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Teacher-Brother Dave's Compilation


The New Epochal Revelation of Truth, Page 444

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Teacher-Brother Dave's initial comments: I am presenting some of my Topical Studies from the fully public domain, 2097 page, Fifth Epochal Revelation of Truth and with my added comments. The Revealed text is free of copyright, so you may freely share individually these supernal quotes with your friends and relatives. But my order of selections, font types for emphasis and my added comments are Copyright 2022 by Dave@PureChristians.org All Rights Reserved. Contact me first about using the whole Study or group of Studies.

[My added comments of explanation below are in these square brackets]

Topical Study number 145

"My Important HighLights of The Urantia (Earth) Book"

Part 17


Compiled May 03, 2023 by Dave@PureChristians.org



[Paper:Section.Paragraph (Numbers]

14:5.1 On Earth you pass through a short and intense test during your initial life of material existence. On the mansion worlds and up through your system, constellation, and local universe, you traverse the morontia [soul realities] phases of ascension. On the training worlds of the superuniverse you pass through the true spirit stages of progression and are prepared for eventual transit to Havona. On the seven circuits of Havona [a total of one billion Havona worlds] your attainment is intellectual, spiritual, and experiential. And there is a definite task to be achieved on each of the worlds of each of these circuits.

14:5.2 Life on the divine worlds of the central universe is so rich and full, so complete and replete, [complete in all situations] that it wholly transcends the human concept of anything a created being could possibly experience. The social and economic activities of this eternal creation are entirely dissimilar to the occupations of material creatures living on evolutionary worlds like Earth. Even the technique of Havona thought is unlike the process of thinking on Earth.

14:5.3 The regulations of the central universe are fittingly and inherently natural; the rules of conduct are not arbitrary. In every requirement of Havona there is disclosed the reason of righteousness and the rule of justice. And these two factors, combined, equal what on Earth would be denominated fairness. When you arrive in Havona, you will naturally enjoy doing things the way they should be done.

14:5.4 When intelligent beings first attain the central universe, they are received and domiciled on the pilot world of the seventh Havona circuit. As the new arrivals progress spiritually, attain identity comprehension of their superuniverse Master Spirit, they are transferred to the sixth circle. (It is from these arrangements in the central universe that the circles of progress in the human mind have been designated. After ascenders have attained a realization of Supremacy and are thereby prepared for the Deity adventure, they are taken to the fifth circuit; and after attaining the Infinite Spirit, they are transferred to the fourth. Following the attainment of the Eternal Son, they are removed to the third; and when they have recognized the Universal Father, they go to sojourn on the second circuit of worlds, where they become more familiar with the Paradise hosts. Arrival on the first circuit of Havona signifies the acceptance of the candidates of time into the service of Paradise. Indefinitely, according to the length and nature of the creature ascension, they will tarry on the inner circuit of progressive spiritual attainment. From this inner circuit the ascending pilgrims pass inward to Paradise residence and admission to the Corps of the Finality.

14:5.5 During your sojourn in Havona as a pilgrim of ascent, you will be allowed to visit freely among the worlds of the circuit of your assignment. You will also be permitted to go back to the planets of those circuits you have previously traversed. And all this is possible to those who sojourn on the circles of Havona without the necessity of being ensupernaphimed. The pilgrims of time are able to equip themselves to traverse "achieved" space but must depend on the ordained technique to negotiate "unachieved" space; a pilgrim cannot leave Havona nor go forward beyond his assigned circuit without the aid of a transport supernaphim. [a high super-angel]

14:5.6 There is a refreshing originality about this vast central creation. Aside from the physical organization of matter and the fundamental constitution of the basic orders of intelligent beings and other living things, there is nothing in common between the worlds of Havona. Every one of these planets is an original, unique, and exclusive creation; each planet is a matchless, superb, and perfect production. And this diversity of individuality extends to all features of the physical, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of planetary existence. Each of these billion perfection spheres has been developed and embellished in accordance with the plans of the resident Eternal of Days. And this is just why no two of them are alike.

14:5.7 Not until you traverse the last of the Havona circuits and visit the last of the Havona worlds, will the tonic of adventure and the stimulus of curiosity disappear from your career. And then will the urge, the forward impulse of eternity, replace its forerunner, the adventure lure of time.

14:5.8 Monotony is indicative of immaturity of the creative imagination and inactivity of intellectual co-ordination with the spiritual endowment. By the time an ascendant mortal begins the exploration of these heavenly worlds, he has already attained emotional, intellectual, and social, if not spiritual, maturity.

14:5.9 Not only will you find undreamed-of changes confronting you as you advance from circuit to circuit in Havona, but your astonishment will be inexpressible as you progress from planet to planet within each circuit. Each of these billion study worlds is a veritable university of surprises. Continuing astonishment, unending wonder, is the experience of those who traverse these circuits and tour these gigantic spheres. Monotony is not a part of the Havona career.

14:5.10 Love of adventure, curiosity, and dread of monotony -- these traits inherent in evolving human nature -- were not put there just to aggravate and annoy you during your short sojourn on earth, but rather to suggest to you that death is only the beginning of an endless career of adventure, an everlasting life of anticipation, an eternal voyage of discovery.

14:5.11 Curiosity -- the spirit of investigation, the urge of discovery, the drive of exploration -- is a part of the inborn and divine endowment of evolutionary space creatures. These natural impulses were not given you merely to be frustrated and repressed. True, these ambitious urges must frequently be restrained during your short life on earth, disappointment must be often experienced, but they are to be fully realized and gloriously gratified during the long ages to come.



14:6.6 #1. The Universal Father -- the First Source and Center. God the Father derives supreme parental satisfaction from the perfection of the central creation. He enjoys the experience of love satiety on near-equality levels. The perfect Creator is divinely pleased with the adoration of the perfect creature.

14:6.7 Havona affords the Father supreme achievement gratification. The perfection realization in Havona compensates for the time-space delay of the eternal urge of infinite expansion.

14:6.8 The Father enjoys the Havona reciprocation of the divine beauty. It satisfies the divine Mind to afford a perfect Pattern of exquisite harmony for all evolving universes.

14:6.9 Our Father beholds the central universe with perfect pleasure because it is a worthy revelation of Spirit Reality to all personalities of the universe of universes.

14:6.10 The God of universes has favorable regard for Havona and Paradise as the eternal power nucleus for all subsequent universe expansion in time and space.

14:6.11 The eternal Father views with never-ending satisfaction the Havona creation as the worthy and alluring goal for the ascension candidates of time, his mortal grandchildren of space achieving their Creator-Father's eternal home. [Our Sovereign God of our local universe here is our Jesus Christ Michael ! "Michael" is a high Title which means: HE Who IS Just Like GOD." Jesus states: "He who sees Me sees Him who sent Me. The Father and I are One."] And God takes pleasure in the Paradise-Havona universe as the eternal home of Deity and the divine Family.

14:6.12 #2. The Eternal Son -- the Second Source and Center. To the Eternal Son the superb central creation affords eternal proof of the partnership effectiveness of the divine Family -- Father, Son, and Spirit. It is the spiritual and material basis for absolute confidence in the Universal Father.

14:6.13 Havona affords the Eternal Son an almost unlimited base for the ever- expanding realization of spirit power. The central universe afforded the Eternal Son the arena wherein He could safely and securely demonstrate the spirit and technique of the bestowal ministry for the instruction of his associate Paradise Sons.

14:6.14 Havona is the reality foundation for the Eternal Son's Spirit-gravity control of the universe of universes. This universe affords the Son the gratification of parental craving, spiritual reproduction.

14:6.15 The Havona worlds and their perfect inhabitants are the first and the eternally final demonstration that the Son is the Word of the Father. Thereby is the consciousness of the Son as an infinite complement of the Father perfectly gratified.

14:6.16 And this universe affords the opportunity for the realization of reciprocation of equality fraternity between the Universal Father and the Eternal Son, and this constitutes the everlasting proof of the infinite Personality of each.

14:6.17 #3. The Infinite Spirit -- the Third Source and Center. The Havona universe affords the Infinite Spirit proof of being the Conjoint Actor, the infinite representative of the unified Father-Son. In Havona the Infinite Spirit derives the combined satisfaction of functioning as a creative activity while enjoying the satisfaction of absolute coexistence with this divine achievement.

14:6.18 In Havona the Infinite Spirit found an arena wherein He could demonstrate the ability and willingness to serve as a potential mercy Minister. In this perfect creation the Spirit rehearsed for the adventure of ministry in the evolutionary universes.

14:6.19 This perfect creation afforded the Infinite Spirit opportunity to participate in universe administration with both divine Parents -- to administer a universe as associate-Creator offspring, thereby preparing for the joint administration of the local universes as the Creative Spirit associates of the Creator Sons. [Jesus' Coordinate Partner here is the Creative Spirit of the Infinite Spirit; also called the Holy Spirit, Mother Spirit, Spirit Bride of Christ.]

