finality [including mostly Spirit-perfected Human Sons of God on Paradise !] will doubtless be promulgating the purposes of the Paradise Deities as they are dictated by the Trinity Ultimate, and as they are power-personality unified in the Supreme Being.
106:3.5 Throughout all the gigantic universe developments of past and future eternity, we detect the expansion of the comprehensible elements of the Universal Father. As the I AM, we [Melchizedeks of Nebadon] philosophically postulate his permeation of total infinity, but no creature is able experientially to encompass such a postulate. As the universes expand, and as [Personality, Spirit, Mind, Force-Energy] gravity and love reach out into time-organizing space, we are able to understand more and more of the First Source and Center. We observe gravity action penetrating the space presence of the Unqualified Absolute, and we detect spirit creatures evolving and expanding within the divinity presence of the Deity Absolute while both cosmic and spirit evolution are by mind and experience unifying on finite deity levels as the Supreme Being and are co-ordinating on transcendental levels as the Trinity Ultimate. [Deep ! As we ascend in the 570 progressively higher soul reality Heavens, high angels and even some Melchizedek Sons of God will be our Teachers; and we will have much higher capacity soul minds and cosmic experiences to really comprehend much more of it; but one billion higher Spirit Reality Heavens and then Paradise Residence await us to comprehend so much more ! Our Spirit growth and increasing Divine Service Ministry never ends ! We love and worship our all-loving Father God !]
106:4.1 The Paradise Trinity certainly co-ordinates in the ultimate sense but functions in this respect as a self-qualified absolute; the experiential Trinity Ultimate co-ordinates the transcendental as a transcendental. In the eternal future this experiential Trinity will, through augmenting unity, further activate the eventuating presence of Ultimate Deity.
106:4.2 While the Trinity Ultimate is destined to co-ordinate the master creation, God the Ultimate is the transcendental power-personalization of the directionization of the entire master universe. The completed eventuation of the Ultimate implies the completion of the master creation and connotes the full emergence of this transcendental Deity.
106:4.3 What changes will be inaugurated by the full emergence of the Ultimate we do not know. But as the Supreme is now spiritually and personally present in Havona, so also is the Ultimate there present but in the absonite and superpersonal sense. And you have been informed of the existence of the Qualified Vicegerents of the Ultimate, though you have not been informed of their present whereabouts or function.
106:4.4 But irrespective of the administrative repercussions attendant upon the emergence of Ultimate Deity, the personal values of his transcendental divinity will be experiencible by all personalities who have been participants in the actualization of this Deity level. Transcendence of the finite can lead only to ultimate attainment. God the Ultimate exists in transcendence of time and space but is nonetheless subabsolute notwithstanding inherent capacity for functional association with absolutes. [In Infinity, there is -- and will be to us-- an integrated Supreme-Ultimate-Absolute; but that is totally beyond all human comprehensions now. Hints about it are given in some places of this Revelation.]
106:5.1 The Ultimate is the apex of transcendental reality even as the Supreme is the capstone of evolutionary-experiential reality. And the actual emergence of these two experiential Deities lays the foundation for the second experiential Trinity. This is the Trinity Absolute, the union of God the Supreme, God the Ultimate, and the unrevealed Consummator of Universe Destiny. And this Trinity has theoretical capacity to activate the Absolutes of potentiality -- Deity, Universal, and Unqualified. But the completed formation of this Trinity Absolute could take place only after the completed evolution of the entire master universe, from Havona to the fourth and outermost space level. [There is Capacity for an Infinite Cosmos !]
106:5.2 It should be made clear that these experiential Trinities are correlative, not only of the personality qualities of experiential Divinity, but also of all the other-than-personal qualities which characterize their attained Deity unity. While this presentation deals primarily with the personal phases of the unification of the cosmos, it is nonetheless true that the impersonal aspects of the universe of universes are likewise destined to undergo unification as is illustrated by the power-personality synthesis now going on in connection with the evolution of the Supreme Being. The spirit-personal qualities of the Supreme are inseparable from the power prerogatives of the Almighty, [Almighty Supreme] and both are complemented by the unknown potential of Supreme mind. Neither can God the Ultimate as a person be considered apart from the other-than-personal aspects of Ultimate Deity. And on the absolute level the Deity and the Unqualified Absolutes are inseparable and indistinguishable in the presence of the Universal Absolute. [The three Absolutes are actually also One Absolute on Paradise-Eternity level !]
106:5.3 Trinities are, in and of themselves, not personal, but neither do they contravene personality. Rather do they encompass it and correlate it, in a collective sense, with impersonal functions. Trinities are, then, always deity reality but never personality reality. The personality aspects of a trinity are inherent in its individual members, and as individual persons they are not that trinity. Only as a collective are they trinity; that is trinity. But always is trinity inclusive of all encompassed deity; trinity is deity unity.
106:5.4 The three Absolutes -- Deity, Universal, and Unqualified -- are not trinity, for all are not deity. Only the deified can become trinity; all other associations are triunities or triodities.
Topical Study number 134
"KNOW and related words !"
Part 44
Compiled June 25, 2021 by Dave@PureChristians.org
The Urantia Book
[Paper:Section.Paragraph (numbers)]
106:6.1 The present potential of the master universe is hardly absolute, though it may well be near-ultimate, and we deem it impossible to achieve the full revelation of absolute meaning-values within the scope of a subabsolute cosmos. We therefore encounter considerable difficulty in attempting to conceive of a total expression of the limitless possibilities of the three Absolutes or even in attempting to visualize the experiential personalization of God the Absolute on the now impersonal level of the Deity Absolute.
106:6.2 The space-stage of the master universe seems to be adequate for the actualization of the Supreme Being, for the formation and full function of the Trinity Ultimate, for the eventuation of God the Ultimate, and even for the inception of the Trinity Absolute. But our concepts regarding the full function of this second experiential Trinity seem to imply something beyond even the wide-spreading master universe.
106:6.3 If we assume a cosmos-infinite -- some illimitable cosmos on beyond the master universe -- and if we conceive that the final developments of the Absolute Trinity will take place out on such a superultimate stage of action, then it becomes possible to conjecture that the completed function of the Trinity Absolute will achieve final expression in the creations of infinity and will consummate the absolute actualization of all potentials. [Tremendous !!!] The integration and association of ever-enlarging segments of reality will approach absoluteness of status proportional to the inclusion of all reality within the segments thus associated.
