Teacher-Brother Dave's initial comments: I am presenting some of my Topical Studies from the fully public domain, 2097 page, Fifth Epochal Revelation of Truth and with my added comments. The Revealed text is free of copyright, so you may freely share individually these supernal quotes with your friends and relatives. But my order of selections, font types for emphasis and my added comments are Copyright 2014 by Dave@PureChristians.org All Rights Reserved. Contact me first about using the whole Study or group of Studies.
[My added comments of explanation below are in these square brackets]
Topical Study 83 "Health, Well-being and Healing"
Compiled 10/10/2014 by Dave@PureChristians.org
[Part 7 of 9]
Of ten lepers healed, did the nine Jews or the one Samaritan return to thank Jesus?
How many different ways did Jesus do healing miracles?
How do you rank physical, mental and spiritual healings?
Why did Jesus heal without regard to which day was thought to be "holy"?
Is it Jesus' healing power or faith that heals?
164:4.1 [Jesus has just restored the eyesight of Josiah who was blind from birth.] By mid-afternoon the healing of Josiah had raised such a discussion around the temple that the leaders of the Sanhedrin decided to convene the council in its usual temple meeting place. And they did this in violation of a standing rule which forbade the meeting of the Sanhedrin on the [Saturday] Sabbath day. Jesus knew that Sabbath breaking would be one of the chief charges to be brought against him when the final test came, and he desired to be brought before the Sanhedrin for adjudication of the charge of having healed a blind man on the Sabbath day, when the very session of the high Jewish court sitting in judgment on him for this act of mercy would be deliberating on these matters on the Sabbath day and in direct violation of their own self-imposed laws.
164:4.2 But they did not call Jesus before them; they feared to. Instead, they sent forthwith for Josiah. After some preliminary questioning, the spokesman for the Sanhedrin (about fifty members being present) directed Josiah to tell them what had happened to him. Since his healing that morning Josiah had learned from Thomas, Nathaniel, and others that the Pharisees were angry about his healing on the Sabbath, and that they were likely to make trouble for all concerned; but Josiah did not yet perceive that Jesus was he who was called the Deliverer. So, when the Pharisees questioned him, he said: “This man came along, put clay upon my eyes, told me to go wash in Siloam, and I do now see.”
164:4.3 One of the older Pharisees, after making a lengthy speech, said: “This man cannot be from God because you can see that he does not observe the Sabbath. He violates the law, first, in making the clay, then, in sending this beggar to wash in Siloam on the Sabbath day. Such a man cannot be a teacher sent from God.”
164:4.4 Then one of the younger men who secretly believed in Jesus, said: “If this man is not sent by God, how can he do these things? We know that one who is a common sinner cannot perform such miracles. We all know this beggar and that he was born blind; now he sees. Will you still say that this prophet does all these wonders by the power of the prince of devils?” And for every Pharisee who dared to accuse and denounce Jesus one would arise to ask entangling and embarrassing questions, so that a serious division arose among them. The presiding officer saw whither they were drifting, and in order to allay the discussion, he prepared further to question the man himself. Turning to Josiah, he said: “What do you have to say about this man, this Jesus, whom you claim opened your eyes?” And Josiah answered, “I think he is a prophet.”
164:4.5 The leaders were greatly troubled and, knowing not what else to do, decided to send for Josiah’s parents to learn whether he had actually been born blind. They were loath to believe that the beggar had been healed.
164:4.6 It was well known about Jerusalem, not only that Jesus was denied entrance into all synagogues, but that all who believed in his teaching were likewise cast out of the synagogue, excommunicated from the congregation of Israel; and this meant denial of all rights and privileges of every sort throughout all Jewry except the right to buy the necessaries of life.
164:4.7 When, therefore, Josiah’s parents, poor and fear-burdened souls, appeared before the august Sanhedrin, they were afraid to speak freely. Said the spokesman of the court: “Is this your son? and do we understand aright that he was born blind? If this is true, how is it that he can now see?” And then Josiah’s father, seconded by his mother, answered: “We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind, but how it is that he has come to see, or who it was that opened his eyes, we know not. Ask him; he is of age; let him speak for himself.”
164:4.8 They now called Josiah up before them a second time. They were not getting along well with their scheme of holding a formal trial, and some were beginning to feel strange about doing this on the Sabbath; accordingly, when they recalled Josiah, they attempted to ensnare him by a different mode of attack. The officer of the court spoke to the former blind man, saying: “Why do you not give God the glory for this? why do you not tell us the whole truth about what happened? We all know that this man is a sinner. Why do you refuse to discern the truth? You know that both you and this man stand convicted of Sabbath breaking. Will you not atone for your sin by acknowledging God as your healer, if you still claim that your eyes have this day been opened?”
164:4.9 But Josiah was neither dumb nor lacking in humor; so he replied to the officer of the court: “Whether this man is a sinner, I know not; but one thing I do know — that, whereas I was blind, now I see.” And since they could not entrap Josiah, they sought further to question him, asking: “Just how did he open your eyes? what did he actually do to you? what did he say to you? did he ask you to believe in him?”
164:4.10 Josiah replied, somewhat impatiently: “I have told you exactly how it all happened, and if you did not believe my testimony, why would you hear it again? Would you by any chance also become his disciples?” When Josiah had thus spoken, the Sanhedrin broke up in confusion, almost violence, for the leaders rushed upon Josiah, angrily exclaiming: “You may talk about being this man’s disciple, but we are disciples of Moses, and we are the teachers of the laws of God. We know that God spoke through Moses, but as for this man Jesus, we know not whence he is.”
164:4.11 Then Josiah, standing upon a stool, shouted abroad to all who could hear, saying: “Hearken, you who claim to be the teachers of all Israel, while I declare to you that herein is a great marvel since you confess that you know not whence this man is, and yet you know of a certainty, from the testimony which you have heard, that he opened my eyes. We all know that God does not perform such works for the ungodly; that God would do such a thing only at the request of a true worshiper — for one who is holy and righteous. You know that not since the beginning of the world have you ever heard of the opening of the eyes of one who was born blind. Look, then, all of you, upon me and realize what has been done this day in Jerusalem! I tell you, if this man were not from God, he could not do this.” And as the Sanhedrists departed in anger and confusion, they shouted to him: “You were altogether born in sin, and do you now presume to teach us? Maybe you were not really born blind, and even if your eyes were opened on the Sabbath day, this was done by the power of the prince of devils.” And they went at once to the synagogue to cast out Josiah.
164:4.12 Josiah entered this trial with meager ideas about Jesus and the nature of his healing. Most of the daring testimony which he so cleverly and courageously bore before this supreme tribunal of all Israel developed in his mind as the trial proceeded along such unfair and unjust lines.
166:2.1 The next day Jesus went with the twelve over to Amathus, near the border of Samaria, and as they approached the city, they encountered a group of ten lepers who sojourned near this place. Nine of this group were Jews, one a Samaritan. Ordinarily these Jews would have refrained from all association or contact with this Samaritan, but their common affliction was more than enough to overcome all religious prejudice. They had heard much of Jesus and his earlier miracles of healing, and since the seventy made a practice of announcing the time of Jesus’ expected arrival when the Master was out with the twelve on these tours, the ten lepers had been made aware that he was expected to appear in this vicinity at about this time; and they were, accordingly, posted here on the outskirts of the city where they hoped to attract his attention and ask for healing. When the lepers saw Jesus drawing near them, not daring to approach him, they stood afar off and cried to him: “Master, have mercy on us; cleanse us from our affliction. Heal us as you have healed others.”
166:2.2 Jesus had just been explaining to the twelve why the Gentiles of Perea, together with the less orthodox Jews, were more willing to believe the gospel preached by the seventy than were the more orthodox and tradition-bound Jews of Judea. He had called their attention to the fact that their message had likewise been more readily received by the Galileans, and even by the Samaritans. But the twelve apostles were hardly yet willing to entertain kind feelings for the long-despised Samaritans. [Many Jews then perceived all Gentiles as "dogs" and sub-human !]