14:6.20 The Havona worlds are the mind laboratory of the creators of the cosmic mind and the ministers to every creature mind in existence. Mind is different on each Havona world and serves as the pattern for all spiritual and material creature intellects. [one billion different mind patterns !]

14:6.21 These perfect worlds are the mind graduate schools for all beings destined for Paradise society. They afforded the Spirit abundant opportunity to test out the technique of mind ministry on safe and advisory personalities.

14:6.22 Havona is a compensation to the Infinite Spirit for his widespread and unselfish work in the universes of space. Havona is the perfect home and retreat for the untiring Mind Minister of time and space.

14:6.23 #4. The Supreme Being -- the evolutionary unification of experiential Deity. The Havona creation is the eternal and perfect proof of the spiritual reality of the Supreme Being. This perfect creation is a revelation of the perfect and symmetrical spirit nature of God the Supreme before the beginnings of the power-personality synthesis of the finite reflections of the Paradise Deities in the experiential universes of time and space.

14:6.24 In Havona the power potentials of the Almighty are unified with the spiritual nature of the Supreme. This central creation is an exemplification of the future-eternal unity of the Supreme.

14:6.25 Havona is a perfect pattern of the universality potential of the Supreme. This universe is a finished portrayal of the future perfection of the Supreme and is suggestive of the potential of the Ultimate.

14:6.26 Havona exhibits finality of spirit values existing as living will creatures of supreme and perfect self-control; mind existing as ultimately equivalent to spirit; reality and unity of intelligence with an unlimited potential.

14:6.27 #5. The Co-ordinate Creator Sons. Havona is the educational training ground where the Paradise Michaels are prepared for their subsequent adventures in universe creation. This divine and perfect creation is a pattern for every Creator Son. He strives to make his own universe eventually attain to these Paradise-Havona levels of perfection. [Our Master Jesus, as the fullness of the Universal Father and Eternal Son here, lovingly tells us to "Be you perfect, even as I AM perfect." !!]

14:6.28 A Creator Son uses the creatures of Havona as personality-pattern possibilities for his own mortal children and spirit beings. The Michael and other Paradise Sons view Paradise and Havona as the divine destiny of the children of time.

14:6.29 The Creator Sons know that the central creation is the real source of that indispensable universe overcontrol which stabilizes and unifies their local universes. They know that the personal presence of the ever-present influence of the Supreme and of the Ultimate is in Havona. [and the Absolute and Infinite are in Paradise !]

14:6.30 Havona and Paradise are the source of a Michael Son's creative power. Here dwell the beings who co-operate with him in universe creation. From Paradise come the Universe Mother Spirits, the cocreators of local universes.

14:6.31 The Paradise Sons regard the central creation as the home of their divine Parents -- their home. It is the place they enjoy returning to ever and anon.

14:6.32 #6. The Co-ordinate Ministering Daughters. The Universe Mother Spirits, cocreators of the local universes, secure their prepersonal training on the worlds of Havona in close association with the Spirits of the Circuits. In the central universe the Spirit Daughters of the local universes were duly trained in the methods of co-operation with the Sons of Paradise, all the while subject to the will of the Father.

14:6.33 On the worlds of Havona the Spirit and the Daughters of the Spirit find the mind patterns for all their groups of spiritual and material intelligences, and this central universe is the sometime destiny of those creatures which a Universe Mother Spirit jointly sponsors with an associated Creator Son.

14:6.34 The Universe Mother Creator remembers Paradise and Havona as the place of her origin and the home of the Infinite Mother Spirit, the abode of the Personality Presence of the Infinite Mind.

14:6.35 From this central universe also came the bestowal of the personal prerogatives of creatorship which a Universe Divine Minister employs as complemental to a Creator Son in the work of creating living will creatures.

14:6.36 And lastly, since these Daughter Spirits of the Infinite Mother Spirit will not likely ever return to their Paradise home, they derive great satisfaction from the universal reflectivity phenomenon associated with the Supreme Being in Havona and personalized in Majeston on Paradise. [more on this later]

14:6.37 #7. The Evolutionary Mortals of the Ascending Career. Havona is the home of the pattern personality of every mortal type and the home of all superhuman personalities of mortal association who are not native to the creations of time.

14:6.38 These worlds provide the stimulus of all human impulses towards the attainment of true spirit values on the highest conceivable reality levels. Havona is the pre-Paradise training goal of every ascending mortal. Here mortals attain pre-Paradise Deity -- the Supreme Being. Havona stands before every will creature as the portal to Paradise and God attainment.

14:6.39 Paradise is the home, and Havona the workshop and playground, of the finaliters. And every God-knowing mortal craves to be a finaliter. [our glorious eternal destiny as a perfected Son of God ! and subsequent service in much larger, future (to us universes ! The much greater Master Universe adventures, still following our Maker-Master Jesus Christ Michael, are next for us !]

14:6.40 The central universe is not only man's established destiny, but it is also the starting place of the eternal career of the finaliters as they shall sometime be started out on the undisclosed and universal adventure in the experience of exploring the Infinity of the Universal Father. [!!!]

14:6.41 Havona will unquestionably continue to function with absonite significance even in future universe ages which may witness space pilgrims attempting to find God on superfinite levels. Havona has capacity to serve as a training universe for absonite beings. It will probably be the finishing school when the seven superuniverses are functioning as the intermediate school for the graduates of the primary schools of outer space. And we incline to the opinion that the potentials of eternal Havona are really unlimited, that the central universe has eternal capacity to serve as an experiential training universe for all past, present, or future types of created beings. [Tremendous ! And we will be spiritually trained on, and will experience each one of these huge, glorious one billion Havona spheres !]

14:6.42 {Presented by a Perfector of Wisdom commissioned thus to function by the Ancients of Days on Uversa, the headquarters of our superuniverse of Orvonton}



15:0.1 As far as the Universal Father is concerned -- as a Father -- the universes are virtually nonexistent; He deals with personalities; He is the Father of personalities. As far as the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit are concerned -- as creator partners -- the universes are localized and individual under the joint rule of the Creator Sons and the Creative Spirits. [Our Sovereign Maker-Creator Son is our loving and merciful Master Jesus Christ Michael Who has a Coordinate Creative Spirit Partner Who is One with him here -- the Holy Spirit.] As far as the Paradise Trinity is concerned, outside Havona there are just seven inhabited universes, the seven superuniverses which hold jurisdiction over the circle of the first post-Havona space level. The Seven Master Spirits radiate their influence out from the central Isle, thus constituting the vast creation one gigantic wheel, the hub being the eternal Isle of Paradise, the seven spokes the radiations of the Seven Master Spirits, the rim the outer regions of the grand universe.

15:0.2 Early in the materialization of the universal creation the sevenfold scheme of the superuniverse organization and government was formulated. The first post-Havona creation was divided into seven stupendous segments, and the headquarters worlds of these superuniverse governments were designed and constructed. The present scheme of administration has existed from near eternity, and the rulers of these seven superuniverses are rightly called Ancients of Days.




15:8.10 The superuniverse of Orvonton is apparently now running down; the outer universes seem to be winding up for unparalleled future activities [in the Master universe]; the central Havona universe is eternally stabilized. Gravity and absence of heat (cold organize and hold matter together; heat and antigravity disrupt matter and dissipate energy. The living power directors and force organizers are the secret of the special control and intelligent direction of the endless metamorphoses of universe making, unmaking, and remaking. Nebulae may disperse, suns burn out, systems vanish, and planets perish, but the universes do not run down. [no stupid "entropy"; no more stupid "Big Bang" theories ! Our local universe of Nebadon, made/being enlarged by our Master GODMAN JESUS is actually about 450 billion years old ! and we are a younger universe in the Grand universe ! Our superuniverse is at least one trillion years old ! Paradise and Havona are both Eternally Existent ! Future larger space telescopes orbiting Earth, and maybe on the moon, will cause the estimates of our universe's age to become much older.]


15:9.1 The universal circuits of Paradise do actually pervade the realms of the seven superuniverses. These Presence Circuits are: the Personality gravity of the Universal Father, the Spiritual gravity of the Eternal Son, the Mind gravity of the Conjoint Actor, and the Material gravity of the eternal Isle. [Paradise]

15:9.2 In addition to the universal Paradise circuits and in addition to the Presence-performances of the Absolutes and the experiential Deities, there function within the superuniverse space level only two energy-circuit divisions or power segregations: the superuniverse circuits and the local universe circuits.

15:9.3 The Superuniverse Circuits:

15:9.4 1. The unifying intelligence circuit of one of the Seven Master Spirits of Paradise. Such a cosmic-mind circuit is limited to a single superuniverse.