106:6.4 Stated otherwise: The Trinity Absolute, as its name implies, is really absolute in total function. We do not know how an absolute function can achieve total expression on a qualified, limited, or otherwise restricted basis. Hence we must assume that any such totality function will be unconditioned (in potential). And it would also appear that the unconditioned would also be unlimited, at least from a qualitative standpoint, though we are not so sure regarding quantitative relationships.
106:6.5 Of this, however, we are certain: While the existential Paradise Trinity is infinite, and while the experiential Trinity Ultimate is subinfinite, the Trinity Absolute is not so easy to classify. Though experiential in genesis and constitution, it definitely impinges upon the existential Absolutes of potentiality.
106:6.6 While it is hardly profitable for the human mind to seek to grasp such faraway and superhuman concepts, we would suggest that the eternity action of the Trinity Absolute may be thought of as culminating in some kind of experientialization of the Absolutes of potentiality. This would appear to be a reasonable conclusion with respect to the Universal Absolute, if not the Unqualified Absolute; at least we know that the Universal Absolute is not only static and potential but also associative in the total Deity sense of those words. But in regard to the conceivable values of divinity and personality, these conjectured happenings imply the personalization of the Deity Absolute and the appearance of those superpersonal values and those ultrapersonal meanings inherent in the personality completion of God the Absolute -- the third and last of the experiential Deities.
106:7.1 Some of the difficulties in forming concepts of infinite reality integration are inherent in the fact that all such ideas embrace something of the finality of universal development, some kind of an experiential realization of all that could ever be. And it is inconceivable that quantitative infinity could ever be completely realized in finality. Always there must remain unexplored possibilities in the three potential Absolutes which no quantity of experiential development could ever exhaust. Eternity itself, though absolute, is not more than absolute. [Infinite Reality can include an infinity of Eternities and of all Absolutes.]
106:7.2 Even a tentative concept of final integration is inseparable from the fruitions of unqualified eternity and is, therefore, practically nonrealizable at any conceivable future time.
106:7.3 Destiny is established by the volitional act of the Deities who constitute the Paradise Trinity; destiny is established in the vastness of the three great potentials whose absoluteness encompasses the possibilities of all future development; destiny is probably consummated by the act of the Consummator of Universe Destiny, and this act is probably involved with the Supreme and the Ultimate in the Trinity Absolute. Any experiential destiny can be at least partially comprehended by experiencing creatures; but a destiny which impinges on infinite existentials is hardly comprehensible. Finality destiny is an existential-experiential attainment which appears to involve the Deity Absolute. But the Deity Absolute stands in eternity relationship with the Unqualified Absolute by virtue of the Universal Absolute. And these three Absolutes, experiential in possibility, are actually existential and more, being limitless, timeless, spaceless, boundless, and measureless -- truly infinite.
106:7.4 The improbability of goal attainment does not, however, prevent philosophical theorizing about such hypothetical destinies. The actualization of the Deity Absolute as an attainable absolute God may be practically impossible of realization; nevertheless, such a finality fruition remains a theoretical possibility. The involvement of the Unqualified Absolute in some inconceivable cosmos-infinite may be measurelessly remote in the futurity of endless eternity, but such a hypothesis is nonetheless valid. Mortals, morontians, spirits, finaliters, Transcendentalers, and others, together with the universes themselves and all other phases of reality, certainly do have a potentially final destiny that is absolute in value; but we doubt that any being or universe will ever completely attain all of the aspects of such a destiny.
106:7.5 No matter how much you may grow in Father comprehension, your mind will always be staggered by the unrevealed infinity of the Father-I AM, the unexplored vastness of which will always remain unfathomable and incomprehensible throughout all the cycles of eternity. No matter how much of God you may attain, there will always remain much more of him, the existence of which you will not even suspect. And we believe that this is just as true on transcendental levels as it is in the domains of finite existence. The quest for God is endless! [Amen !]
106:7.6 Such inability to attain God in a final sense should in no manner discourage universe creatures; indeed, you can and do attain Deity levels of the Sevenfold, the Supreme, and the Ultimate, which mean to you what the infinite realization of God the Father means to the Eternal Son and to the Conjoint Actor in their absolute status of eternity existence. [Tremendous !!] Far from harassing the creature, the infinity of God should be the supreme assurance that throughout all endless futurity an ascending personality will have before him the possibilities of personality development and Deity association which even eternity will neither exhaust nor terminate.
106:7.7 To finite creatures of the grand universe the concept of the master universe seems to be well-nigh infinite, but doubtless the absonite architects thereof perceive its relatedness to future and unimagined developments within the unending I AM. Even space itself is but an ultimate condition, a condition of qualification within the relative absoluteness of the quiet zones of midspace. [in Paradise or near the Paradise Nuclear Isle.]
106:7.8 At the inconceivably distant future eternity moment of the final completion of the entire master universe, no doubt we will all look back upon its entire history as only the beginning, simply the creation of certain finite and transcendental foundations for even greater and more enthralling metamorphoses in uncharted infinity. At such a future eternity moment the master universe will still seem youthful; indeed, it will be always young in the face of the limitless possibilities of never-ending eternity. [!!]
106:7.9 The improbability of infinite destiny attainment does not in the least prevent the entertainment of ideas about such destiny, and we do not hesitate to say that, if the three absolute potentials could ever become completely actualized, it would be possible to conceive of the final integration of total reality. This developmental realization is predicated on the completed actualization of the Unqualified, Universal, and Deity Absolutes, the three potentialities whose union constitutes the latency of the I AM, the suspended realities of eternity, the abeyant possibilities of all futurity, and more. [very roughly, God seems to have "uncreated" or has "qualified" aspects of unqualified infinity to allow us to grow and experience Reality progressively.]
106:7.10 Such eventualities are rather remote to say the least; nevertheless, in the mechanisms, personalities, and associations of the three Trinities we believe we detect the theoretical possibility of the reuniting of the seven absolute phases of the Father-I AM. And this brings us face to face with the concept of the three-fold Trinity encompassing the Paradise Trinity of existential status and the two subsequently appearing Trinities of experiential nature and origin.
106:8.1 The nature of the Trinity of Trinities is difficult to portray to the human mind; it is the actual summation of the entirety of experiential infinity as such is manifested in a theoretical infinity of eternity realization. In the Trinity of Trinities the experiential infinite attains to identity with the existential infinite, and both are as one in the pre-experiential, pre-existential I AM. The Trinity of Trinities is the final expression of all that is implied in the fifteen triunities and associated triodities. Finalities are difficult for relative beings to comprehend, be they existential or experiential; therefore must they always be presented as relativities.