166:2.3 Accordingly, when Simon Zelotes observed the Samaritan among the lepers, he sought to induce the Master to pass on into the city without even hesitating to exchange greetings with them. Said Jesus to Simon: “But what if the Samaritan loves God as well as the Jews? Should we sit in judgment on our fellow men? Who can tell? if we make these ten men whole, perhaps the Samaritan will prove more grateful even than the Jews. Do you feel certain about your opinions, Simon?” And Simon quickly replied, “If you cleanse them, you will soon find out.” And Jesus replied: “So shall it be, Simon, and you will soon know the truth regarding the gratitude of men and the loving mercy of God.”
166:2.4 Jesus, going near the lepers, said: “If you would be made whole, go forthwith and show yourselves to the priests as required by the law of Moses.” And as they went, they were made whole. [Directly by Jesus, before they went to any priest !] But when the Samaritan saw that he was being healed, he turned back and, going in quest of Jesus, began to glorify God with a loud voice. And when he had found the Master, he fell on his knees at his feet and gave thanks for his cleansing. The nine others, the Jews, had also discovered their healing, and while they also were grateful for their cleansing, they continued on their way to show themselves to the priests.
166:2.5 As the Samaritan remained kneeling at Jesus’ feet, the Master, looking about at the twelve, especially at Simon Zelotes, said: “Were not ten cleansed? Where, then, are the other nine, the Jews? Only one, this alien, has returned to give glory to God.” And then he said to the Samaritan, “Arise and go your way; your faith has made you whole.”
166:2.6 Jesus looked again at his apostles as the stranger departed. And the apostles all looked at Jesus, save Simon Zelotes, whose eyes were downcast. The twelve said not a word. Neither did Jesus speak; it was not necessary that he should.
166:2.7 Though all ten of these men really believed they had leprosy, only four were thus afflicted. The other six were cured of a skin disease which had been mistaken for leprosy. But the Samaritan really had leprosy.
166:2.8 Jesus enjoined the twelve to say nothing about the cleansing of the lepers, and as they went on into Amathus, he remarked: “You see how it is that the children of the house, even when they are insubordinate to their Father’s will, take their blessings for granted. They think it a small matter if they neglect to give thanks when the Father bestows healing upon them, but the strangers, when they receive gifts from the Head of the house, are filled with wonder and are constrained to give thanks in recognition of the good things bestowed upon them.” And still the apostles said nothing in reply to the Master’s words.
166:4.10 [Jesus to his apostles, in part:] “In the matter of sickness and health, you should know that these bodily states are the result of material causes; health is not the smile of heaven, neither is affliction the frown of God.
167:1.1 There lived in Philadelphia a very wealthy and influential Pharisee who had accepted the teachings of Abner, and who invited Jesus to his house Sabbath morning for breakfast. It was known that Jesus was expected in Philadelphia at this time; so a large number of visitors, among them many Pharisees, had come over from Jerusalem and from elsewhere. Accordingly, about forty of these leading men and a few lawyers were bidden to this breakfast, which had been arranged in honor of the Master.
167:1.2 As Jesus lingered by the door, speaking with Abner, and after the host had seated himself, there came into the room one of the leading Pharisees of Jerusalem, a member of the Sanhedrin, and as was his habit, he made straight for the seat of honor at the left of the host. But since this place had been reserved for the Master and that on the right for Abner, the host beckoned the Jerusalem Pharisee to sit four seats to the left, and this dignitary was much offended because he did not receive the seat of honor.
167:1.3 Soon they were all seated and enjoying the visiting among themselves since the majority of those present were disciples of Jesus or else were friendly to the Gospel. Only his enemies took notice of the fact that he did not observe the ceremonial washing of his hands before he sat down to eat. Abner washed his hands at the beginning of the meal but not during the serving.
167:1.4 Near the end of the meal there came in from the street a man long afflicted with a chronic disease and now in a dropsical [puffy, swollen] condition. This man was a believer, having recently been baptized by Abner’s associates. He made no request of Jesus for healing, but the Master knew full well that this afflicted man came to this breakfast hoping thereby to escape the crowds which thronged him and thus be more likely to engage his attention. This man knew that few miracles were then being performed; however, he had reasoned in his heart that his sorry plight might possibly appeal to the Master’s compassion. And he was not mistaken, for, when he entered the room, both Jesus and the self-righteous Pharisee from Jerusalem took notice of him. The Pharisee was not slow to voice his resentment that such a one should be permitted to enter the room. But Jesus looked upon the sick man and smiled so benignly that he drew near and sat down upon the floor. As the meal was ending, the Master looked over his fellow guests and then, after glancing significantly at the man with dropsy, said: “My friends, teachers in Israel and learned lawyers, I would like to ask you a question: Is it lawful to heal the sick and afflicted on the Sabbath day, or not?” But those who were there present knew Jesus too well; they held their peace; they answered not his question.
167:1.5 Then went Jesus over to where the sick man sat and, taking him by the hand, said: “Arise and go your way. You have not asked to be healed, but I know the desire of your heart and the faith of your soul.” Before the man left the room, Jesus returned to his seat and, addressing those at the table, said: “Such works my Father does, not to tempt you into the Kingdom, but to reveal himself to those who are already in the Kingdom. [!!] You can perceive that it would be like the Father to do just such things because which one of you, having a favorite animal that fell in the well on the Sabbath day, would not go right out and draw him up?” And since no one would answer him, and inasmuch as his host evidently approved of what was going on, Jesus stood up and spoke to all present: “My brethren, when you are bidden to a marriage feast, sit not down in the chief seat, lest, perchance, a more honored man than you has been invited, and the host will have to come to you and request that you give your place to this other and honored guest. In this event, with shame you will be required to take a lower place at the table. When you are bidden to a feast, it would be the part of wisdom, on arriving at the festive table, to seek for the lowest place and take your seat therein, so that, when the host looks over the guests, he may say to you: ‘My friend, why sit in the seat of the least? come up higher’; and thus will such a one have glory in the presence of his fellow guests. Forget not, every one who exalts himself shall be humbled, while he who truly humbles himself shall be exalted. Therefore, when you entertain at dinner or give a supper, invite not always your friends, your brethren, your kinsmen, or your rich neighbors that they in return may bid you to their feasts, and thus will you be recompensed. When you give a banquet, sometimes bid the poor, the maimed, and the blind. In this way you shall be blessed in your heart, for you well know that the lame and the halt cannot repay you for your loving ministry.”
167:3.1 Abner had arranged for the Master to teach in the synagogue on this Sabbath day, the first time Jesus had appeared in a synagogue since they had all been closed to his teachings by order of the Sanhedrin. At the conclusion of the service Jesus looked down before him upon an elderly woman who wore a downcast expression, and who was much bent in form. This woman had long been fear-ridden, and all joy had passed out of her life. As Jesus stepped down from the pulpit, he went over to her and, touching her bowed-over form on the shoulder, said: "Woman, if you would only believe, you could be wholly loosed from your spirit of infirmity." And this woman, who had been bowed down and bound up by the depressions of fear for more than eighteen years, believed the words of the Master and by faith straightened up immediately. When this woman saw that she had been made straight, she lifted up her voice and glorified God.
167:3.2 Notwithstanding that this woman's affliction was wholly mental, her bowed-over form being the result of her depressed mind, the people thought that Jesus had healed a real physical disorder. [Healing a mental disorder is probably a higher reality healing than a physical healing; spiritual healings are the highest.] Although the congregation of the synagogue at Philadelphia was friendly toward the teachings of Jesus, the chief ruler of the synagogue was an unfriendly Pharisee. And as he shared the opinion of the congregation that Jesus had healed a physical disorder, and being indignant because Jesus had presumed to do such a thing on the Sabbath, [a stupid human-made rule ! All days are equally holy if the people are !] he stood up before the congregation and said: "Are there not six days in which men should do all their work? In these working days come, therefore, and be healed, but not on the Sabbath day."