15:9.5 2. The reflective-service circuit of the seven Reflective Spirits in each superuniverse.

15:9.6 3. The secret circuits of the Mystery Monitors, in some manner interassociated and routed by Divinington to the Universal Father on Paradise.

15:9.7 4. The circuit of the intercommunion of the Eternal Son with his Paradise Sons.

15:9.8 5. The flash presence of the Infinite Spirit.

15:9.9 6. The broadcasts of Paradise, the space reports of Havona.

15:9.10 7. The energy circuits of the power centers and the physical controllers.

15:9.11 The Local Universe Circuits:

15:9.12 1. The bestowal spirit of the Paradise Sons, the Comforter of the bestowal worlds. The Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of [our Master God-Man Jesus Christ] Michael on Earth.

15:9.13 2. The circuit of the Divine Ministers, the local universe Mother Spirits, the Holy Spirit of your world.

15:9.14 3. The intelligence-ministry circuit of a local universe, including the diversely functioning presence of the adjutant mind-spirits. [the sources of human mind, bestowed by our Holy Spirit]

15:9.15 When there develops such a spiritual harmony in a local universe that its individual and combined circuits become indistinguishable from those of the superuniverse, when such identity of function and oneness of ministry actually prevail, then does the local universe immediately swing into the settled circuits of Light and Life, becoming at once eligible for admission into the spiritual confederation of the perfected union of the supercreation. The requisites for admission to the councils of the Ancients of Days, membership in the superuniverse confederation, are:

15:9.16 1. Physical Stability. The stars and planets of a local universe must be in equilibrium; the periods of immediate stellar metamorphosis must be over. The universe must be proceeding on a clear track; its orbit must be safely and finally settled.

15:9.17 2. Spiritual Loyalty. There must exist a state of universal recognition of, and loyalty to, the Sovereign Son of God [our Coordinate Creator Son of God who is our universe Creator Father who is our Savior Jesus Christ Michael] who presides over the affairs of such a local universe. There must have come into being a state of harmonious co-operation between the individual planets, systems, and constellations of the entire local universe.

15:9.18 Your local universe is not even reckoned as belonging to the settled physical order of the superuniverse, much less as holding membership in the recognized spiritual family of the supergovernment. Although Nebadon does not yet have representation on Uversa, we of the superuniverse government are dispatched to its worlds on special missions from time to time, even as I [a Universal Censor, a Trinity Son of God originally from Paradise] have come to Earth directly from Uversa. We lend every possible assistance to your directors and rulers in the solution of their difficult problems; we are desirous of seeing your universe qualified for full admission into the associated creations of the superuniverse family. [Wonderful !]

Topical Study number 145

"My Important HighLights of The Urantia (Earth) Book"

Part 18

Compiled May 05, 2023 by Dave@PureChristians.org



[Paper:Section.Paragraph (Numbers)]

15:10.1 The headquarters of the superuniverses are the seats of the high spiritual government of the time-space domains. The executive branch of the supergovernment, taking origin in the Councils of the Trinity, is immediately directed by one of the Seven Master Spirits of supreme supervision, beings who sit upon seats of Paradise authority and administer the superuniverses through the Seven Supreme Executives stationed on the seven special worlds of the Infinite Spirit, the outermost satellites of Paradise.


15:10.23 The superuniverses do not maintain any sort of ambassadorial representation; they are completely isolated from each other. They know of mutual affairs only through the Paradise clearinghouse maintained by the Seven Master Spirits. Their rulers work in the councils of divine wisdom for the welfare of their own superuniverses regardless of what may be transpiring in other sections of the universal creation. This isolation of the superuniverses will persist until such time as their co-ordination is achieved by the more complete factualization of the personality-sovereignty of the evolving experiential Supreme Being. [God our Father freely gives us sonship and eternal salvation; and when we do the fruits of the Spirit, we are contributing to the growth of a finite Deity here: the Supreme Being -- more later]


15:11.1 It is on such worlds as Uversa that the beings representative of the autocracy of perfection and the democracy of evolution meet face to face. The executive branch of the supergovernment originates in the realms of perfection; the legislative branch springs from the flowering of the evolutionary universes.

15:11.2 The deliberative assembly of the superuniverse is confined to the headquarters world. This legislative or advisory council consists of seven houses, to each of which every local universe admitted to the superuniverse councils elects a native representative. These representatives are chosen by the high councils of such local universes from among the ascending-pilgrim graduates of Orvonton who are tarrying on Uversa, accredited for transport to Havona. The average term of service is about one hundred years of superuniverse standard time.

15:11.3 Never have I known of a disagreement between the Orvonton executives and the Uversa assembly. Never yet, in the history of our superuniverse, has the deliberative body ever passed a recommendation that the executive division of the supergovernment has even hesitated to carry out. There always has prevailed the most perfect harmony and working agreement, all of which testifies to the fact that evolutionary beings can really attain the heights of perfected wisdom which qualifies them to consort with the personalities of perfect origin and divine nature. The presence of the deliberative assemblies on the superuniverse headquarters reveals the wisdom, and foreshadows the ultimate triumph, of the whole vast evolutionary concept of the Universal Father and his Eternal Son. ["Be you perfect, even as I AM perfect." is the loving and merciful invitation-command of our Father and Son as One ! to you ! to me ! to all humans everywhere !]


15:12.1 When we speak of executive and deliberative branches of the Uversa [the headquarters of our superuniverse of Orvonton] government, you may, from the analogy of certain forms of Earth civil government, reason that we must have a third or judicial branch, and we do; but it does not have a separate personnel. Our courts are constituted as follows: There presides, in accordance with the nature and gravity of the case, an Ancient of Days, a Perfector of Wisdom, or a Divine Counselor. The evidence for or against an individual, a planet, system, constellation, or universe is presented and interpreted by the Censors. The defense of the children of time and the evolutionary planets is offered by the Mighty Messengers, the official observers of the superuniverse government to the local universes and systems. The attitude of the higher government is portrayed by Those High in Authority. And ordinarily the verdict is formulated by a varying-sized commission consisting equally of Those without Name and Number and a group of understanding personalities chosen from the deliberative assembly.

15:12.2 The courts of the Ancients of Days are the high review tribunals for the spiritual adjudication of all component universes. The Sovereign Sons of the local universes [our Sovereign Creator Son of God is our Master Jesus] are supreme in their own domains; they are subject to the supergovernment only in so far as they voluntarily submit matters for counsel or adjudication by the Ancients of Days except in matters involving the extinction of will creatures. Mandates of judgment originate in the local universes, but sentences involving the extinction of will creatures are always formulated on, and executed from, the headquarters of the superuniverse. The Sons of the local universes can decree the survival of mortal man, [Jesus is our loving and merciful Savior !] but only the Ancients of Days may sit in executive judgment on the issues of eternal life and death. [Extinction of personality is the final death; there is no barbaric "hell fire and eternal torture" as some still believe on Earth. Those who abide in Jesus and progress in his universe are safe from being sent to the final judgment of the Ancients of Days before they are spiritually qualified to pass on to eternal life.]

15:12.3 In all matters not requiring trial, the submission of evidence, the Ancients of Days or their associates render decisions, and these rulings are always unanimous. We are here dealing with the councils of perfection. There are no disagreements nor minority opinions in the decrees of these supreme and superlative tribunals.

15:12.4 With certain few exceptions the supergovernments exercise jurisdiction over all things and all beings in their respective domains. There is no appeal from the rulings and decisions of the superuniverse authorities since they represent the concurred opinions of the Ancients of Days and that Master Spirit who, from Paradise, presides over the destiny of the superuniverse concerned.



15:13.6 ... Thus the Trinity regime extends from the constellations of the local universes up to the headquarters of the superuniverse. The local system headquarters do not have Trinity representatives. [The heavenly spiritual spheres do have three branches of government; and now on Earth, some nations also do. This was given to us by spiritual Revelation; but our present nationalistic governments on Earth are very very far below the perfect, divine levels ! Some day soon, maybe in a few hundred years or less, there will be here one planetary human run government OF all people, BY all people and FOR all people. There will be one planetary peace army to control any rebels; and then there will be universal social peace on Earth. Now we followers of JESUS here DO HAVE perfect spiritual peace in his Love and Light and Life ! Amen !]


15:14.1 There are seven major purposes which are being unfolded in the evolution of the seven superuniverses. Each major purpose in superuniverse evolution will find fullest expression in only one of the seven superuniverses, and therefore does each superuniverse have a special function and a unique nature.

15:14.2 Orvonton, the seventh superuniverse, the one to which your local universe belongs, is known chiefly because of its tremendous and lavish bestowal of merciful ministry to the mortals of the realms. It is renowned for the manner in which justice prevails as tempered by mercy and power rules as conditioned by patience, while the sacrifices of time are freely made to secure the stabilization of eternity. Orvonton is a universe demonstration of love and mercy.