106:8.2 The Trinity of Trinities exists in several phases. It contains possibilities, probabilities, and inevitabilities that stagger the imaginations of beings far above the human level. It has implications that are probably unsuspected by the celestial philosophers, for its implications are in the triunities, and the triunities are, in the last analysis, unfathomable. [If higher beings do not grasp all of this, you might be asking why this complex material is presented to us lowly, finite human minds and beginning souls ? In stretching to grasp some of this, worship of God is enhanced, and we may engage our God-given creative imaginations which do contain some actual or probable realities on some higher level. There must be many more good reasons that we will benefit from this mighty Revelation. I have carefully read this 2097 page Revelation cover-to-cover over 20 times and have done thousands of topical studies; and in each reading, I do learn more ! Never does this become stale ! Yes, this Paper is very difficult; but many very interesting Papers will follow, finally including a huge, new Revelation of the Incarnate Life and Teachings of our God-Man Jesus Christ, now all posted on this website and being selectively re-presented here again. In this sense, the best is saved for last ! That then circles back to the first Papers on the nature and attributes of the Universal Father. "Elliptic symmetry of Reality."]
106:8.3 There are a number of ways in which the Trinity of Trinities can be portrayed. We [High Melchizedek Sons of God and others] elect to present the three-level concept, which is as follows:
106:8.4 #1. The level of the three Trinities.
106:8.5 #2. The level of experiential Deity.
106:8.6 #3. The level of the I AM.
106:8.7 These are levels of increasing unification. Actually the Trinity of Trinities is the first level, while the second and third levels are unification-derivatives of the first.
106:8.8 THE FIRST LEVEL: On this initial level of association it is believed that the three Trinities function as perfectly synchronized, though distinct, groupings of Deity personalities.
106:8.9 #1. The Paradise Trinity, the association of the three Paradise Deities -- Father, Son, and Spirit. It should be remembered that the Paradise Trinity implies a threefold function -- an absolute function, a transcendental function (Trinity of Ultimacy), and a finite function (Trinity of Supremacy) . The Paradise Trinity is any and all of these at any and all times.
106:8.10 #2. The Ultimate Trinity. This is the deity association of the Supreme Creators, God the Supreme, and the Architects of the Master Universe. While this is an adequate presentation of the divinity aspects of this Trinity, it should be recorded that there are other phases of this Trinity, which, however, appear to be perfectly co-ordinating with the divinity aspects.
106:8.11 #3. The Absolute Trinity. This is the grouping of God the Supreme, God the Ultimate, and the Consummator of Universe Destiny in regard to all divinity values. Certain other phases of this triune grouping have to do with other-than-divinity values in the expanding cosmos. But these are unifying with the divinity phases just as the power and the personality aspects of the experiential Deities are now in process of experiential synthesis.
106:8.12 The association of these three Trinities in the Trinity of Trinities provides for a possible unlimited integration of reality. This grouping contains causes, intermediates, and finals; inceptors, realizers, and consummators; beginnings, existences, and destinies. The Father-Son partnership has become Son-Spirit and then Spirit-Supreme and on to Supreme-Ultimate and Ultimate-Absolute, even to Absolute and Father-Infinite -- the completion of the cycle of reality. Likewise, in other phases not so immediately concerned with divinity and personality, does the First Great Source and Center self-realize the limitlessness of reality around the circle of eternity, from the absoluteness of self-existence, through the endlessness of self-revelation, to the finality of self-realization -- from the absolute of existentials to the finality of experientials.
106:8.13 THE SECOND LEVEL: The co-ordination of the three Trinities inevitably involves the associative union of the experiential Deities, who are genetically associated with these Trinities. The nature of this second level has been sometimes presented as:
106:8.14 #1. The Supreme. This is the deity consequence of the unity of the Paradise Trinity in experiential liaison with the Creator-Creative children of the Paradise Deities. The Supreme is the deity embodiment of the completion of the first stage of finite evolution.
106:8.15 #2. The Ultimate. This is the deity consequence of the eventuated unity of the second Trinity, the transcendental and absonite personification of divinity. The Ultimate consists in a variably regarded unity of many qualities, and the human conception thereof would do well to include at least those phases of ultimacy which are control directing, personally experiencible, and tensionally unifying, but there are many other unrevealed aspects of the eventuated Deity. While the Ultimate and the Supreme are comparable, they are not identical, neither is the Ultimate merely an amplification of the Supreme.
106:8.16 #3. The Absolute. There are many theories held as to the character of the third member of the second level of the Trinity of Trinities. God the Absolute is undoubtedly involved in this association as the personality consequence of the final function of the Trinity Absolute, yet the Deity Absolute is an existential reality of eternity status.
106:8.17 The concept difficulty regarding this third member is inherent in the fact that the presupposition of such a membership really implies just one Absolute. Theoretically, if such an event could take place, we should witness the experiential unification of the three Absolutes as one. And we are taught that, in infinity and existentially, there is one Absolute. While it is least clear as to who this third member can be, it is often postulated that such may consist of the Deity, Universal, and Unqualified Absolutes in some form of unimagined liaison and cosmic manifestation. Certainly, the Trinity of Trinities could hardly attain to complete function short of the full unification of the three Absolutes, and the three Absolutes can hardly be unified short of the complete realization of all infinite potentials.
106:8.18 It will probably represent a minimum distortion of truth if the third member of the Trinity of Trinities is conceived as the Universal Absolute, provided this conception envisions the Universal not only as static and potential but also as associative. But we still do not perceive the relationship to the creative and evolutional aspects of the function of total Deity.
106:8.19 Though a completed concept of the Trinity of Trinities is difficult to form, a qualified concept is not so difficult. If the second level of the Trinity of Trinities is conceived as essentially personal, it becomes quite possible to postulate the union of God the Supreme, God the Ultimate, and God the Absolute as the personal repercussion of the union of the personal Trinities who are ancestral to these experiential Deities. We venture the opinion that these three experiential Deities will certainly unify on the second level as the direct consequence of the growing unity of their ancestral and causative Trinities who constitute the first level.
106:8.20 The first level consists of three Trinities; the second level exists as the personality association of experiential-evolved, experiential-eventuated, and experiential-existential Deity personalities. And regardless of any conceptual difficulty in understanding the complete Trinity of Trinities, the personal association of these three Deities on the second level has become manifest to our own universe age in the phenomenon of the deitization of Majeston, [The Chief of Reflectivity] who was actualized on this second level by the Deity Absolute, acting through the Ultimate and in response to the initial creative mandate of the Supreme Being.