167:3.3 When the unfriendly ruler had thus spoken, Jesus returned to the speaker's platform and said: "Why play the part of hypocrites? Does not every one of you, on the Sabbath, loose his ox from the stall and lead him forth for watering? If such a service is permissible on the Sabbath day, should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham who has been bound down by evil these eighteen years, be loosed from this bondage and led forth to partake of the waters of liberty and life, even on this Sabbath day?" And as the woman continued to glorify God, his critic was put to shame, and the congregation rejoiced with her that she had been healed.
167:3.4 As a result of his public criticism of Jesus on this Sabbath the chief ruler of the synagogue was deposed, and a follower of Jesus was put in his place. [Today, more evil church priests and ministers are being deposed and replaced by more sincere followers of Jesus ! This trend must continue if these troubled churches are to survive. Otherwise, home and family Christian groups of lay people will practice the Presence of God without mere ecclesiastical authority !]
167:3.5 Jesus frequently delivered such victims of fear from their spirit of infirmity, from their depression of mind, and from their bondage of fear. But the people thought that all such afflictions were either physical disorders or possession of evil spirits.
Topical Study 83 "Health, Well-being and Healing"
Compiled 10/13/2014 by Dave@PureChristians.org
[Part 8 of 9]
What are the main differences between Jesus resurrecting himself and Lazarus?
What are the pros and cons of you being almost immediately resurrected or many years later?
and would you experience any difference before your resurrection into the next Heaven?
How many different ways did Jesus do healing miracles?
How do you rank physical, mental and spiritual healings?
Is it Jesus' healing power or faith that heals?
168:0.1 It was shortly after noon when Martha started out to meet Jesus as he came over the brow of the hill near Bethany. Her brother, Lazarus, had been dead four days and had been laid away in their private tomb at the far end of the garden late on Sunday afternoon. The stone at the entrance of the tomb had been rolled in place on the morning of this day, Thursday.
168:0.2 When Martha and Mary sent word to Jesus concerning Lazarus' illness, they were confident the Master would do something about it. They knew that their brother was desperately sick, and though they hardly dared hope that Jesus would leave his work of teaching and preaching to come to their assistance, they had such confidence in his power to heal disease that they thought he would just speak the curative words, and Lazarus would immediately be made whole. And when Lazarus died a few hours after the messenger left Bethany for Philadelphia, they reasoned that it was because the Master did not learn of their brother's illness until it was too late, until he had already been dead for several hours. [Jesus could have easily resurrected Lazarus at any distance in our universe, but he had a better plan.]
168:0.3 But they, with all of their believing friends, were greatly puzzled by the message which the runner brought back Tuesday forenoon when he reached Bethany. The messenger insisted that he heard Jesus say, ". . . this sickness is really not to the death." Neither could they understand why he sent no word to them nor otherwise proffered assistance. [Because Jesus knew he would soon resurrect Lazarus.]
168:0.4 Many friends from near-by hamlets and others from Jerusalem came over to comfort the sorrow-stricken sisters. Lazarus and his [two] sisters were the children of a well-to-do and honorable Jew, one who had been the leading resident of the little village of Bethany. And notwithstanding that all three had long been ardent followers of Jesus, they were highly respected by all who knew them. They had inherited extensive vineyards and olive orchards in this vicinity, and that they were wealthy was further attested by the fact that they could afford a private burial tomb on their own premises. Both of their parents had already been laid away in this tomb.
168:0.5 Mary had given up the thought of Jesus' coming and was abandoned to her grief, but Martha clung to the hope that Jesus would come, even up to the time on that very morning when they rolled the stone in front of the tomb and sealed the entrance. Even then she instructed a neighbor lad to keep watch down the Jericho road from the brow of the hill to the east of Bethany; and it was this lad who brought tidings to Martha that Jesus and his friends were approaching.
168:0.6 When Martha met Jesus, she fell at his feet, exclaiming, "Master, if you had been here, my brother would not have died!" Many fears were passing through Martha's mind, but she gave expression to no doubt, nor did she venture to criticize or question the Master's conduct as related to Lazarus's death. When she had spoken, Jesus reached down and, lifting her upon her feet, said, "Only have faith, Martha, and your brother shall rise again." Then answered Martha: "I know that he will rise again in the resurrection of the last day; and even now I believe that whatever you shall ask of God, our Father will give you."
168:0.7 Then said Jesus, looking straight into the eyes of Martha: "I AM the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in me, though he dies, yet shall he live. In truth, whosoever lives and believes in me shall never really die. Martha, do you believe this?" And Martha answered the Master: "Yes, I have long believed that you are the Deliverer, the Son of the living God, even he who should come to this world." [When we humans die, we lose all consciousness of time lapse. Thus if we are physically dead just three days or a thousand or more years, we experience being awake as if at the exact instant of death ! This is also called "striking step with eternity" ! Your Personality, God's Spirit within, and you as a soul do not die ! Jesus Christ is all-powerful to really seek and really save all the lost humans ! "I will draw ALL humans onto Me !" See John 12:32]
168:0.8 Jesus having inquired for Mary, Martha went at once into the house and, whispering to her sister, said, "The Master is here and has asked for you." And when Mary heard this, she rose up quickly and hastened out to meet Jesus, who still tarried at the place, some distance from the house, where Martha had first met him. The friends who were with Mary, seeking to comfort her, when they saw that she rose up quickly and went out, followed her, supposing that she was going to the tomb to weep.
168:0.9 Many of those present were Jesus' bitter enemies. That is why Martha had come out to meet him alone, and also why she went in secretly to inform Mary that he had asked for her. Martha, while craving to see Jesus, desired to avoid any possible unpleasantness which might be caused by his coming suddenly into the midst of a large group of his Jerusalem enemies. It had been Martha's intention to remain in the house with their friends while Mary went to greet Jesus, but in this she failed, for they all followed Mary and so found themselves unexpectedly in the presence of the Master.
168:0.10 Martha led Mary to Jesus, and when she saw him, she fell at his feet, exclaiming, "If you had only been here, my brother would not have died!" And when Jesus saw how they all grieved over the death of Lazarus, his soul was moved with compassion.
168:0.11 When the mourners saw that Mary had gone to greet Jesus, they withdrew for a short distance while both Martha and Mary talked with the Master and received further words of comfort and exhortation to maintain strong faith in the Father and complete resignation to the divine will.
168:0.12 The human mind of Jesus was mightily moved by the contention between his love for Lazarus and the bereaved sisters and his disdain and contempt for the outward show of affection manifested by some of these unbelieving and murderously intentioned Jews. Jesus indignantly resented the show of forced and outward mourning for Lazarus by some of these professed friends inasmuch as such false sorrow was associated in their hearts with so much bitter enmity toward himself. Some of these Jews, however, were sincere in their mourning, for they were real friends of the family.
168:1.1 After Jesus had spent a few moments in comforting Martha and Mary, apart from the mourners, he asked them, "Where have you laid him?" Then Martha said, "Come and see." And as the Master followed on in silence with the two sorrowing sisters, he wept. When the friendly Jews who followed after them saw his tears, one of them said: "Behold how he loved him. Could not he who opened the eyes of the blind have kept this man from dying?" By this time they were standing before the family tomb, a small natural cave, or declivity, in the ledge of rock which rose up some thirty feet at the far end of the garden plot.
168:1.2 It is difficult to explain to human minds just why Jesus wept. While we have access to the registration of the combined human emotions and divine thoughts, as of record in the mind of the Personalized Adjuster, we are not altogether certain about the real cause of these emotional manifestations. We are inclined to believe that Jesus wept because of a number of thoughts and feelings which were going through his mind at this time, such as:
168:1.3 1. He felt a genuine and sorrowful sympathy for Martha and Mary; he had a real and deep human affection for these sisters who had lost their brother.
168:1.4 2. He was perturbed in his mind by the presence of the crowd of mourners, some sincere and some merely pretenders. He always resented these outward exhibitions of mourning. He knew the sisters loved their brother and had faith in the survival of believers. These conflicting emotions may possibly explain why he groaned as they came near the tomb.