15:14.3 It is, however, very difficult to describe our conception of the true nature of the evolutionary purpose which is unfolding in Orvonton, but it may be suggested by saying that in this supercreation we feel that the six unique purposes of cosmic evolution as manifested in the six associated supercreations are here being interassociated into a meaning-of-the-whole; and it is for this reason that we have sometimes conjectured that the evolved and finished personalization of God the Supreme will in the remote future and from Uversa rule the perfected seven superuniverses in all the experiential majesty of his then attained almighty sovereign power.

15:14.4 As Orvonton is unique in nature and individual in destiny, so also is each of its six associated superuniverses. A great deal that is going on in Orvonton is not, however, revealed to you, and of these unrevealed features of Orvonton life, many are to find most complete expression in some other superuniverse. The seven purposes of superuniverse evolution are operative throughout all seven superuniverses, but each supercreation will give fullest expression to only one of these purposes. To understand more about these superuniverse purposes, much that you do not understand would have to be revealed, and even then you would comprehend but little. This entire narrative presents only a fleeting glimpse of the immense creation of which your world and local system are a part.


15:14.9 Your planet is a member of an enormous cosmos; you belong to a well-nigh infinite family of worlds, but your sphere is just as precisely administered and just as lovingly fostered as if it were the only inhabited world in all existence. [In fact, we live here on a VERY SPECIAL world; this is the one world of ten million in our universe where Jesus Christ Michael Incarnated as the One True GODMAN and Sovereign Creator Son of God who made (and still is making!) our universe of Nebadon ! Other worlds know our planet here as the World of the Cross. All humans on all planets are inspired and spiritually uplifted by the Supernal Life and Eternal Truth Teachings of our Good Master, Father, Friend, Elder Brother JESUS ! Much more to come here that will be of interest to mind and also soul inspiring.]

15:14.10 {Presented by a Universal Censor hailing from Uversa.}


0. Introduction

16:0.1 The Seven Master Spirits of Paradise are the primary personalities of the Infinite Spirit. In this sevenfold creative act of self-duplication the Infinite Spirit exhausted the associative possibilities mathematically inherent in the factual existence of the three Persons of Deity. Had it been possible to produce a larger number of Master Spirits, they would have been created, but there are just seven associative possibilities, and only seven, inherent in three Deities. And this explains why the universe is operated in seven grand divisions, and why the number seven is basically fundamental in its organization and administration.

16:0.2 The Seven Master Spirits thus have their origin in, and derive their individual characteristics from, the following seven likenesses:

16:0.3 1. The Universal Father.

16:0.4 2. The Eternal Son.

16:0.5 3. The Infinite Spirit.

16:0.6 4. The Father and the Son.

16:0.7 5. The Father and the Spirit.

16:0.8 6. The Son and the Spirit.

16:0.9 7. The Father, Son, and Spirit.

16:0.10 We [high Stationary Trinity Sons on Uversa] know very little about the action of the Father and the Son in the creation of the Master Spirits. Apparently they were brought into existence by the personal acts of the Infinite Spirit, but we have been definitely instructed that both the Father and the Son participated in their origin.

16:0.11 In spirit character and nature these Seven Spirits of Paradise are as one, but in all other aspects of identity they are very unlike, and the results of their functioning in the superuniverses are such that the individual differences of each are unmistakably discernible. All the afterplans of the seven segments of the grand universe -- and even the correlative segments of outer space -- have been conditioned by the other-than-spiritual diversity of these Seven Master Spirits of supreme and ultimate supervision.

16:0.12 The Master Spirits have many functions, but at the present time their particular domain is the central supervision of the seven superuniverses. Each Master Spirit maintains an enormous force-focal headquarters, which slowly circulates around the periphery of Paradise, always maintaining a position opposite the superuniverse of immediate supervision and at the Paradise focal point of its specialized power control and segmental energy distribution. The radial boundary lines of any one of the superuniverses do actually converge at the Paradise headquarters of the supervising Master Spirit.



16:5.1 Each segment of the grand universe, each individual universe and world, enjoys the benefits of the united counsel and wisdom of all Seven Master Spirits but receives the personal touch and tinge of only one. And the personal nature of each Master Spirit entirely pervades and uniquely conditions his superuniverse.

16:5.2 Through this personal influence of the Seven Master Spirits every creature of every order of intelligent beings, outside of Paradise and Havona, must bear the characteristic stamp of individuality indicative of the ancestral nature of some one of these Seven Paradise Spirits. As concerns the seven superuniverses, each native creature, man or angel, will forever bear this badge of natal identification. [Furthermore, we humans here, made by Jesus Christ in his and our local universe, are each made in the Father-Son Image of God. Jesus is always our universe Creator Father and we are eternally Spirit Identified in Him. As Son of Man, Jesus is also our Very Elder Brother in the Family of God !]

16:5.3 The Seven Master Spirits do not directly invade the material minds of the individual creatures on the evolutionary worlds of space. The mortals of Earth do not experience the personal presence of the mind-spirit influence of the Master Spirit of Orvonton. If this Master Spirit does attain any sort of contact with the individual mortal mind during the earlier evolutionary ages of an inhabited world, it must occur through the ministry of the local universe Creative Spirit, the consort and associate of the Creator Son of God who presides over the destinies of each local creation. But this very Creative Mother Spirit is, in nature and character, quite like the Master Spirit of Orvonton.

16:5.4 The physical stamp of a Master Spirit is a part of man's material origin. The entire morontia [soul level] career is lived under the continuing influence of this same Master Spirit. It is hardly strange that the subsequent spirit career of such an ascending mortal never fully eradicates the characteristic stamp of this same supervising Spirit. The impress of a Master Spirit is basic to the very existence of every pre-Havona stage of mortal ascension.

16:5.5 The distinctive personality trends exhibited in the life experience of evolutionary mortals, which are characteristic in each superuniverse, and which are directly expressive of the nature of the dominating Master Spirit, are never fully effaced, not even after such ascenders are subjected to the long training and unifying discipline encountered on the one billion educational spheres of Havona. Even the subsequent intense Paradise culture does not suffice to eradicate the earmarks of superuniverse origin. [and local universe origin] Throughout all eternity an ascendant mortal will exhibit traits indicative of the presiding Spirit of his superuniverse of nativity. Even in the Corps of the Finality, when it is desired to arrive at or to portray a complete Trinity relationship to the evolutionary creation, always a group of seven finaliters is assembled, one from each superuniverse.


16:6.1 The Master Spirits are the sevenfold source of the cosmic mind, the intellectual potential of the grand universe. This cosmic mind is a subabsolute manifestation of the mind of the Third Source and Center [The Third Person of the Paradise Trinity: The Infinite Spirit in the fullest sense of all attributes] and, in certain ways, is functionally related to the mind of the evolving Supreme Being.

16:6.2 On a world like Earth we do not encounter the direct influence of the Seven Master Spirits in the affairs of the human races. You live under the immediate influence of the Creative Spirit of Nebadon. [the Partner of our Creator Father-Son Jesus Christ] Nevertheless these same Master Spirits dominate the basic reactions of all creature mind because they are the actual sources of the intellectual and spiritual potentials which have been specialized in the local universes for function in the lives of those individuals who inhabit the evolutionary worlds of time and space.

16:6.3 The fact of the cosmic mind explains the kinship of various types of human and superhuman minds. Not only are kindred spirits attracted to each other, but kindred minds are also very fraternal and inclined towards co-operation the one with the other. Human minds are sometimes observed to be running in channels of astonishing similarity and inexplicable agreement.

16:6.4 There exists in all personality associations of the cosmic mind a quality which might be denominated the "reality response." It is this universal cosmic endowment of will creatures which saves them from becoming helpless victims of the implied a priori assumptions of science, philosophy, and religion. This reality sensitivity of the cosmic mind responds to certain phases of reality just as energy-material responds to gravity. It would be still more correct to say that these supermaterial realities so respond to the mind of the cosmos.

16:6.5 The cosmic mind unfailingly responds (recognizes response) on three levels of universe reality. These responses are self-evident to clear-reasoning and deep- thinking minds. These levels of reality are:

16:6.6 1. Causation -- the reality domain of the physical senses, the scientific realms of logical uniformity, the differentiation of the factual and the nonfactual, reflective conclusions based on cosmic response. This is the mathematical form of the cosmic discrimination.

16:6.7 2. Duty -- the reality domain of morals in the philosophic realm, the arena of reason, the recognition of relative right and wrong. This is the judicial form of the cosmic discrimination.

16:6.8 3. Worship -- the spiritual domain of the reality of religious experience, the personal realization of divine fellowship, the recognition of spirit values, the assurance of eternal survival, the ascent from the status of servants of God to the joy and liberty of the sons of God. This is the highest insight of the cosmic mind, the reverential and worshipful form of the cosmic discrimination.