106:8.21 THE THIRD LEVEL: In an unqualified hypothesis of the second level of the Trinity of Trinities, there is embraced the correlation of every phase of every kind of reality that is, or was, or could be in the entirety of infinity. The Supreme Being is not only spirit but also mind and power and experience. The Ultimate is all this and much more, while, in the conjoined concept of the oneness of the Deity, Universal, and Unqualified Absolutes, there is included the absolute finality of all reality realization.
106:8.22 In the union of the Supreme, Ultimate, and the complete Absolute, there could occur the functional reassembly of those aspects of infinity which were originally segmentalized by the I AM, and which resulted in the appearance of the Seven Absolutes of Infinity. Though the universe philosophers deem this to be a most remote probability, still, we often ask this question: If the second level of the Trinity of Trinities could ever achieve trinity unity, what then would transpire as a consequence of such deity unity? We do not know, but we are confident that it would lead directly to the realization of the I AM as an experiential attainable. From the standpoint of personal beings it could mean that the unknowable I AM had become experiencible as the Father-Infinite. What these absolute destinies might mean from a nonpersonal standpoint is another matter and one which only eternity could possibly clarify. But as we view these remote eventualities as personal creatures, we deduce that the final destiny of all personalities is the final knowing of the Universal Father of these selfsame personalities.
106:8.23 As we philosophically conceive of the I AM in past eternity, he is alone, there is none beside him. Looking forward into future eternity, we do not see that the I AM could possibly change as an existential, but we are inclined to forecast a vast experiential difference. Such a concept of the I AM implies full self-realization -- it embraces that limitless galaxy of personalities who have become volitional participants in the self-revelation of the I AM, and who will remain eternally as absolute volitional parts of the totality of infinity, final sons of the absolute Father. [!!! "past eternity" is only to try to convey a little to us time-bound reflecting minds. In other paragraphs in this Revelation we have the Circle of Eternity and different benchmark points to locate eternal sequences. Also remember that Paradise and Eternity are not separable to personalities; but a unified Paradise-Eternity.]
106:9.1 In the concept of the Trinity of Trinities we postulate the possible experiential unification of limitless reality, and we sometimes theorize that all this may happen in the utter remoteness of far-distant eternity. But there is nonetheless an actual and present unification of infinity in this very age as in all past and future universe ages; such unification is existential in the Paradise Trinity. Infinity unification as an experiential reality is unthinkably remote, but an unqualified unity of infinity now dominates the present moment of universe existence and unites the divergencies of all reality with an existential majesty that is absolute.
106:9.2 When finite creatures attempt to conceive of infinite unification on the finality levels of consummated eternity, they are face to face with intellect limitations inherent in their finite existences. Time, space, and experience constitute barriers to creature concept; and yet, without time, apart from space, and except for experience, no creature could achieve even a limited comprehension of universe reality. Without time sensitivity, no evolutionary creature could possibly perceive the relations of sequence. Without space perception, no creature could fathom the relations of simultaneity. Without experience, no evolutionary creature could even exist; only the Seven Absolutes of Infinity really transcend experience, and even these may be experiential in certain phases.
106:9.3 Time, space, and experience are man's greatest aids to relative reality perception and yet his most formidable obstacles to complete reality perception. Mortals and many other universe creatures find it necessary to think of potentials as being actualized in space and evolving to fruition in time, but this entire process is a time-space phenomenon which does not actually take place on Paradise and in eternity. On the absolute level there is neither time nor space; all potentials may be there perceived as actuals. [Wow !! And we will eventually be residents there as Sons of God !!]
106:9.4 The concept of the unification of all reality, be it in this or any other universe age, is basically twofold: existential and experiential. Such a unity is in process of experiential realization in the Trinity of Trinities, but the degree of the apparent actualization of this threefold Trinity is directly proportional to the disappearance of the qualifications and imperfections of reality in the cosmos. But total integration of reality is unqualifiedly and eternally and existentially present in the Paradise Trinity, within which, at this very universe moment, infinite reality is absolutely unified.
106:9.5 The paradox created by the experiential and the existential viewpoints is inevitable and is predicated in part on the fact that the Paradise Trinity and the Trinity of Trinities are each an eternity relationship which mortals can only perceive as a time-space relativity. The human concept of the gradual experiential actualization of the Trinity of Trinities -- the time viewpoint -- must be supplemented by the additional postulate that this is already a factualization -- the eternity viewpoint. But how can these two viewpoints be reconciled? To finite mortals we suggest the acceptance of the truth that the Paradise Trinity is the existential unification of infinity, [!!] and that the inability to detect the actual presence and completed manifestation of the experiential Trinity of Trinities is in part due to reciprocal distortion because of:
106:9.6 #1. The limited human viewpoint, the inability to grasp the concept of unqualified eternity.
106:9.7 #2. The imperfect human status, the remoteness from the absolute level of experientials.
106:9.8 #3. The purpose of human existence, the fact that mankind is designed to evolve by the technique of experience and, therefore, must be inherently and constitutively dependent on experience. Only an Absolute can be both existential and experiential.
106:9.9 The Universal Father in the Paradise Trinity is the I AM of the Trinity of Trinities, and the failure to experience the Father as infinite is due to finite limitations. The concept of the existential, solitary, pre-Trinity nonattainable I AM and the postulate of the experiential post-Trinity of Trinities and attainable I AM are one and the same hypothesis; no actual change has taken place in the Infinite; all apparent developments are due to increased capacities for reality reception and cosmic appreciation.
106:9.10 The I AM, in the final analysis, must exist before all existentials and after all experientials. While these ideas may not clarify the paradoxes of eternity and infinity in the human mind, they should at least stimulate such finite intellects to grapple anew with these never-ending problems, problems which will continue to intrigue you on Salvington [Jesus' and our local universe Headquarters] and later as finaliters and on throughout the unending future of your eternal careers in the wide-spreading universes.
106:9.11 Sooner or later all universe personalities begin to realize that the final quest of eternity is the endless exploration of infinity, the never-ending voyage of discovery into the absoluteness of the First Source and Center. Sooner or later we all become aware that all creature growth is proportional to Father identification. We arrive at the understanding that living the will of God is the eternal passport to the endless possibility of infinity itself. Mortals will sometime realize that success in the quest of the Infinite is directly proportional to the achievement of Father-likeness, and that in this universe age the realities of the Father are revealed within the qualities of divinity. And these qualities of divinity are personally appropriated by universe creatures in the experience of living divinely, and to live divinely means actually to live the will of God. [Try to live and treat all humans as you know or believe that Jesus our True God-Man would live and treat all persons.]