168:1.5 3. He truly hesitated about bringing Lazarus back to the mortal life. His sisters really needed him, but Jesus regretted having to summon his friend back to experience the bitter persecution which he well knew Lazarus would have to endure as a result of being the subject of the greatest of all demonstrations of the Divine Power of the Son of Man. [I believe this is the main reason. When Jesus resurrected himself, just as he said he would do; he did that mainly as Son of God that he also is.] ]
168:1.6 And now we may relate an interesting and instructive fact: Although this narrative unfolds as an apparently natural and normal event in human affairs, it has some very interesting side lights. While the messenger went to Jesus on Sunday, telling him of Lazarus's illness, and while Jesus sent word that it was "not to the death," at the same time he went in person up to Bethany and even asked the sisters, "Where have you laid him?" Even though all of this seems to indicate that the Master was proceeding after the manner of this life and in accordance with the limited knowledge of the human mind, nevertheless, the records of the universe reveal that Jesus' Personalized Adjuster issued orders for the indefinite detention of Lazarus's Thought Adjuster on the planet subsequent to Lazarus's death, and that this order was made of record just fifteen minutes before Lazarus breathed his last. [!!]
168:1.7 Did the divine mind of Jesus know, even before Lazarus died, that he would raise him from the dead? We do not know. We know only what we are herewith placing on record.{Jesus Christ Michael, as an Eternal Sovereign Creator Son of God, transcends all of his/our local universe space and time limitations !]
168:1.8 Many of Jesus' enemies were inclined to sneer at his manifestations of affection, and they said among themselves: "If he thought so much of this man, why did he tarry so long before coming to Bethany? If he is what they claim, why did he not save his dear friend? What is the good of healing strangers in Galilee if he cannot save those whom he loves?" And in many other ways they mocked and made light of the teachings and works of Jesus.
168:1.9 And so, on this Thursday afternoon at about half past two o'clock, was the stage all set in this little hamlet of Bethany for the enactment of the greatest of all works connected with the earth ministry of [Jesus Christ] Michael of Nebadon, [our local universe, having ten million human inhabited planets when completed in this Grand Universe Age.] the greatest manifestation of Divine Power during his incarnation in the flesh, since his own resurrection occurred after he had been liberated from the bonds of mortal habitation. [by himself, just as he said he would do. "I have the Power to lay down my life, and to take it up again."]
168:1.10 The small group assembled before Lazarus's tomb little realized the presence near at hand of a vast concourse of all orders of celestial beings assembled under the leadership of Gabriel and now in waiting, by direction of the Personalized Adjuster of Jesus, vibrating with expectancy and ready to execute the bidding of their beloved Sovereign. [!!]
168:1.11 When Jesus spoke those words of command, "Take away the stone," the assembled celestial hosts made ready to enact the drama of the resurrection of Lazarus in the likeness of his mortal flesh. Such a form of resurrection involves difficulties of execution which far transcend the usual technique of the resurrection of mortal creatures in morontia [soul] form and requires far more celestial personalities and a far greater organization of universe facilities.
168:1.12 When Martha and Mary heard this command of Jesus directing that the stone in front of the tomb be rolled away, they were filled with conflicting emotions. Mary hoped that Lazarus was to be raised from the dead, but Martha, while to some extent sharing her sister's faith, was more exercised by the fear that Lazarus would not be presentable, in his appearance, to Jesus, the apostles, and their friends. Said Martha: "Must we roll away the stone? My brother has now been dead four days, so that by this time decay of the body has begun." Martha also said this because she was not certain as to why the Master had requested that the stone be removed; she thought maybe Jesus wanted only to take one last look at Lazarus. She was not settled and constant in her attitude. As they hesitated to roll away the stone, Jesus said: "Did I not tell you at the first that this sickness was not to the death? Have I not come to fulfill my promise? And after I came to you, did I not say that, if you would only believe, you should see the glory of God? Wherefore do you doubt? How long before you will believe and obey?"
168:1.13 When Jesus had finished speaking, his apostles, with the assistance of willing neighbors, laid hold upon the stone and rolled it away from the entrance to the tomb.
168:1.14 It was the common belief of the Jews that the drop of gall on the point of the sword of the angel of death began to work by the end of the third day, so that it was taking full effect on the fourth day. They allowed that the soul of man might linger about the tomb until the end of the third day, seeking to reanimate the dead body; but they firmly believed that such a soul had gone on to the abode of departed spirits ere the fourth day had dawned.
168:1.15 These beliefs and opinions regarding the dead and the departure of the spirits of the dead served to make sure, in the minds of all who were now present at Lazarus's tomb and subsequently to all who might hear of what was about to occur, that this was really and truly a case of the raising of the dead by the personal working of one who declared He [Jesus] was "the Resurrection and the Life."
168:2.1 As this company of some forty-five mortals stood before the tomb, they could dimly see the form of Lazarus, wrapped in linen bandages, resting on the right lower niche of the burial cave. While these earth creatures stood there in almost breathless silence, a vast host of celestial beings had swung into their places preparatory to answering the signal for action when it should be given by Gabriel, their commander.
168:2.2 Jesus lifted up his eyes and said: "Father, I am thankful that you heard and granted my request. I know that you always hear me, but because of those who stand here with me, I thus speak with you, that they may believe that you have sent me into the world, and that they may know that you are working with me in that which we are about to do." And when he had prayed, he cried with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth!"
168:2.3 Though these human observers remained motionless, the vast celestial host was all astir in unified action in obedience to the Creator's word. In just twelve seconds of earth time the hitherto lifeless form of Lazarus began to move and presently sat up on the edge of the stone shelf whereon it had rested. His body was bound about with grave cloths, and his face was covered with a napkin. And as he stood up before them -- alive -- Jesus said, "Loose him and let him go." [remember "twelve seconds"; later we will read that Jesus' body was resurrected in 12 minutes from the start. Maybe 12 has something to do with resurrection. Twelve is 2 x 2 x 3, and many angels are also grouped in multiples of 12]
168:2.4 All, save the apostles, with Martha and Mary, fled to the house They were pale with fright and overcome with astonishment. While some tarried, many hastened to their homes.
168:2.5 Lazarus greeted Jesus and the apostles and asked the meaning of the grave cloths and why he had awakened in the garden. Jesus and the apostles drew to one side while Martha told Lazarus of his death, burial, and resurrection. She had to explain to him that he had died on Sunday and was now brought back to life on Thursday, inasmuch as he had had no consciousness of time since falling asleep in death. [That is important; that the dead have no consciousness of time ! But our resurrection will be very much realized and valued in our newly formed super-body and mind up in the next, soul-reality Heaven !]
168:2.6 As Lazarus came out of the tomb, the Personalized Adjuster of Jesus, now Chief of his kind in this local universe, [!!] gave command to the former Adjuster of Lazarus, now in waiting, to resume abode in the mind and soul of the resurrected man.
168:2.7 Then went Lazarus over to Jesus and, with his sisters, knelt at the Master's feet to give thanks and offer praise to God. Jesus, taking Lazarus by the hand, lifted him up, saying: "My son, [Yes, we are sons of Jesus our Creator Father-Son. We call ourselves Jesusonians.] what has happened to you will also be experienced by all who believe this gospel except that they shall be resurrected in a more glorious form. You shall be a living witness of the Truth which I spoke -- I AM the Resurrection and the Life. [Yes !!!] But let us all now go into the house and partake of nourishment for these physical bodies."
168:2.8 As they walked toward the house, Gabriel dismissed the extra groups of the assembled heavenly host while he made record of the first instance on earth, and the last, where a mortal creature had been resurrected in the likeness of the physical body of death. [True ! There is no "reincarnation" of any other human back here in physical form ! Some advanced humans can visit here in soul or spirit form for specialized functions; but they do not ever communicate back to any humans here in this present age ! Lazarus was and is the only exception to this !]
168:2.9 Lazarus could hardly comprehend what had occurred. He knew he had been very sick, but he could recall only that he had fallen asleep and been awakened. He was never able to tell anything about these four days in the tomb because he was wholly unconscious. Time is nonexistent to those who sleep the sleep of death.