16:6.9 These scientific, moral, and spiritual insights, these cosmic responses, are innate in the cosmic mind, which endows all will creatures. The experience of living never fails to develop these three cosmic intuitions; they are constitutive in the self-consciousness of reflective thinking. But it is sad to record that so few persons on Earth take delight in cultivating these qualities of courageous and independent cosmic thinking.

16:6.10 In the local universe mind bestowals, these three insights of the cosmic mind constitute the a priori assumptions which make it possible for man to function as a rational and self-conscious personality in the realms of science, philosophy, and religion. Stated otherwise, the recognition of the reality of these three manifestations of the Infinite is by a cosmic technique of self-revelation. Matter-energy is recognized by the mathematical logic of the senses; mind-reason intuitively knows its moral duty; spirit-faith (worship) is the religion of the reality of spiritual experience. These three basic factors in reflective thinking may be unified and co-ordinated in personality development, or they may become disproportionate and virtually unrelated in their respective functions. But when they become unified, they produce a strong character consisting in the correlation of a factual science, a moral philosophy, and a genuine religious experience. And it is these three cosmic intuitions that give objective validity, reality, to man's experience in and with things, meanings, and values.

16:6.11 It is the purpose of education to develop and sharpen these innate endowments of the human mind; of civilization to express them; of life experience to realize them; of religion to ennoble them; and of personality to unify them.


16:7.1 Intelligence alone cannot explain the moral nature. Morality, virtue, is indigenous to human personality. Moral intuition, the realization of duty, is a component of human mind endowment and is associated with the other inalienables of human nature: scientific curiosity and spiritual insight. Man's mentality far transcends that of his animal cousins, but it is his moral and religious natures that especially distinguish him from the animal world.

16:7.2 The selective response of an animal is limited to the motor level of behavior. The supposed insight of the higher animals is on a motor level and usually appears only after the experience of motor trial and error. Man is able to exercise scientific, moral, and spiritual insight prior to all exploration or experimentation.

16:7.3 Only a personality can know what it is doing before it does it; only personalities possess insight in advance of experience. A personality can look before it leaps and can therefore learn from looking as well as from leaping. A nonpersonal animal ordinarily learns only by leaping.

16:7.4 As a result of experience an animal becomes able to examine the different ways of attaining a goal and to select an approach based on accumulated experience. But a personality can also examine the goal itself and pass judgment on its worth-whileness, its value. Intelligence alone can discriminate as to the best means of attaining indiscriminate ends, but a moral being possesses an insight which enables him to discriminate between ends as well as between means. And a moral being in choosing virtue is nonetheless intelligent. He knows what he is doing, why he is doing it, where he is going, and how he will get there.

16:7.5 When man fails to discriminate the ends of his mortal striving, he finds himself functioning on the animal level of existence. He has failed to avail himself of the superior advantages of that material acumen, moral discrimination, and spiritual insight which are an integral part of his cosmic-mind endowment as a personal being.

16:7.6 Virtue is righteousness -- conformity with the cosmos. To name virtues is not to define them, but to live them is to know them. Virtue is not mere knowledge nor yet wisdom but rather the reality of progressive experience in the attainment of ascending levels of cosmic achievement. In the day-by-day life of mortal man, virtue is realized by the consistent choosing of good rather than evil, and such choosing ability is evidence of the possession of a moral nature.

16:7.7 Man's choosing between good and evil is influenced, not only by the keenness of his moral nature, but also by such influences as ignorance, immaturity, and delusion. A sense of proportion is also concerned in the exercise of virtue because evil may be perpetrated when the lesser is chosen in the place of the greater as a result of distortion or deception. The art of relative estimation or comparative measurement enters into the practice of the virtues of the moral realm.

16:7.8 Man's moral nature would be impotent without the art of measurement, the discrimination embodied in his ability to scrutinize meanings. Likewise would moral choosing be futile without that cosmic insight which yields the consciousness of spiritual values. From the standpoint of intelligence, man ascends to the level of a moral being because he is endowed with personality. [and thus the God-given will to choose]

16:7.9 Morality can never be advanced by law or by force. It is a personal and freewill matter and must be disseminated by the contagion of the contact of morally fragrant persons with those who are less morally responsive, but who are also in some measure desirous of doing the Father's will. [However, group ethics must be wisely legislated.]

16:7.10 Moral acts are those human performances which are characterized by the highest intelligence, directed by selective discrimination in the choice of superior ends as well as in the selection of moral means to attain these ends. Such conduct is virtuous. Supreme virtue, then, is wholeheartedly to choose to do the will of the Father in heaven.

Topical Study number 145

"My Important HighLights of The Urantia (Earth) Book"

Part 19

Compiled May 08, 2023 by Dave@PureChristians.org



[Paper:Section.Paragraph (Numbers)]

16:8.1 The Universal Father bestows personality upon numerous orders of beings as they function on diverse levels of universe actuality. Earth human beings are endowed with personality of the finite-mortal type, functioning on the level of the ascending sons of God.

16:8.2 Though we can hardly undertake to define personality, we may attempt to narrate our understanding of the known factors which go to make up the ensemble of material, mental, and spiritual energies whose interassociation constitutes the mechanism wherein and whereon and wherewith the Universal Father causes his bestowed personality to function.

16:8.3 Personality is a unique endowment of original nature whose existence is independent of, and antecedent to, the bestowal of the Thought Adjuster. [The Thought Adjuster is the pure spirit will of God within every normal human, usually arriving within a human personality around ages five to six. Personality is probably given at conception of the human child, and transmitted by God the Father on Paradise.] Nevertheless, the presence of the Adjuster does augment the qualitative manifestation of personality. Thought Adjusters, when they come forth from the Father, are identical in nature, but personality is diverse, original, and exclusive; and the manifestation of personality is further conditioned and qualified by the nature and qualities of the associated energies of a material, mindal, and spiritual nature which constitute the organismal vehicle for personality manifestation.

16:8.4 Personalities may be similar. but they are never the same. Persons of a given series, type, order, or pattern may and do resemble one another, but they are never identical. Personality is that feature of an individual which we know, and which enables us to identify such a being at some future time regardless of the nature and extent of changes in form, mind, or spirit status. Personality is that part of any individual which enables us to recognize and positively identify that person as the one we have previously known, no matter how much he may have changed because of the modification of the vehicle of expression and manifestation of his personality. [Wonderful !!]

16:8.5 Creature personality is distinguished by two self-manifesting and characteristic phenomena of mortal reactive behavior: self-consciousness and associated relative free will.

16:8.6 Self-consciousness consists in intellectual awareness of personality actuality; it includes the ability to recognize the reality of other personalities. It indicates capacity for individualized experience in and with cosmic realities, equivalating to the attainment of identity status in the personality relationships of the universe. Self-consciousness connotes recognition of the actuality of mind ministration and the realization of relative independence of creative and determinative free will.


16:8.15 The Urantia [Earth] type of human personality may be viewed as functioning in a physical mechanism consisting of the planetary modification of the Nebadon [our local universe] type of organism belonging to the electrochemical order of life activation and endowed with the Nebadon order of the Orvonton [our superuniverse] series of the cosmic mind of parental reproductive pattern. The bestowal of the divine gift of personality upon such a mind-endowed mortal mechanism confers the dignity of cosmic citizenship and enables such a mortal creature forthwith to become reactive to the constitutive recognition of the three basic mind realities of the cosmos:

16:8.16 1. The mathematical or logical recognition of the uniformity of physical causation.

16:8.17 2. The reasoned recognition of the obligation of moral conduct.

16:8.18 3. The faith-grasp of the fellowship worship of Deity, associated with the loving service of humanity.

16:8.19 The full function of such a personality endowment is the beginning realization of Deity kinship. Such a selfhood. indwelt by a prepersonal fragment of God the Father, is in truth and in fact a spiritual son of God. Such a creature not only discloses capacity for the reception of the gift of the divine presence but also exhibits reactive response to the personality-gravity circuit of the Paradise Father of all personalities. [You, Dear Reader, and I are each a divinely beloved spiritual son of God in Truth ! and here and now ! Amen !]


16:9.1 The cosmic-mind-endowed, Adjuster-indwelt, personal creature possesses innate recognition-realization of energy reality, mind reality, and spirit reality. The will creature is thus equipped to discern the fact, the law, and the love of God. Aside from these three inalienables of human consciousness, all human experience is really subjective except that intuitive realization of validity attaches to the unification of these three universe reality responses of cosmic recognition.

16:9.2 The God-discerning mortal is able to sense the unification value of these three cosmic qualities in the evolution of the surviving soul, man's supreme undertaking in the physical tabernacle where the moral mind collaborates with the indwelling divine spirit to dualize the immortal soul. From its earliest inception the soul is real; it has cosmic survival qualities.