106:9.12 To material, evolutionary, finite creatures, a life predicated on the living of the Father's will leads directly to the attainment of spirit supremacy in the personality arena and brings such creatures one step nearer the comprehension of the Father-Infinite. Such a Father life is one predicated on truth, sensitive to beauty, and dominated by goodness. Such a God-knowing person is inwardly illuminated by worship and outwardly devoted to the wholehearted service of the universal brotherhood of all personalities, a service ministry which is filled with mercy and motivated by love, while all these life qualities are unified in the evolving personality on ever-ascending levels of cosmic wisdom, self-realization, God-finding, and Father worship.
106:9.13 {Presented by a Melchizedek of Nebadon (our local universe created and ruled by Jesus Christ)}
Topical Study number 134
"KNOW and related words !"
Part 45
Compiled June 28, 2021 by Dave@PureChristians.org
The Urantia Book
[Paper:Section.Paragraph (numbers)]
[Important !]
107:0.1 Although the Universal Father is personally resident on Paradise, at the very center of the universes, he is also actually present on the worlds of space in the minds of his countless children of time, for he indwells them as the Mystery Monitors. [also called Thought Adjusters, Thought Controllers, Divine Pilot Light, God's pure spirit Essence within you, the will of God, the future all-perfected You as a Son of God with a Glorious Destiny in eternal, infinite Paradise and God the Father, Son and Spirit !] The eternal Father is at one and the same time farthest removed from, and most intimately associated with, his planetary mortal sons. [All humans, males and females equally, are spiritually classified as sons of God. The many types of angels and super-angels are the daughters of God.]
107:0.2 The Adjusters are the actuality of the Father's love incarnate in the souls of men; they are the veritable promise of man's eternal career imprisoned within the mortal mind; they are the essence of man's perfected finaliter personality, which he can foretaste in time as he progressively masters the divine technique of achieving the living of the Father's will, step by step, through the ascension of universe upon universe until he actually attains the divine presence of his Paradise Father.
107:0.3 God, having commanded man to be perfect, even as he is perfect, has descended as the Adjuster to become man's experiential partner in the achievement of the supernal destiny which has been thus ordained. The fragment of God which indwells the mind of man is the absolute and unqualified assurance that man can find the Universal Father in association with this divine Adjuster, which came forth from God to find man and sonship him even in the days of the flesh.
107:0.4 Any mortal who has seen a Creator Son [our local universe Creator Son Jesus Christ Michael] has seen the Universal Father, and he who is indwelt by a divine Adjuster is indwelt by the Paradise Father. [True ! All of God the Universal Father is in our Creator Son Jesus Christ. He can and does Reveal God the Father-Infinite I AM to you in your soul, and also with God's pure spirit Essence within your mind !] Every mortal who is consciously or unconsciously following the leading of his indwelling Adjuster is living in accordance with the will of God. Consciousness of Adjuster presence is consciousness of God's presence. Eternal fusion of the Adjuster with the evolutionary [ascending] soul of man is the factual experience of eternal union with God as [this God-Man (you !) being then] a universe associate of Deity.
107:0.5 It is the Adjuster who creates within man that unquenchable yearning and incessant longing to be like God, to attain Paradise, and there before the actual person of Deity to worship the infinite source of the divine gift. The Adjuster is the living presence which actually links the mortal son with his Paradise Father and draws him nearer and nearer to the Father. The Adjuster is our compensatory equalization of the enormous universe tension which is created by the distance of man's removal from God and by the degree of his partiality in contrast with the universality of the eternal Father.
107:0.6 The Adjuster is an absolute essence of an infinite being imprisoned within the mind of a finite creature which, depending on the choosing of such a mortal, can eventually consummate this temporary union of God and man [!!] and veritably actualize a new order of being for unending universe service. The Adjuster is the divine universe reality which factualizes the truth that God is man's Father. The Adjuster is man's infallible cosmic compass, always and unerringly pointing the soul Godward. [The Infinite God is in finite you now !]
107:0.7 On the evolutionary [perfecting] worlds, will creatures traverse three general developmental stages of being: From the arrival of the Adjuster to comparative full growth, about twenty years of age on Earth, the Monitors are sometimes designated Thought Changers. From this time to the attainment of the age of discretion, about forty years, the Mystery Monitors are called Thought Adjusters. From the attainment of discretion [soul wisdom augmentation; higher morality, and increasing mind control] to deliverance from the flesh, they are often referred to as Thought Controllers. These three phases of mortal life have no connection with the three stages of Adjuster progress in mind duplication and soul evolution.
107:1.1 Since Thought Adjusters are of the essence of original Deity, no one may presume to discourse authoritatively upon their nature and origin; I can only impart the traditions of Salvington [the spiritual headquarters of our local universe of Nebadon] and the beliefs of Uversa; I [a Solitary Messenger of Orvonton, the name of our Superuniverse #7 of seven. Uversa is the spiritual headquarters] can only explain how we regard these Mystery Monitors and their associated entities [? a mystery !] throughout the grand universe.
107:1.2 Though there are diverse opinions regarding the mode of the bestowal of Thought Adjusters, there exist no such differences concerning their origin; all are agreed that they proceed direct from the Universal Father, the First Source and Center. They are not created beings; they are fragmentized entities constituting the factual presence of the infinite God. Together with their many unrevealed [mystery entities as mentioned above] associates, the Adjusters are undiluted and unmixed divinity, unqualified and unattenuated parts of Deity; they are of God, and as far as we are able to discern, they are God.
107:1.3 As to the time of their beginning separate existences apart from the absoluteness of the First Source and Center, we do not know; neither do we know their number. [They are certainly eternal and probably an infinite number of them !] We know very little concerning their careers until they arrive On the planets of time to indwell human minds, but from that time on we are more or less familiar with their cosmic progressions up to and including the consummation of their triune destinies: attainment of personality by fusion with some mortal ascender, attainment of personality by fiat [let it Be now as God has willed] of the Universal Father, or liberation from the known assignments of Thought Adjusters.
107:1.4 Although we do not know, we presume that Adjusters are being constantly individualized as the universe enlarges, and as the candidates for Adjuster fusion increase in numbers. But it may be equally possible that we are in error in attempting to assign a numerical magnitude to the Adjusters; like God himself, these fragments of his unfathomable nature may be existentially infinite. [Yes, I can conceive that the Father-Infinite on infinite-sized Paradise (Unqualified) can and does have, in Eternity now, an infinite number of Beings in His Family ! We are now named and numbered in this Eternal Family ! What a Gift !]
107:1.5 The technique of the origin of the Thought Adjusters is one of the unrevealed functions of the Universal Father. We have every reason to believe that none of the other absolute associates of the First Source and Center have aught to do with the production of Father fragments. Adjusters are simply and eternally the divine gifts; they are of God and from God, and they are like God.