168:2.10 Though many believed in Jesus as a result of this mighty work, others only hardened their hearts the more to reject him. By noon the next day this story had spread over all Jerusalem. Scores of men and women went to Bethany to look upon Lazarus and talk with him, and the alarmed and disconcerted Pharisees hastily called a meeting of the Sanhedrin that they might determine what should be done about these new developments.
168:5.1 Lazarus remained at the Bethany home, being the center of great interest to many sincere believers and to numerous curious individuals, until the week of the crucifixion of Jesus, when he received warning that the Sanhedrin had decreed his death. The rulers of the Jews were determined to put a stop to the further spread of the teachings of Jesus, and they well judged that it would be useless to put Jesus to death if they permitted Lazarus, who represented the very peak of his wonder-working, to live and bear testimony to the fact that Jesus had raised him from the dead. Already had Lazarus suffered bitter persecution from them.
168:5.2 And so Lazarus took hasty leave of his sisters at Bethany, fleeing down through Jericho and across the Jordan, never permitting himself to rest long until he had reached Philadelphia. Lazarus knew Abner well, and here he felt safe from the murderous intrigues of the wicked Sanhedrin.
168:5.3 Soon after this Martha and Mary disposed of their lands at Bethany and joined their brother in Perea. Meantime, Lazarus had become the treasurer of the church at Philadelphia. He became a strong supporter of Abner in his controversy with Paul and the Jerusalem church and ultimately died, when 67 years old, of the same sickness that carried him off when he was a younger man at Bethany.
Topical Study 83 "Health, Well-being and Healing"
Compiled 10/15/2014 by Dave@PureChristians.org
[Part 9 of 9]
How many different ways did Jesus do healing miracles?
How do you rank physical, mental and spiritual healings?
Is it Jesus' healing power or faith that heals?
169:0.2 Word regarding the resurrection of Lazarus had reached the encampment two days before the Master’s arrival, and the entire assembly was agog. Not since the feeding of the five thousand had anything occurred which so aroused the imagination of the people. And thus it was at the very height of the second phase of the public ministry of the kingdom that Jesus planned to teach this one short week at Pella and then to begin the tour of southern Perea which led right up to the final and tragic experiences of the last week in Jerusalem.
169:0.3 The Pharisees and the chief priests had begun to formulate their charges and to crystallize their accusations. They objected to the Master’s teachings on these grounds: [They displaqyed spiritual insanity in so doing !]
169:0.4 1. He is a friend of publicans and sinners; he receives the ungodly and even eats with them.
169:0.5 2. He is a blasphemer; he talks about God as being his Father and thinks he is equal with God.
169:0.6 3. He is a lawbreaker. He heals disease on the Sabbath and in many other ways flouts the sacred law of Israel.
169:0.7 4. He is in league with devils. He works wonders and does seeming miracles by the power of Beelzebub, the prince of devils.
171:5.1 Late on the afternoon of Thursday, March 30, [A.D. 30] Jesus and his apostles, at the head of a band of about two hundred followers, approached the walls of Jericho. As they came near the gate of the city, they encountered a throng of beggars, among them one Bartimeus, an elderly man who had been blind from his youth. This blind beggar had heard much about Jesus and knew all about his healing of the blind Josiah at Jerusalem. He had not known of Jesus' last visit to Jericho until he had gone on to Bethany. Bartimeus had resolved that he would never again allow Jesus to visit Jericho without appealing to him for the restoration of his sight.
171:5.2 News of Jesus' approach had been heralded throughout Jericho, and hundreds of the inhabitants flocked forth to meet him. When this great crowd came back escorting the Master into the city, Bartimeus, hearing the heavy tramping of the multitude, knew that something unusual was happening, and so he asked those standing near him what was going on And one of the beggars replied, "Jesus of Nazareth is passing by." When Bartimeus heard that Jesus was near, he lifted up his voice and began to cry aloud, "Jesus, Jesus, have mercy upon me! " And as he continued to cry louder and louder, some of those near to Jesus went over and rebuked him, requesting him to hold his peace; but it was of no avail; he cried only the more and the louder.
171:5.3 When Jesus heard the blind man crying out, he stood still. And when he saw him, he said to his friends, "Bring the man to me." And then they went over to Bartimeus, saying: "Be of good cheer; come with us, for the Master calls for you." When Bartimeus heard these words, he threw aside his cloak, springing forward toward the center of the road, while those near by guided him to Jesus. Addressing Bartimeus, Jesus said: "What do you want me to do for you?" Then answered the blind man, "I would have my sight restored." And when Jesus heard this request and saw his faith, he said: "You shall receive your sight; go your way; your faith has made you whole." Immediately he received his sight, and he remained near Jesus, glorifying God, until the Master started on the next day for Jerusalem, and then he went before the multitude declaring to all how his sight had been restored in Jericho.
171:7.1 Jesus spread good cheer everywhere he went. He was full of grace and truth. His associates never ceased to wonder at the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth. You can cultivate gracefulness, but graciousness is the aroma of friendliness which emanates from a love-saturated soul.
171:7.2 Goodness always compels respect, but when it is devoid of grace, it often repels affection. Goodness is universally attractive only when it is gracious. Goodness is effective only when it is attractive.
171:7.3 Jesus really understood men; therefore could he manifest genuine sympathy and show sincere compassion. But he seldom indulged in pity. While his compassion was boundless, his sympathy was practical, personal, and constructive. Never did his familiarity with suffering breed indifference, and he was able to minister to distressed souls without increasing their self-pity.
171:7.4 Jesus could help men so much because he loved them so sincerely. He truly loved each man, each woman, and each child. He could be such a true friend because of his remarkable insight -- he knew so fully what was in the heart and in the mind of man. He was an interested and keen observer. He was an expert in the comprehension of human need, clever in detecting human longings.
171:7.5 Jesus was never in a hurry. He had time to comfort his fellow men "as he passed by." And he always made his friends feel at ease. He was a charming listener. He never engaged in the meddlesome probing of the souls of his associates. As he comforted hungry minds and ministered to thirsty souls, the recipients of his mercy did not so much feel that they were confessing to him as that they were conferring with him. They had unbounded confidence in him because they saw he had so much faith in them. [!!]
171:7.6 He never seemed to be curious about people, and he never manifested a desire to direct, manage, or follow them up. He inspired profound self-confidence and robust courage in all who enjoyed his association. When he smiled on a man, that mortal experienced increased capacity for solving his manifold problems.
171:7.7 Jesus loved men so much and so wisely that he never hesitated to be severe with them when the occasion demanded such discipline. He frequently set out to help a person by asking for help. In this way he elicited interest, appealed to the better things in human nature.
171:7.8 The Master could discern saving faith in the gross superstition of the woman who sought healing by touching the hem of his garment. He was always ready and willing to stop a sermon or detain a multitude while he ministered to the needs of a single person, even to a little child. [Little children are now sons of God in Jesus also !] Great things happened not only because people had faith in Jesus, but also because Jesus had so much faith in them. [!!]
171:7.9 Most of the really important things which Jesus said or did seemed to happen casually, “as he passed by.” There was so little of the professional, the well-planned, or the premeditated in the Master’s earthly ministry. He dispensed health and scattered happiness naturally and gracefully as he journeyed through life. It was literally true, “He went about doing good.”
171:7.10 And it behooves the Master's followers in all ages to learn to minister as "they pass by" -- to do unselfish good as they go about their daily duties.