16:9.3 If mortal man fails to survive natural death, the real spiritual values of his human experience survive as a part of the continuing experience of the Thought Adjuster. The personality values of such a nonsurvivor persist as a factor in the personality of the actualizing Supreme Being. Such persisting qualities of personality are deprived of identity but not of experiential values accumulated during the mortal life in the flesh. The survival of identity is dependent on the survival of the immortal soul of morontia [soul reality] status and increasingly divine value. Personality identity survives in and by the survival of the soul.

16:9.4 Human self-consciousness implies the recognition of the reality of selves other than the conscious self and further implies that such awareness is mutual; that the self is known as it knows. This is shown in a purely human manner in man's social life. But you cannot become so absolutely certain of a fellow being's reality as you can of the reality of the presence of God that lives within you. [!!!] The social consciousness is not inalienable like the God-consciousness; it is a cultural development and is dependent on knowledge, symbols, and the contributions of the constitutive endowments of man -- science, morality, and religion. And these cosmic gifts, socialized, constitute civilization.

16:9.5 Civilizations are unstable because they are not cosmic; they are not innate in the individuals of the races. They must be nurtured by the combined contributions of the constitutive factors of man -- science, morality, and religion. Civilizations come and go, but science, morality, and religion always survive the crash.

16:9.6 Jesus not only revealed God to man, but He also made a new revelation of man to himself and to other men. In the life of Jesus you see man at his best. Man thus becomes so beautifully real because Jesus had so much of God in his life, and the realization (recognition of God is inalienable and constitutive in all men.

16:9.7 Unselfishness, aside from parental instinct, is not altogether natural; other persons are not naturally loved or socially served. It requires the enlightenment of reason, morality, and the urge of religion, God-knowingness, to generate an unselfish and altruistic social order. Man's own personality awareness, self-consciousness, is also directly dependent on this very fact of innate other-awareness, this innate ability to recognize and grasp the reality of other personality, ranging from the human to the divine. [!!]

16:9.8 Unselfish social consciousness must be, at bottom, a religious consciousness; that is, if it is objective; otherwise it is a purely subjective philosophic abstraction and therefore devoid of love. Only a God-knowing individual can love another person as he loves himself.

16:9.9 Self-consciousness is in essence a communal consciousness: God and man, Father and son, Creator and creature. [I am a son of I AM and in the Family of God; and so are you !!] In human self-consciousness four universe-reality realizations are latent and inherent:

16:9.10 1. The quest for knowledge, the logic of science.

16:9.11 2. The quest for moral values, the sense of duty.

16:9.12 3. The quest for spiritual values, the religious experience.

16:9.13 4. The quest for personality values, the ability to recognize the reality of God as a personality and the concurrent realization of our fraternal relationship with fellow personalities.

16:9.14 You become conscious of man as your creature brother because you are already conscious of God as your Creator Father. Fatherhood is the relationship out of which we reason ourselves into the recognition of brotherhood. And Fatherhood becomes, or may become, a universe reality to all moral creatures because the Father has himself bestowed personality upon all such beings and has encircuited them within the grasp of the universal personality circuit. We worship God, first, because HE IS, then, because HE IS IN US, and last, because WE ARE IN HIM. [This is a tremendous, supremely profound revelation of personal and spiritual Truth !!!]

[Later, in this Revelation, and in the Supernal Life and Teachings of Jesus, we will hear Jesus profoundly state that God the Father on Paradise continually speaks within the human heart as a still, small voice, saying, "This is the way; walk therein." Jesus then states: "Do you not comprehend that God dwells within you, that He has become what you are that He may make you what He is !" (eventually an all-perfected, Spirit-led Son of God !)]

16:9.15 Is it strange that the cosmic mind should be self-consciously aware of its own source, the infinite mind of the Infinite Spirit, and at the same time conscious of the physical reality of the far-flung universes, the spiritual reality of the Eternal Son, and the personality reality of the Universal Father?

16:9.16 {Sponsored by a Universal Censor from Uversa.}


0. Introduction

Page 197AB (17:0.1 The seven Supreme Spirit groups are the universal coordinating directors of the seven-segmented administration of the grand universe. [Review: Each of the seven superuniverses in the present grand universe will have about one trillion human inhabited planets when finished by the Paradise Creator Sons of God, then the larger Master universe age will unfold to us; as we are forever ascending sons of God in our Creator Father-Son Jesus Christ Michael Who now rules and perfects our local universe here.] Although all are classed among the functional family of the Infinite Spirit, the following three groups are usually classified as children of the Paradise Trinity:

17:0.2 1. The Seven Master Spirits.

17:0.3 2. The Seven Supreme Executives.

17:0.4 3. The Reflective Spirits. [49 plus Majeston their Chief]

17:0.5 The remaining four groups are brought into being by the creative acts of the Infinite Spirit or by his associates of creative status:

17:0.6 4. The Reflective Image Aids. [49]

17:0.7 5. The Seven Spirits of the Circuits.

17:0.8 6. The Local Universe Creative Spirits. [700,000]

17:0.9 7. The Adjutant Mind-Spirits. [7]


17:0.12 The Seven Master Spirits do not directly and personally contact universe administration below the courts of the Ancients of Days. Your local universe is administered as a part of our superuniverse by the Master Spirit of Orvonton, but his function in relation to the native beings of Nebadon is immediately discharged and personally directed by the Creative Mother Spirit resident on Salvington, the headquarters of your local universe. [The Creative Mother Spirit is also known here as the Holy Spirit; and She is also known as the "Bride of Christ". She is the Presence of the Infinite Spirit of Paradise here in our local universe; and She is One in Spirit and Coordinate with our Master Father-Son GODMAN Jesus Christ Michael Who is the fullness of the Paradise Universal Father and the Paradise Eternal Son to us here. Thus, the Three Persons of the Paradise Trinity are here in Spirit in our Two Creators: God the Father and Son in/as Jesus our Paradise Creator Son, and God the Spirit in/as our Creative Mother Spirit; Three in Two as One. Both simple and also infinitely complex. This Epochal Revelation of truth will help stimulate your God-given creative spiritual and intellectual imagination-reflections and probably your desire to pray to and worship our loving Father God.]

[only some sections of this Paper will be presented here]


7:7.1 These adjutant spirits are the sevenfold mind bestowal of a local universe Mother Spirit upon the living creatures of the conjoint creation of a Creator Son and such a Creative Spirit. This bestowal becomes possible at the time of the Spirit's elevation to the status of personality prerogatives. The narration of the nature and functioning of the seven adjutant mind-spirits belongs more appropriately to the story of your local universe of Nebadon. [coming later. These seven adjutant mind-spirits that are in the minds of humans are: (listed low to high; animals have some of up to the first five of them)
1. The spirit of intuition
2. The spirit of understanding
3. The spirit of courage
4. The spirit of knowledge
5. The spirit of counsel
6. The spirit of worship
7. The spirit of wisdom]


17:8.1 The seven groups of Supreme Spirits constitute the nucleus of the functional family of the Third Source and Center both as the Infinite Spirit and as the Conjoint Actor. The domain of the Supreme Spirits extends from the presence of the Trinity on Paradise to the functioning of mind of the evolutionary-mortal order on the planets of space. Thus do they unify the descending administrative levels and co-ordinate the manifold functions of the personnel thereof. Whether it is a Reflective Spirit group in liaison with the Ancients of Days, a Creative Spirit acting in concert with a Michael Son, or the Seven Master Spirits encircuited around the Paradise Trinity, the activity of the Supreme Spirits is encountered everywhere in the central, super-, and local universes. They function alike with the Trinity Personalities of the order of "Days" and with the Paradise Personalities of the order of "Sons."

17:8.2 Together with their Infinite Mother Spirit, the Supreme Spirit groups are the immediate creators of the vast creature family of the Third Source and Center. All orders of the ministering spirits spring from this association. Primary supernaphim originate in the Infinite Spirit; secondary beings of this order are created by the Master Spirits; tertiary supernaphim by the Seven Spirits of the Circuits. The Reflective Spirits, collectively, are the mother-makers of a marvelous order of the angelic hosts, the mighty seconaphim of the superuniverse services. A Creative Spirit is the mother of the angelic orders of a local creation; such seraphic ministers are original in each local universe, though they are fashioned after the patterns of the central universe. All these creators of ministering spirits are only indirectly assisted by the central lodgment of the Infinite Spirit, the original and eternal Mother of all the angelic ministers.

17:8.3 The seven Supreme Spirit groups are the co-ordinators of the inhabited creation. The association of their directing heads, the Seven Master Spirits, appears to co-ordinate the far-flung activities of God the Sevenfold:

17:8.4 1. Collectively the Master Spirits near-equivalate to the divinity level of the Trinity of Paradise Deities.