107:1.6 In their relationship to fusion creatures they reveal a supernal love and spiritual ministry that is profoundly confirmative of the declaration that God is Spirit. But there is much that takes place in addition to this transcendent ministry that has never been revealed to Earth mortals. [!! Mystery Monitor is thus a very proper description.] Neither do we fully understand just what really transpires when the Universal Father gives of himself to be a part of the personality of a creature of time. Nor has the ascending progression of the Paradise finaliters as yet disclosed the full possibilities inherent in this supernal partnership of man and God. In the last analysis, the Father fragments must be the gift of the absolute God to those creatures whose destiny encompasses the possibility of the attainment of God as Absolute. [We start out in the Perfecting Supreme time-space local universes, then in the Perfected Ultimate one billion Spheres of Havona, then in eternally Perfect Absolute-Infinite Paradise ! Three levels of Reality: Perfecting, Perfected and Perfect, and perfectly unified in God's Infinite-Eternal Volition (Will) !]
107:1.7 As the Universal Father fragmentizes his prepersonal Deity, [possibly meaning that God's Super-Personality or Infinite Deity is eternally Primal to Personality which is also Eternal and Absolute. Yes, this is very difficult to even begin to grasp in our minds now; but it is worth trying !] so does the Infinite Spirit individuate portions of his premind spirit to indwell and actually to fuse with the evolutionary souls of the surviving mortals of the spirit-fusion series. But the nature of the Eternal Son is not thus fragmentable; the spirit of the Original Son is either diffuse or discretely personal. Son-fused creatures are united with individualized bestowals of the spirit of the Creator Sons of the Eternal Son. [Jesus' Spirit-fused ! This is not Revealed here; but possibly there will then be some Father-Son fragments-fused; and later maybe Father-Son-Spirit fragments-fused in the distant (to us) age of the Deity Absolute. Don't think that being Father- or Son- or Spirit- fused is higher or lower than the others; in the Big Eternal Picture, God loves and blesses all mortals and beings with an infinite, non-partial love, and gives the best Destiny for each. Only in this Supreme age, and maybe the higher Ultimate age, are there some apparent differences of destinies.]
107:2.1 Adjusters are individuated as virgin entities, and all are destined to become either liberated, fused, or Personalized Monitors. We [Solitary Messengers of Orvonton] understand that there are seven orders of Thought Adjusters, although we do not altogether comprehend these divisions. We often refer to the different orders as follows:
107:2.2 1. Virgin Adjusters, those serving on their initial assignment in the minds of evolutionary candidates for eternal survival. Mystery Monitors are eternally uniform in divine nature. They are also uniform in experiential nature as they first go out from Divinington; [one of seven high Spheres of God the Universal Father circling the nuclear Isle of Paradise] subsequent experiential differentiation is the result of actual experience in universe ministry.
107:2.3 2. Advanced Adjusters, those who have served one or more seasons with will creatures on worlds where the final fusion takes place between the identity of the creature of time and an individualized portion of the spirit of the local universe manifestation of the Third Source and Center. [Those humans will be later Spirit-fused and not Father-fused. That gives these Adjusters more practice in perfecting humans to be more efficient when within other humans who can Father-fuse.]
107:2.4 3. Supreme Adjusters, those Monitors that have served in the adventure of time on the evolutionary worlds, but whose human partners for some reason declined eternal survival, and those that have been subsequently assigned to other adventures in other mortals on other evolving worlds. A supreme Adjuster, though no more divine than a virgin Monitor, has had more experience, can do things in the human mind which a less experienced Adjuster could not do.
107:2.5 4. Vanished Adjusters. Here occurs a break in our efforts to follow the careers of the Mystery Monitors. There is a fourth stage of service about which we are not sure. The Melchizedeks teach that the fourth-stage Adjusters are on detached assignments, roaming the universe of universes. The Solitary Messengers are inclined to believe that they are at one with the First Source and Center, enjoying a period of refreshing association with the Father himself. And it is entirely possible that an Adjuster could be roaming the master universe simultaneously with being at one with the omnipresent Father. [of course !]
107:2.6 5. Liberated Adjusters, those Mystery Monitors that have been eternally liberated from the service of time for the mortals of the evolving spheres. What functions may be theirs, we do not know.
107:2.7 6. Fused Adjusters -- finaliters -- those who have become one with the ascending creatures of the superuniverses, the eternity partners of the time ascenders of the Paradise Corps of the Finality. Thought Adjusters ordinarily become fused with the ascending mortals of time, and with such surviving mortals they are registered in and out of Ascendington; they follow the course of ascendant beings. Upon fusion with the ascending evolutionary soul, it appears that the Adjuster translates from the absolute existential level of the universe to the finite experiential level of functional association with an ascending personality. While retaining all of the character of the existential divine nature, a fused Adjuster becomes indissolubly linked with the ascending career of a surviving mortal. [We get the Adjuster's Spirit perfection; the Adjuster is now a personality - our personality ! Win-Win ! The Whole is greater than the parts !]
107:2.8 7. Personalized Adjusters, those who have served with the incarnated Paradise Sons, together with many who have achieved unusual distinction during the mortal indwelling, but whose subjects rejected survival. We have reasons for believing that such Adjusters are personalized on the recommendations of the Ancients of Days of the superuniverse of their assignment.
107:2.9 There are many ways in which these mysterious God fragments can be classified: according to universe assignment, by the measure of success in the indwelling of an individual mortal, or even by the racial ancestry of the mortal candidate for fusion.
107:3.1 All universe activities related to the dispatch, management, direction, and return of the Mystery Monitors from service in all of the seven superuniverses seem to be centered on the sacred sphere of Divinington. As far as I know, none but Adjusters and other entities of the Father have been on that sphere. It seems likely that numerous unrevealed prepersonal entities share Divinington as a home sphere with the Adjusters. We conjecture that these fellow entities may in some manner be associated with the present and future ministry of the Mystery Monitors. But we really do not know. [more mystery]
107:3.2 When Thought Adjusters return to the Father, they go back to the realm of supposed origin, Divinington; and probably as a part of this experience, there is actual contact with the Father's Paradise personality as well as with the specialized manifestation of the Father's divinity which is reported to be situated on this secret sphere.
107:3.3 Although we know something of all the seven secret spheres of Paradise, we know less of Divinington than of the others. Beings of high spiritual orders receive only three divine injunctions, and they are:
107:3.4 1. Always to show adequate respect for the experience and endowments of their seniors and superiors.