174:5.3 My Father sent me to this world to reveal his loving-kindness to the children of men, but those to whom I first came have refused to receive me. True, indeed, many of you have believed my Gospel for yourselves, but the children of Abraham and their leaders are about to reject me, and in so doing they will reject Him who sent me. I have freely proclaimed the Gospel of salvation to this people; I have told them of sonship with joy, liberty, and life more abundant in the spirit. My Father has done many wonderful works [many healings] among these fear-ridden sons of men. But truly did the Prophet Isaiah refer to this people when he wrote: ‘Lord, who has believed our teachings? And to whom has the Lord been revealed?’ Truly have the leaders of my people deliberately blinded their eyes that they see not, and hardened their hearts lest they believe and be saved. All these years have I sought to heal them of their unbelief that they might be recipients of the Father’s eternal salvation. I know that not all have failed me; some of you have indeed believed my message. In this room now are a full score of men who were once members of the Sanhedrin, or who were high in the councils of the nation, albeit even some of you still shrink from open confession of the truth lest they cast you out of the synagogue. Some of you are tempted to love the glory of men more than the glory of God. But I am constrained to show forbearance since I fear for the safety and loyalty of even some of those who have been so long near me, and who have lived so close by my side.
175:1.1 “This long time have I been with you, going up and down in the land proclaiming the Father’s love for the children of men, and many have seen the Light and, by faith, have entered into the Kingdom of Heaven. In connection with this teaching and preaching the Father has done many wonderful works, even to the resurrection of the dead. Many sick and afflicted have been made whole because they believed; but all of this proclamation of truth and healing of disease has not opened the eyes of those who refuse to see Light, those who are determined to reject this Gospel of the Kingdom.
181:1.4 "The Father sent me into this world, but only a few of you have chosen fully to receive me. I will pour out my Spirit [of Truth, flooding ever down] upon all flesh, but all men will not choose to receive this New Teacher as the Guide and Counselor of the soul. But as many as do receive him shall be enlightened, cleansed, and comforted. And this Spirit of Truth will become in them a well of Living Water springing up into Eternal Life. [Thank You Jesus !]
181:1.5 "And now, as I am about to leave you, I would speak words of comfort. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I make these gifts not as the world gives -- by measure -- I give each of you all you will receive. [!!] Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful. I have overcome the world, and in me you shall all triumph through faith. ...
181:1.6 ... "And all of these things have I told you that you might have peace and have it more abundantly. In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have triumphed in the world and shown you the way to eternal joy and everlasting service." [Jesus continues to give us believers in Him his perfect Paradise-level peace ! This greatly lessens the perceived problems we have in this still defective world ! Allow Jesus to come in to your soul, to comfort and ever-Guide you ... ]
190:3.1 The fifth morontia manifestation of Jesus to the recognition of mortal eyes occurred in the presence of some twenty-five women believers assembled at the home of Joseph of Arimathea, at about fifteen minutes past four oclock on this same Sunday afternoon. Mary Magdalene had returned to Josephs house just a few minutes before this appearance. James, Jesus brother, had requested that nothing be said to the apostles concerning the Masters appearance at Bethany. He had not asked Mary to refrain from reporting the occurrence to her sister believers. Accordingly, after Mary had pledged all the women to secrecy, she proceeded to relate what had so recently happened while she was with Jesus family at Bethany. And she was in the very midst of this thrilling recital when a sudden and solemn hush fell over them; they beheld in their very midst the fully visible form of the risen Jesus. He greeted them, saying: Peace be upon you. In the fellowship of the Kingdom there shall be neither Jew nor Gentile, rich nor poor, free nor bond, man nor woman. You also are called to publish the good news of the liberty of mankind through the Gospel of sonship with God in the Kingdom of Heaven. Go to all the world proclaiming this Gospel and confirming believers in the faith thereof. And while you do this, forget not to minister to the sick and strengthen those who are fainthearted and fear-ridden. And I will be with you always, even to the ends of the earth. And when he had thus spoken, he vanished from their sight, while the women fell on their faces and worshiped in silence.
[Very moving and powerful Truths !]
190:5.4 As they walked along, Jesus said to them: “How slow you are to comprehend the truth! When you tell me that it is about the teachings and work of this man that you have your discussions, then may I enlighten you since I am more than familiar with these teachings. Do you not remember that this Jesus always taught that his Kingdom was not of this world, and that all men, being the sons of God, should find liberty and freedom in the spiritual joy of the fellowship of the brotherhood of loving service in this new Kingdom of the Truth of the heavenly Father’s love? Do you not recall how this Son of Man proclaimed the salvation of God for all men, ministering to the sick and afflicted and setting free those who were bound by fear and enslaved by evil? Do you not know that this Man of Nazareth told his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem, be delivered up to his enemies, who would put him to death, and that he would arise on the third day? Have you not been told all this? And have you never read in the Scriptures concerning this day of salvation for Jew and Gentile, where it says that in him shall all the families of the earth be blessed; that he will hear the cry of the needy and save the souls of the poor who seek him; that all nations shall call him blessed? That such a Deliverer shall be as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. That he will feed the flock like a true shepherd, gathering the lambs in his arms and tenderly carrying them in his bosom. That he will open the eyes of the spiritually blind and bring the prisoners of despair out into full liberty and Light; that all who sit in darkness shall see the Great Light of eternal salvation. That he will bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives of sin, and open up the prison to those who are enslaved by fear and bound by evil. That he will comfort those who mourn and bestow upon them the joy of salvation in the place of sorrow and heaviness. That he shall be the desire of all nations and the everlasting joy of those who seek righteousness. That this Son of Truth and Righteousness shall rise upon the world with Healing Light and Saving Power; even that he will save his people from their sins; that he will really seek and save those who are lost. That he will not destroy the weak but minister salvation to all who hunger and thirst for righteousness. That those who believe in him shall have Eternal Life. That he will pour out his Spirit upon all flesh, and that this Spirit of Truth shall be in each believer a well of water, springing up into Everlasting Life. Did you not understand how great was the Gospel of the Kingdom which this Man delivered to you? Do you not perceive how great a salvation has come upon you?”
194:3.19 The coming of the Spirit of Truth purifies the human heart and leads the recipient to formulate a life purpose single to the will of God and the welfare of men. The material spirit of selfishness has been swallowed up in this new spiritual bestowal of selflessness. Pentecost, then and now, signifies that the Jesus of history has become the Divine Son of living experience. The joy of this outpoured Spirit, when it is consciously experienced in human life, is a tonic for health, a stimulus for mind, and an unfailing energy for the soul. [Thank You, Jesus ! You are here with us now and forever !]
Topical Study 84 "Ministry On All Levels"
Compiled 10/17/2014 by Dave@PureChristians.org
[Part 1 of many]
[This is an expansion of my earlier Topical Study 28 in two parts. See here: Study 28 Divine and Human Service Ministry (Scroll 60% down that page) ]
How does the Divine Ministry to humans, of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit, differ?
How are they alike?
How are they applied in our local universe?
0:6.8 Mind is a phenomenon connoting the presence-activity of living ministry in addition to varied energy systems; and this is true on all levels of intelligence. In personality, mind ever intervenes between Spirit and matter; therefore is the universe illuminated by three kinds of light: material light, intellectual insight, and Spirit Luminosity. [Our human minds are from our Universe Creative Divine Minister — the Holy Spirit Partner of our Universe Creator Father-Son of God Jesus Christ Michael. They are all here Guiding us in their Eternal Spirit Luminosity Presence !]
1:5.3 God is not hiding from any of his creatures. He is unapproachable to so many orders of beings only because he “dwells in a light which no material creature can approach.” The immensity and grandeur of the divine personality is beyond the grasp of the unperfected mind of evolutionary mortals. He “measures the waters in the hollow of his hand, measures a universe with the span of his hand. It is he who sits on the circle of the earth, who stretches out the heavens as a curtain and spreads them out as a universe to dwell in.” “Lift up your eyes on high and behold who has created all these things, who brings out their worlds by number and calls them all by their names”; and so it is true that “the invisible things of God are partially understood by the things which are made.” Today, and as you are, you must discern the invisible Maker through his manifold and diverse creation, as well as through the revelation and ministration of his Sons and their numerous subordinates. [Our Good Master Jesus here in Spirit Reveals God the Paradise Universal Father to us - perfectly and profoundly !!]
2:1.6 The Universal Father is absolutely and without qualification infinite in all his attributes; and this fact, in and of itself, automatically shuts him off from all direct personal communication with finite material beings and other lowly created intelligences.