17:8.5 2. Individually they exhaust the primary associable possibilities of triune Deity.

17:8.6 3. As diversified representatives of the Conjoint Actor they are the repositories of that spirit-mind-power sovereignty of the Supreme Being which he does not yet personally exercise.

17:8.7 4. Through the Reflective Spirits they synchronize the superuniverse governments of the Ancients of Days with Majeston, the Paradise center of universal reflectivity.

17:8.8 5. In their participation in the individualization of the local universe Divine Ministers, the Master Spirits contribute to the last level of God the Sevenfold, the Creator Son-Creative Spirit union of the local universes.

17:8.9 Functional unity, inherent in the Conjoint Actor, is disclosed to the evolving universes in the Seven Master Spirits, his primary personalities. But in the perfected superuniverses of the future this unity will undoubtedly be inseparable from the experiential sovereignty of the Supreme. [more on God the Supreme, the Almighty Supreme and the Supreme Being later here in this long series of spiritual highlights of this large Epochal Revelation.]

17:8.10 {Presented by a Divine Counselor of Uversa.}

Topical Study number 145

"My Important HighLights of The Urantia (Earth) Book"

Part 20

Compiled May 10, 2023 by Dave@PureChristians.org


0. Introduction

[Paper:Section.Paragraph (Numbers)]

18:0.1 Supreme Trinity Personalities are all created for specific service. They are designed by the divine Trinity for the fulfillment of certain specific duties, and they are qualified to serve with perfection of technique and finality of devotion. There are seven orders of the Supreme Trinity Personalities:

18:0.2 1. Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy. [70 of them]
18:0.3 2. Eternals of Days. [one billion]
18:0.4 3. Ancients of Days. [21]
18:0.5 4. Perfections of Days. [210]
18:0.6 5. Recents of Days. [21,000]
18:0.7 6. Unions of Days. [700,000]
18:0.8 7. Faithfuls of Days. [70 million]

[The total number in all of these seven groups is 1,070,721,301 Supreme Trinity Personalities.]

18:0.9 These beings of administrative perfection are of definite and final numbers. Their creation is a past event; no more are being personalized.

18:0.10 Throughout the grand universe these Supreme Trinity Personalities represent the administrative policies of the Paradise Trinity; they represent the justice and are the executive judgment of the Paradise Trinity. They form an interrelated line of administrative perfection extending from the Paradise [seven] spheres of the Father to the headquarters worlds of the local universes and to the capitals of their component constellations.

18:0.11 All Trinity-origin beings are created in Paradise perfection in all their divine attributes. Only in the realms of experience has the passing of time added to their equipment for cosmic service. There is never any danger of default or risk of rebellion with Trinity-origin beings. They are of divinity essence, and they have never been known to depart from the divine and perfect path of personality conduct.

... [the rest of this Paper is skipped.]



19:0.1 This Paradise group, designated the Co-ordinate Trinity-origin Beings, embraces the Trinity Teacher Sons, also classed among the Paradise Sons of God, three groups of high superuniverse administrators, and the somewhat impersonal category of the Inspired Trinity Spirits. Even the Havona natives may properly be included in this classification of Trinity personalities along with numerous groups of beings resident on Paradise. Those Trinity-origin beings to be considered in this discussion are:

19:0.2 1. Trinity Teacher Sons.
19:0.3 2. Perfectors of Wisdom.
19:0.4 3. Divine Counselors.
19:0.5 4. Universal Censors.
19:0.6 5. Inspired Trinity Spirits.
19:0.7 6. Havona Natives.
19:0.8 7. Paradise Citizens.

19:0.9 Excepting the Trinity Teacher Sons and possibly the Inspired Trinity Spirits, these groups are of definite numbers; their creation is a finished and past event.


19:1.1 Of all the high orders of celestial personalities revealed to you, the Trinity Teacher Sons alone act in a dual capacity. By origin of Trinity nature, in function they are almost wholly devoted to the services of divine sonship. They are the liaison beings who bridge the universe gulf between Trinity- and dual-origin personalities.

19:1.2 While the Stationary Sons of the Trinity are of completed numbers, the Teacher Sons are constantly increasing. What the final number of Teacher Sons will be I do not know. I can, however, state that, at the last periodic report to Uversa, the Paradise records indicated 21,001,624,821 of these Sons in service.

19:1.3 These beings are the only group of the Sons of God revealed to you whose origin is in the Paradise Trinity. They range the central and superuniverses, and an enormous corps is assigned to each local universe. They also serve the individual planets as do the other Paradise Sons of God. Since the scheme of the grand universe is not fully developed, large numbers of Teacher Sons are held in the reserves on Paradise, and they volunteer for emergency duty and unusual service in all divisions of the grand universe, on the lone worlds of space, in the local and superuniverses, and on the worlds of Havona. They also function on Paradise, but it will be more helpful to postpone their detailed consideration until we come to the discussion of the Paradise Sons of God.



19:2.1 The Perfectors of Wisdom are a specialized creation of the Paradise Trinity designed to personify the wisdom of divinity in the superuniverses. There are exactly seven billion of these beings in existence, and one billion are assigned to each of the seven superuniverses.

19:2.2 In common with their co-ordinates, the Divine Counselors and the Universal Censors, the Perfectors of Wisdom passed through the wisdom of Paradise, of Havona, and except for Divinington, of the Father's Paradise spheres. After these experiences the Perfectors of Wisdom were permanently assigned to the service of the Ancients of Days. They serve neither on Paradise nor on the worlds of the Paradise-Havona circuits; they are wholly occupied with the administration of the superuniverse governments.

19:2.3 Wherever and whenever a Perfector of Wisdom functions, there and then divine wisdom functions. There is actuality of presence and perfection of manifestation in the knowledge and wisdom represented in the doings of these mighty and majestic personalities. They do not reflect the wisdom of the Paradise Trinity; they are that wisdom. They are the sources of wisdom for all teachers in the application of universe knowledge; they are the fountains of discretion and the wellsprings of discrimination to the institutions of learning and discernment in all universes.

19:2.4 Wisdom is twofold in origin, being derived from the perfection of divine insight inherent in perfect beings and from the personal experience acquired by evolutionary creatures. The Perfectors of Wisdom are the divine wisdom of the Paradise perfection of Deity insight. Their administrative associates on Uversa, the Mighty Messengers, Those without Name and Number, and Those High in Authority, [all three categories here are selected ascendant humans of very long experience] when acting together, are the universe wisdom of experience. A divine being can have perfection of divine knowledge. An evolutionary mortal can sometime attain perfection of ascendant knowledge, but neither of these beings alone exhausts the potentials of all possible wisdom. Accordingly, whenever in the conduct of the superuniverse it is desired to achieve the maximum of administrative wisdom, these perfectors of the wisdom of divine insight are always associated with those ascendant personalities who have come up to the high responsibilities of superuniverse authority through the experiential tribulations of evolutionary progression.

19:2.5 The Perfectors of Wisdom will always require this complement of experiential wisdom for the completion of their administrative sagacity. But it has been postulated that a high and hitherto unattained level of wisdom may possibly be achieved by the Paradise finaliters after they are sometime inducted into the seventh stage of spirit existence. [That is our distant glorious destiny, to be mustered into a Paradise Corps of the Finality !] If this inference is correct, then would such perfected beings of evolutionary ascent undoubtedly become the most effective universe administrators ever to be known in all creation. I believe that such is the high destiny of finaliters.

19:2.6 The versatility of the Perfectors of Wisdom enables them to participate in practically all of the celestial services of the ascendant creatures. The Perfectors of Wisdom and my order of personality, the Divine Counselors, together with the Universal Censors, constitute the highest orders of beings who may and do engage in the work of revealing truth to the individual planets and systems, whether in their earlier epochs or when settled in light and life. [Yes, they had a part in this great Revelation of truth being here partly presented.] From time to time we all make contact with the service of the ascending mortals, from an initial-life planet on up through a local universe and the superuniverse, particularly the latter.


19:3.1 These Trinity-origin beings are the counsel of Deity to the realms of the seven superuniverses. They are not reflective of the divine counsel of the Trinity; they are that counsel. There are twenty-one billion Counselors in service, and three billion are assigned to each superuniverse.

19:3.2 Divine Counselors are the associates and equals of the Universal Censors and the Perfectors of Wisdom, from one to seven Counselors being associated with each of these latter personalities. All three orders participate in the government of the Ancients of Days, including major and minor sectors, in the local universes and constellations, and in the councils of the local system sovereigns.

19:3.3 We act as individuals, as I do in inditing this statement, but we also function as a trio whenever the occasion requires. When we act in an executive capacity, always there are associated together a Perfector of Wisdom, a Universal Censor, and from one to seven Divine Counselors.