107:3.5 2. Always to be considerate of the limitations and inexperience of their juniors and subordinates.
107:3.6 3. Never to attempt a landing on the shores of Divinington.
107:3.7 I have often reflected that it would be quite useless for me to go to Divinington; I probably should be unable to see any resident beings except such as the Personalized Adjusters, and I have seen them elsewhere. I am very sure there is nothing on Divinington of real value or profit to me, nothing essential to my growth and development, or I should not have been forbidden to go there.
107:3.8 Since we can learn little or nothing of the nature and origin of Adjusters from Divinington, we are compelled to gather information from a thousand and one different sources, and it is necessary to assemble, associate, and correlate this accumulated data in order that such knowledge may be informative.
107:3.9 The valor and wisdom exhibited by Thought Adjusters suggest that they have undergone a training of tremendous scope and range. [!] Since they are not personalities, this training must be imparted in the educational institutions of Divinington. The unique Personalized Adjusters no doubt constitute the personnel of the Adjuster training schools of Divinington. And we do know that this central and supervising corps is presided over by the now Personalized Adjuster of the first Paradise Son of the Michael order to complete his sevenfold bestowal upon the races and peoples of his universe realms. [Our now Eternally Sovereign Master Son is Jesus Christ Michael, number 611,121, Who is creating and evolving our universe here. #611,121 of 700,000 at the end of this first Grand Universe Age.]
107:3.10 We really know very little about the nonpersonalized Adjusters; we only contact and communicate with the personalized orders. These are christened on Divinington and are always known by name and not by number. The Personalized Adjusters are permanently domiciled on Divinington; that sacred sphere is their home. They go out from that abode only by the will of the Universal Father. Very few are found in the domains of the local universes, but larger numbers are present in the central universe. [The Personalized Adjuster of Jesus Christ is in charge of all Adjusters in Nebadon; and He is now on Earth -- this is stated later here !]
107:4.1 To say that a Thought Adjuster is divine is merely to recognize the nature of origin. It is highly probable that such purity of divinity embraces the essence of the potential of all attributes of Deity which can be contained within such a fragment of the absolute essence of the universal presence of the eternal and infinite Paradise Father.
107:4.2 The actual source of the Adjuster must be infinite, and before fusion with the immortal soul of an evolving mortal, the reality of the Adjuster must border on absoluteness. Adjusters are not absolutes in the universal sense, in the Deity sense, but they are probably true absolutes within the potentialities of their fragmented nature. They are qualified as to universality but not as to nature; in extensiveness they are limited, but in intensiveness of meaning, value, and fact they are absolute . For this reason we sometimes denominate the divine gifts as the qualified absolute fragments of the Father.
107:4.3 No Adjuster has ever been disloyal to the Paradise Father; the lower orders of personal creatures may sometimes have to contend with disloyal fellows, but never the Adjusters; they are supreme and infallible in their supernal sphere of creature ministry and universe function.
107:4.4 Nonpersonalized Adjusters are visible only to Personalized Adjusters. My order, the Solitary Messengers, together with Inspired Trinity Spirits, can detect the presence of Adjusters by means of spiritual reactive phenomena; and even seraphim can sometimes discern the spirit luminosity of supposed association with the presence of Monitors in the material minds of men; [They are also called Divine Pilot Lights] but none of us are able actually to discern the real presence of Adjusters, not unless they have been personalized, albeit their natures are perceivable in union with the fused personalities of the ascending mortals from the evolutionary worlds. The universal invisibility of the Adjusters is strongly suggestive of their high and exclusive divine origin and nature.
107:4.5 There is a characteristic light, a spirit luminosity, which accompanies this divine presence, and which has become generally associated with Thought Adjusters. In the universe of Nebadon this Paradise luminosity is widespreadly known as the "pilot light"; on Uversa it is called the "light of life." On Earth this phenomenon has sometimes been referred to as that "true light which lights every man who comes into the world."
107:4.6 To all beings who have attained the Universal Father, the Personalized Thought Adjusters are visible. Adjusters of all stages, together with all other beings, entities, spirits, personalities, and spirit manifestations, are always discernible by those Supreme Creator Personalities who originate in the Paradise Deities, and who preside over the major governments of the grand universe. [Our Sovereign Creator Jesus sees all !]
107:4.7 Can you really realize the true significance of the Adjuster's indwelling? Do you really fathom what it means to have an absolute fragment of the absolute and infinite Deity, the Universal Father, indwelling and fusing [probably a continual process - the New and Living Way given to us by Jesus' Spirit of Truth freely outpouring all humans to allow them to have a Mystery Monitor Adjuster !] with your finite mortal natures? When mortal man fuses with an actual fragment of the existential Cause of the total cosmos, no limit can ever be placed upon the destiny of such an unprecedented and unimaginable partnership. In eternity, man will be discovering not only the infinity of the objective Deity but also the unending potentiality of the subjective fragment of this same God. Always will the Adjuster be revealing to the mortal personality the wonder of God, and never can this supernal revelation come to an end, for the Adjuster is of God and as God to mortal man. [Thank you our Universal Father and our Universe Creator Jesus; ever One in Spirit !]
107:5.1 Evolutionary mortals are prone to look upon mind as a cosmic mediation between spirit and matter, for that is indeed the principal ministry of mind as discernible by you. Hence it is quite difficult for humans to perceive that Thought Adjusters have minds, for Adjusters are fragmentations of God on an absolute level of reality which is not only prepersonal but also prior to all energy and spirit divergence. On a monistic level antecedent to energy and spirit differentiation there could be no mediating function of mind, for there are no divergencies to be mediated. [Tremendous !!!]
107:5.2 Since Adjusters can plan, work, and love, they must have powers of selfhood which are commensurate with mind. They are possessed of unlimited ability to communicate with each other, that is, all forms of Monitors above the first or virgin groups. As to the nature and purport of their intercommunications, we can reveal very little, for we do not know. And we further know that they must be minded in some manner else they could never be personalized.
107:5.3 The mindedness of the Thought Adjuster is like the mindedness of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son -- that which is ancestral to the minds of the Conjoint Actor.
107:5.4 The type of mind postulated in an Adjuster must be similar to the mind endowment of numerous other orders of prepersonal entities [!] which presumably likewise originate in the First Source and Center. Though many of these orders have not been revealed on Earth, they all disclose minded qualities. It is also possible for these individuations of original Deity to become unified with numerous evolving types of nonmortal beings and even with a limited number of nonevolutionary beings [Transcendentalers and Absoniters on the Ultimate level; maybe others unrevealed] who have developed capacity for fusion with such Deity fragments.