2:1.7 And all this necessitates such arrangements for contact and communication with his manifold creatures as have been ordained, first, in the personalities of the Paradise Sons of God, who, although perfect in Divinity, also often partake of the nature of the very flesh and blood of the planetary races, becoming one of you and one with you; thus, as it were, God becomes Man, as occurred in the bestowal of [Jesus Christ] Michael, who was called interchangeably the Son of God and the Son of Man. [Jesus today IS our One True GOD-MAN and He is One Eternal Personality !] And second, there are the personalities of the Infinite Spirit, the various orders of the seraphic hosts and other celestial intelligences who draw near to the material beings of lowly origin and in so many ways minister to them and serve them. And third, there are the impersonal Mystery Monitors, Thought Adjusters, the actual Gift of the great God himself sent to indwell such as the humans of earth, sent without announcement and without explanation. In endless profusion they descend from the heights of glory to grace and indwell the humble minds of those mortals who possess the capacity for God-consciousness or the potential therefor. [!!!]
2:4.3 Only the discernment of infinite wisdom enables a righteous God to minister justice and mercy at the same time and in any given universe situation. [God's perfect judgment eternally includes his infinite love and lavish mercy ministry !!] The heavenly Father is never torn by conflicting attitudes towards his universe children; God is never a victim of attitudinal antagonisms. God’s all-knowingness unfailingly directs his free will in the choosing of that universe conduct which perfectly, simultaneously, and equally satisfies the demands of all his divine attributes and the infinite qualities of his eternal nature.
2:4.4 Mercy is the natural and inevitable offspring of goodness and love. The good nature of a loving Father could not possibly withhold the wise ministry of mercy to each member of every group of his universe children. Eternal justice and divine mercy together constitute what in human experience would be called fairness.
2:5.7 I [a Paradise Divine Counselor] find it easy and pleasant to worship one who is so great and at the same time so affectionately devoted to the uplifting ministry of his lowly creatures. I naturally love one who is so powerful in creation and in the control thereof, and yet who is so perfect in goodness and so faithful in the loving-kindness which constantly overshadows us. I think I would love God just as much if he were not so great and powerful, as long as he is so good and merciful. We all love the Father more because of his nature than in recognition of his amazing attributes. [We also love God on Paradise because He is just as infinitely loving and abundantly merciful as our Universe Creator Jesus here is ! There is absolutely no "wrath" nor "anger" in God; as some animalistic, sub-spiritual humans here still have for a brief period. The Divine Nature is pure and perfect and forever unchanging.]
2:6.9 [Important:] Facing the world of personality, God is discovered to be a loving person; facing the spiritual world, he is a personal love; in religious experience He is both. Love identifies the volitional will of God. The goodness of God rests at the bottom of the divine free-willness — the universal tendency to love, show mercy, manifest patience, and minister forgiveness.
2:7.11 All truth — material, philosophic, or spiritual — is both beautiful and good. All real beauty — material art or spiritual symmetry — is both true and good. All genuine goodness — whether personal morality, social equity, or Divine Ministry — is equally true and beautiful. Health, sanity, and happiness are integrations of truth, beauty, and goodness as they are blended in human experience. Such levels of efficient living come about through the unification of energy systems, idea systems, and Spirit systems.
3:2.11 The Divine Omnipotence is perfectly coordinated with the other attributes of the personality of God. The power of God is, ordinarily, only limited in its universe spiritual manifestation by three conditions or situations:
3:2.12 1. By the nature of God, especially by his infinite love, by truth, beauty, and goodness.
3:2.13 2. By the will of God, by his mercy ministry and fatherly relationship with the personalities of the universe.
3:2.14 3. By the law of God, by the righteousness and justice of the eternal Paradise Trinity.
3:4.4 [Very Important:] The fact that he sends forth Spirit Messengers from himself to indwell the men and women of your world and other worlds in no wise lessens his ability to function as a Divine and all-powerful Spirit Personality; [I AM;] and there is absolutely no limit to the extent or number of such Spirit Monitors [also called Thought Adjusters or Mystery Monitors] which he can and may send out. This giving of himself to his creatures creates a boundless, almost inconceivable future possibility of progressive and successive existences for these Divinely Endowed mortals. [You, me, and all moral humans !] And this prodigal distribution of himself as these ministering Spirit Entities in no manner diminishes the wisdom and perfection of truth and knowledge which repose in the Person of the all-wise, all-knowing, and all-powerful Father.
3:6.8 [The Benediction:] God the Father loves men; God the Son serves men; God the Spirit inspires the children of the universe to the ever-ascending adventure of finding God the Father by the ways ordained by God the Sons through the ministry of the grace of God the Spirit.
5:6.4 [Very important !] The bestowal of personality is the exclusive function of the Universal Father, the personalization of the living energy systems which he endows with the attributes of relative creative consciousness and the freewill control thereof. There is no personality apart from God the Father, and no personality exists except for God the Father. The fundamental attributes of human selfhood, as well as the absolute Adjuster nucleus of the human personality, are the bestowals of the Universal Father, acting in his exclusively personal domain of cosmic ministry. [The Divine and Pure Spirit of God within you — the Thought Adjuster — the Mystery Monitor — is the will of God within you and is prepersonal. As you make many daily decision-choices to try to do God's will, the Adjuster is duplicating all of these higher motives and actions as you as a living SOUL. This soul is just like you except for your physical body and your lower animal behavior nature. Eventually you and the Adjuster will become fused and as one; the Adjuster then has your eternal, unchanging personality and you (the same one personality) have achieved, with the Adjuster's help, spirit perfection ! When God said to each of us: "Be you perfect; even as I AM perfect.", the Adjuster is the divine means to achieve this as we progress and follow Jesus in his universe here. Much more on this website will further clarify these tremendous revelations of God and his unconditional, infinite loving Ministry to each and to all of us.]
6:3.2 The Eternal Son is the great mercy Minister to all creation. Mercy is the essence of the Son’s spiritual character. The mandates of the Eternal Son, as they go forth over the Spirit Circuits of the [Eternal Son, The] Second Source and Center, are keyed in tones of mercy.
6:3.3 To comprehend the love of the Eternal Son, you must first perceive its Divine Source, the Father, who is love, and then behold the unfolding of this Infinite Affection in the far-flung Ministry of the Infinite Spirit and his almost limitless host of ministering personalities.
6:3.4 The Ministry of the Eternal Son is devoted to the Revelation of the God of love to the Universe of Universes. This Divine Son is not engaged in the ignoble [base, lowly, dishonorable] task of trying to persuade his gracious Father to love his lowly creatures and to show mercy to the wrongdoers of time. How wrong to envisage the Eternal Son [or our Creator Son Jesus] as appealing to the Universal Father to show mercy to his lowly creatures on the material worlds of space! Such concepts of God are crude and grotesque. Rather should you realize that all the merciful ministrations of the Sons of God are a Direct Revelation of the Father’s heart of universal love and infinite compassion. The Father’s love is the real and eternal source of the Son’s mercy. [Always know and believe that God the Universal Father on Paradise IS just as loving, merciful, kind, gracious and fatherly friendly AS JESUS IS !!!]