19:3.4 One Perfector of Wisdom, seven Divine Counselors, and one Universal Censor constitute a tribunal of Trinity divinity, the highest mobile advisory body in the universes of time and space. Such a group of nine is known either as a fact-finding or as a truth-revealing tribunal, and when it sits in judgment upon a problem and renders a decision, it is just as if an Ancient of Days had adjudicated the matter, for in all the annals of the superuniverses such a verdict has never been reversed by the Ancients of Days.

19:3.5 When the three Ancients of Days function, the Paradise Trinity functions. When the tribunal of nine arrives at a decision following its united deliberations, to all intents and purposes the Ancients of Days have spoken. And it is in this manner that the Paradise Rulers make personal contact, in administrative matters and governmental regulation, with the individual worlds, systems, and universes.

19:3.6 Divine Counselors are the perfection of the divine counsel of the Paradise Trinity. We represent, in fact are, the counsel of perfection. When we are supplemented by the experiential counsel of our associates, the perfected and Trinity-embraced beings of evolutionary ascent, our combined conclusions are not only complete but replete. [fully provided in all aspects] When our united counsel has been associated, adjudicated, confirmed, and promulgated by a Universal Censor, it is very probable that it approaches the threshold of universal totality. Such verdicts represent the nearest possible approach to the absolute attitude of Deity within the time-space limits of the situation involved and the problem concerned.

19:3.7 Seven Divine Counselors in liaison with a trinitized evolutionary trio -- a Mighty Messenger, One High in Authority, and One without Name and Number -- represent the nearest superuniverse approach to the union of the human viewpoint and the divine attitude on near-paradisiacal levels of spiritual meanings and reality values. Such close approximation of the united cosmic attitudes. of the creature and the Creator is only surpassed in the Paradise bestowal Sons, who are, in every phase of personality experience, God and man. [Our Perfect Sovereign Creator GODMAN is our Master JESUS CHRIST MICHAEL !! our Creator Father and our Eternal Friend and Very Elder Brother !!]


19:4.1 There are exactly eight billion Universal Censors in existence. These unique beings are the judgment of Deity. They are not merely reflective of the decisions of perfection; they are the judgment of the Paradise Trinity. Even the Ancients of Days do not sit in judgment except in association with the Universal Censors.

19:4.2 One Censor is commissioned on each of the billion worlds of the central universe, being attached to the planetary administration of the resident Eternal of Days. Neither Perfectors of Wisdom nor Divine Counselors are thus permanently attached to the Havona administrations, nor do we altogether understand why Universal Censors are stationed in the central universe. Their present activities hardly account for their assignment in Havona, and we therefore suspect that they are there in anticipation of the needs of some future universe age in which the Havona population may partially change.

19:4.3 One billion Censors are assigned to each of the seven superuniverses. Both in an individual capacity and in association with Perfectors of Wisdom and Divine Counselors, they operate throughout all divisions of the seven superuniverses. Thus the Censors act on all levels of the grand universe, from the perfect worlds of Havona to the councils of the System Sovereigns, and they are an organic part of all dispensational adjudications of the evolutionary worlds.

19:4.4 Whenever and wherever a Universal Censor is present, then and there is the judgment of Deity. And since the Censors always render their verdicts in liaison with Perfectors of Wisdom and Divine Counselors, such decisions embrace the united wisdom, counsel, and judgment of the Paradise Trinity. In this juridical trio the Perfector of Wisdom would be the "I was," the Divine Counselor the "I will be," but the Universal Censor is always "I am."

19:4.5 The Censors are universe totaling personalities. When a thousand witnesses have given testimony -- or a million -- when the voice of wisdom has spoken and the counsel of divinity has recorded, when the testimony of ascendant perfection has been added, then the Censor functions, and there is immediately revealed an unerring and divine totaling of all that has transpired; and such a disclosure represents the divine conclusion, the sum and substance of a final and perfect decision. Therefore, when a Censor has spoken, no one else may speak, for the Censor has depicted the true and unmistakable total of all that has gone before. When he speaks, there is no appeal.

19:4.6 Most fully do I understand the operation of the mind of a Perfector of Wisdom, but I certainly do not fully comprehend the working of the adjudicating mind of a Universal Censor. It appears to me that the Censors formulate new meanings and originate new values from the association of the facts, truths, and findings presented to them in the course of an investigation of universe affairs. It seems probable that the Universal Censors are able to bring forth original interpretations of the combination of perfect Creator insight and the perfected creature experience. This association of [Absolute] Paradise perfection and [supreme] universe experience undoubtedly eventuates a new value in ultimates.

19:4.7 But this is not the end of our difficulties regarding the working of the minds of the Universal Censors. Having made due allowances for all that we know or conjecture about the functioning of a Censor in any given universe situation, we find that we are still unable to predict decisions or to forecast verdicts. We very accurately determine the probable result of the association of Creator attitude and creature experience, but such conclusions are not always accurate forecasts of Censor disclosures. It seems likely that the Censors are in some manner in liaison with the Deity Absolute; we are otherwise unable to explain many of their decisions and rulings.

19:4.8 Perfectors of Wisdom, Divine Counselors, and Universal Censors, together with the seven orders of Supreme Trinity Personalities, constitute those ten groups which have been sometimes designated Stationary Sons of the Trinity. Together they comprise the grand corps of Trinity administrators, rulers, executives, advisers, counselors, and judges. Their numbers slightly exceed thirty-seven billion. Two billion and seventy are stationed in the central universe and just over five billion in each superuniverse.

19:4.9 It is very difficult to portray the functional limits of the Stationary Sons of the Trinity. It would be incorrect to state that their acts are finite limited, for there are transactions of superuniverse record which indicate otherwise. They act on any level of universe administration or adjudication that may be required by time-space conditions and that pertains to the past, present, and future evolution of the master universe.


19:5.1 I will be able to tell you very little concerning the Inspired Trinity Spirits, for they are one of the few wholly secret orders of beings in existence, secret, no doubt, because it is impossible for them fully to reveal themselves even to those of us whose origin is so near the source of their creation. They come into being by the act of the Paradise Trinity and may be utilized by any one or two of the Deities as well as by all three. We do not know whether these Spirits are of completed numbers or are constantly increasing, but we incline to the belief that their number is not fixed.

19:5.2 We fully understand neither the nature nor the conduct of the Inspired Spirits. They may possibly belong to the category of superpersonal spirits. They seem to operate over all known circuits and appear to act well-nigh independently of time and space. But we know little about them except as we deduce their character from the nature of their activities, the results of which we certainly observe here and there in the universes.



19:6.1 The Havona natives are the direct creation of the Paradise Trinity, and their number is beyond the concept of your circumscribed minds. [my very rough guess: 100 billion trillion of them ! (10 to the 23rd power] Neither is it possible for earthlings to conceive of the inherent endowments of such divinely perfect creatures as these Trinity-origin races of the eternal universe. You can never truly envisage these glorious creatures; you must await your arrival in Havona, when you can greet them as spirit comrades.

19:6.2 During your long sojourn on the billion worlds of Havona culture you will develop an eternal friendship for these superb beings. And how deep is that friendship which grows up between the lowest personal creature from the worlds of space and these high personal beings native to the perfect spheres of the central universe! Ascending mortals, in their long and loving association with the Havona natives, do much to compensate for the spiritual impoverishment of the earlier stages of mortal progression. At the same time, through their contacts with ascending pilgrims, the Havoners gain an experience which to no small extent overcomes the experiential handicap of having always lived a life of divine perfection. The good to both ascending mortal and Havona native is great and mutual. [!!]

19:6.3 Havona natives, like all other Trinity-origin personalities, are projected in divine perfection, and as with other Trinity-origin personalities, the passing of time may add to their stores of experiential endowments. But unlike the Stationary Sons of the Trinity, Havoners may evolve in status, may have an unrevealed future eternity-destiny. This is illustrated by those Havoners who service-factualize capacity for fusion with a non-Adjuster Father fragment and so qualify for membership in the Mortal Corps of the Finality. And there are other finaliter corps open to these natives of the central universe.


19:6.8 We know that the Havona of the previous universe age was somewhat different from the Havona of the present age. We deem it no more than reasonable to assume that we are now witnessing those slow changes in the central universe that are anticipatory of the ages to come. One thing is certain: The universe is nonstatic; only God is changeless.


19:7.1 There are resident on Paradise numerous groups of superb beings, the Paradise Citizens. They are not directly concerned with the scheme of perfecting ascending will creatures and are not, therefore, fully revealed to earthly mortals. There are more than three thousand orders of these supernal intelligences, the last group having been personalized simultaneously with the mandate of the Trinity which promulgated the creative plan of the seven superuniverses of time and space. [!!]


19:7.6 {Presented by a Divine Counselor of Uversa.}


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