107:5.5 When a Thought Adjuster is fused with the evolving immortal morontia soul of the surviving human, the mind of the Adjuster can only be identified as persisting apart from the creature's mind until the ascending mortal attains spirit levels of universe progression. [this also shows me that fusioning -- a continual fusing process -- is happening now and in our later advancing stages.]
107:5.6 Upon the attainment of the finaliter levels of ascendant experience, these spirits of the sixth stage appear to transmute some mind factor representing a union of certain phases of the mortal and Adjuster minds which had previously functioned as liaison between the divine and human phases of such ascending personalities. This experiential mind quality probably "supremacizes" and subsequently augments the experiential endowment of evolutionary Deity -- the Supreme Being. [More on the Supreme in Papers 115 through 118 coming up, and in my earlier topical studies.]
107:6.1 As Thought Adjusters are encountered in creature experience, they disclose the presence and leading of a spirit influence. The Adjuster is indeed a spirit, pure spirit, but spirit plus. We have never been able satisfactorily to classify Mystery Monitors; all that can certainly be said of them is that they are truly Godlike.
107:6.2 The Adjuster is man's eternal possibility; man is the Adjuster's personality possibility. Your individual Adjusters work to spiritize you in the hope of eternalizing your temporal identity. The Adjusters are saturated with the beautiful and self-bestowing love of the Father of spirits. They truly and divinely love you; they are the prisoners of spirit hope confined within the minds of men. They long for the divinity attainment of your mortal minds that their loneliness may end, that they may be delivered with you from the limitations of material investiture and the habiliments of time.
107:6.3 Your path to Paradise is the path of spirit attainment, and the Adjuster nature will faithfully unfold the revelation of the spiritual nature of the Universal Father. Beyond the Paradise ascent and in the postfinaliter stages of the eternal career, the Adjuster may possibly contact with the onetime human partner in other than spirit ministry; but the Paradise ascent and the finaliter career are the partnership between the God-knowing spiritualizing mortal and the spiritual ministry of the God-revealing Adjuster.
107:6.4 We know that Thought Adjusters are spirits, pure spirits, presumably absolute spirits. But the Adjuster must also be something more than exclusive spirit reality. In addition to conjectured mindedness, factors of pure energy are also present. If you will remember that God is the source of pure energy and of pure spirit, it will not be so difficult to perceive that his fragments would be both. It is a fact that the Adjusters traverse space over the instantaneous and universal gravity circuits of the Paradise Isle. [thus infinite speed, and/or total transcendence of space]
107:6.5 That the Mystery Monitors are thus associated with the material circuits of the universe of universes is indeed puzzling. But it remains a fact that they flash throughout the entire grand universe over the material-gravity circuits. It is entirely possible that they may even penetrate the outer space levels; they certainly could follow the gravity presence of Paradise into these regions, and though my order of personality can traverse the mind circuits of the Conjoint Actor also beyond the confines of the grand universe, we have never been sure of detecting the presence of Adjusters in the uncharted regions of outer space.
107:6.6 And yet, while the Adjusters utilize the material-gravity circuits, they are not subject thereto as is material creation. The Adjusters are fragments of the ancestor of gravity, not the consequentials of gravity; they have segmentized on a universe level of existence which is hypothetically antecedent to gravity appearance.
107:6.7 Thought Adjusters have no relaxation from the time of their bestowal until the day of their release to start for Divinington upon the natural death of their mortal subjects. And those whose subjects do not pass through the portals of natural death do not even experience this temporary respite. Thought Adjusters do not require energy intake; they are energy, energy of the highest and most divine order. [God thus works to spiritualize and eternalize you all of the time ! What love and perfect ministry !]
107:7.1 Thought Adjusters are not personalities, but they are real entities; they are truly and perfectly individualized, although they are never, while indwelling mortals, actually personalized. Thought Adjusters are not true personalities; they are true realities, realities of the purest order known in the universe of universes -- they are the divine presence. Though not personal, these marvelous fragments of the Father are commonly referred to as beings and sometimes, in view of the spiritual phases of their present ministry to mortals, as spirit entities.
107:7.2 If Thought Adjusters are not personalities having prerogatives of will and powers of choice, how then can they select mortal subjects and volunteer to indwell these creatures of the evolutionary worlds? This is a question easy to ask, but probably no being in the universe of universes has ever found the exact answer. Even my order of personality, the Solitary Messengers, does not fully understand the endowment of will, choice, and love in entities that are not personal.
107:7.3 We have often speculated that Thought Adjusters must have volition on all prepersonal levels of choice. They volunteer to indwell human beings, they lay plans for man's eternal career, they adapt, modify, and substitute in accordance with circumstances, and these activities connote genuine volition. They have affection for mortals, they function in universe crises, they are always waiting to act decisively in accordance with human choice, and all these are highly volitional reactions. In all situations not concerned with the domain of the human will, they unquestionably exhibit conduct which betokens the exercise of powers in every sense the equivalent of will, maximated decision.
107:7.4 Why then, if Thought Adjusters possess volition, are they subservient to the mortal will? We believe it is because Adjuster volition, though absolute in nature, is prepersonal in manifestation. Human will functions on the personality level of universe reality, and throughout the cosmos the impersonal -- the nonpersonal, the subpersonal, and the prepersonal -- is ever responsive to the will and acts of existent personality. [note that superpersonal and omnipersonal are not included here]
107:7.5 Throughout a universe of created beings and nonpersonal energies we do not observe will, volition, choice, and love manifested apart from personality. Except in the Adjusters and other similar entities we do not witness these attributes of personality functioning in association with impersonal realities. It would not be correct to designate an Adjuster as subpersonal, neither would it be proper to allude to such an entity as superpersonal, but it would be entirely permissible to term such a being prepersonal.
107:7.6 To our orders of being these fragments of Deity are known as the divine gifts. We recognize that the Adjusters are divine in origin, and that they constitute the probable proof and demonstration of a reservation by the Universal Father of the possibility of direct and unlimited communication with any and all material creatures throughout his virtually infinite realms, and all of this quite apart from his presence in the personalities of his Paradise Sons or through his indirect ministrations in the personalities of the Infinite Spirit. [God has no PERSONAL Manifestation in our local universe of Nebadon except His Full Presence in our Sovereign Creator Father -- our Savior Jesus Christ Michael !!]
107:7.7 There are no created beings that would not delight to be hosts to the Mystery Monitors, but no orders of beings are thus indwelt excepting evolutionary will creatures of finaliter destiny. [What a wonderful Gift to each of us !]
107:7.8 {Presented by a Solitary Messenger of Orvonton.}