6:4.9 The Eternal Son, as a loving, merciful, and ministering spiritual personality, is wholly and infinitely equal with the Universal Father, while in all those merciful and affectionate personal contacts with the ascendant beings of the lower realms the Eternal Son is just as kind and considerate, just as patient and long-suffering, as are his Paradise Sons in the local universes who so frequently bestow themselves upon the evolutionary worlds of time. [Our Creator Son Jesus Christ Michael Incarnated here on Earth from 7 B.C. to AD 30; and then returned as He the Spirit of all Truth to us, then and NOW and eternally ! and as GOD and as OUR GOD and our GOD-MAN Spirit Person ! and much more ! Also see John 16:7-16, Rev 21:3-7, etc]
6:7.3 The Eternal Son is truly a merciful Minister, a divine Spirit, a spiritual Power, and a Real Personality. The Son is the spiritual and personal nature of God made manifest to the universes — the sum and substance of the First Source and Center, divested of all that which is nonpersonal, extradivine, nonspiritual, and pure potential. But it is impossible to convey to the human mind a word picture of the beauty and grandeur of the supernal personality of the Eternal Son. Everything that tends to obscure the Universal Father operates with almost equal influence to prevent the conceptual recognition of the Eternal Son. You must await your attainment of Paradise, and then you will understand why I was unable to portray the character of this Absolute Personality to the understanding of the finite mind. [Always know and believe the Truth-Fact that the best way for us to realize God the Father and God the Eternal Son and God the Infinite Spirit (as our Holy Spirit Minister) is to ever increasingly know and spiritually live in the supernal (Divine, from Above) Life and Teachings of our Coordinate Creator Son of God — our Universe Sovereign GOD-MAN JESUS ! See JESUS: See GOD: They Are One in Spirit here upon all and also within us believing faith-sons of God ! Amen !]
6:8.3 As persons you may conceive of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son as separate Individuals, for they indeed are; but in the administration of the universes they are so intertwined and interrelated that it is not always possible to distinguish between them. When, in the affairs of the universes, the Father and the Son are encountered in confusing interassociations, it is not always profitable to attempt to segregate their [combined Ministry] operations; merely recall that God is the initiating "Thought" and the Son is the expressionful "Word". In each local universe this inseparability is Personalized in the Divinity of the Creator Son, Who stands for BOTH Father and Son to the creatures of ten million inhabited worlds. [Our local universe is named Nebadon — the home of our soul-birth and soul-growth ! — and being a younger universe, only a little over 400 billion years old — there are only about three million human-inhabited worlds now. 10,000,000 worlds when this first, Supreme-level, Grand Universe Age is completed. Then we will experience the higher, larger, more Glorious, Transcendental, Master Universe Age. Then higher Absolute and Infinite-Eternal Realities will be increasingly experienced by us without end ! Amen !]
6:8.4 The Eternal Son is Infinite, but he is approachable through the [Coordinate Eternal Deity] Persons of his Paradise Sons [Our Paradise Creator Son here running Nebadon is our Father-Son Jesus Christ Michael] and through the patient ministry of the Infinite Spirit. Without the Bestowal service of the Paradise Sons and the loving Ministry of the Creatures of the Infinite Spirit, [Our Holy Creative Spirit; She is Co-equal with our Master Creator Jesus] beings of material origin could hardly hope to attain the Eternal Son. And it is equally true: With the help and guidance of these celestial agencies the God-conscious mortal will certainly attain Paradise and sometime stand in the Personal Presence of this majestic Son of Sons. [Tremendous Glory in our Eternal Destiny !]
Topical Study 84 "Ministry On All Levels"
Compiled 10/20/2014 by Dave@PureChristians.org
[Part 2 of many]
[This is an expansion of my earlier Topical Study 28 in two parts. See here: Study 28 Divine and Human Service Ministry (Scroll 60% down that page) ]
How does the Divine Ministry to humans, of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit, differ?
How are they alike?
How are they applied in our local universe?
7:3.1 In the local universe ascent the mortals of time look to the Creator Son [our Jesus Christ Michael] as the personal representative of the Eternal Son. But when they begin the ascent of the superuniverse training regime, the pilgrims of time increasingly detect the supernal presence of the inspiring spirit of the Eternal Son, and they are able to profit by the intake of this ministry of spiritual energization. In Havona [One billion very high Heavens circling around the Isle of Paradise] the ascenders become still more conscious of the loving embrace of the all-pervading Spirit of the Original Son. At no stage of the entire mortal ascension does the Spirit of the Eternal Son indwell the mind or soul of the pilgrim of time, but his beneficence is ever near and always concerned with the welfare and spiritual security of the advancing children of time.
7:4.1 The Eternal Son is in everlasting liaison with the Father in the successful prosecution of the divine plan of progress: the universal plan for the creation, evolution, ascension, and perfection of will creatures. And, in divine faithfulness, the Son is the eternal equal of the Father.
7:4.2 The Father and his Son are as one in the formulation and prosecution of this gigantic attainment plan for advancing the material beings of time to the perfection of Eternity. This project for the spiritual elevation of the ascendant souls of space is a joint creation of the Father and the Son, and they are, with the co-operation of the Infinite Spirit, engaged in associative execution of their Divine Purpose.
7:4.3 This divine plan of perfection attainment embraces three unique, though marvelously correlated, enterprises of universal adventure: [Important:]
7:4.4 1. The Plan of Progressive Attainment. This is the Universal Father's plan of evolutionary ascension, a program unreservedly accepted by the Eternal Son when He concurred in the Father's proposal, "Let Us make mortal creatures in our own Image." This provision for upstepping the creatures of time involves the Father's Bestowal of the Thought Adjusters and the endowing of material creatures with the prerogatives of personality. [What great eternal Gifts we each have if we personally choose to survive and follow our loving Father God !]
7:4.5 2. The Bestowal Plan. The next universal plan is the great Father-Revelation enterprise of the Eternal Son and his Co-ordinate Sons. This is the proposal of the Eternal Son and consists of his bestowal of the Sons of God upon the evolutionary creations, there to personalize and factualize, to incarnate and make Real, the love of the Father and the mercy of the Son to the creatures of all universes. Inherent in the Bestowal Plan, and as a provisional feature of this ministration of love, the Paradise Sons act as rehabilitators of that which misguided creature will has placed in spiritual jeopardy. Whenever and wherever there occurs a delay in the functioning of the attainment plan, if rebellion, perchance, should mar or complicate this enterprise, then do the emergency provisions of the bestowal plan become active forthwith. The Paradise Sons stand pledged and ready to function as retrievers, to go into the very realms of rebellion and there restore the spiritual status of the spheres. And such a heroic service a Coordinate Creator Son did perform on earth in connection with his experiential Bestowal Career of Sovereignty acquirement. [Yes ! "IT IS DONE !"]
7:4.6 3. The Plan of Mercy Ministry. When the attainment plan and the bestowal plan had been formulated and proclaimed, alone and of himself, the Infinite Spirit projected and put in operation the tremendous and universal enterprise of mercy ministry. This is the service so essential to the practical and effective operation of both the attainment and the bestowal undertakings, and the spiritual personalities of the Third Source and Center [our Universe Creative Minister (Holy Spirit)] all partake of the spirit of mercy ministry which is so much a part of the nature of the Third Person of Deity. Not only in Creation but also in Administration, the Infinite Spirit functions truly and literally as the Conjoint Executive of the Father and the Son. [This includes our Guardian Angels and many other higher Angels -- Daughters of God.]
7:4.7 The Eternal Son is the personal trustee, the divine custodian, of the Father’s universal plan of creature ascension. Having promulgated the universal mandate, “Be you perfect, even as I am perfect,” the Father entrusted the execution of this tremendous undertaking to the Eternal Son; and the Eternal Son shares the fostering of this supernal enterprise with his divine co-ordinate, the Infinite Spirit. Thus do the Deities effectively co-operate in the work of creation, control, evolution, revelation, and ministration — and if required, in restoration and rehabilitation.
7:5.3 The purely personal nature of the Eternal Son is incapable of fragmentation. The Eternal Son ministers as a spiritual influence or as a person, never otherwise. The Son finds it impossible to become a part of creature experience in the sense that the Father-Adjuster participates therein, but the Eternal Son compensates this limitation by the technique of bestowal. What the experience of fragmented entities means to the Universal Father, the incarnation experiences of the Paradise Sons mean to the Eternal Son.
7:5.10 The Eternal Son is the exemplary inspiration for all the Sons of God in their ministrations of Bestowal throughout the universes of time and space. The Coordinate Creator Sons [equal to God; both God the Father and God the Son to us] and the associate Magisterial Sons, together with other unrevealed orders of sonship, all partake of this wonderful willingness to bestow themselves upon the varied orders of creature life and as the creatures themselves. Deity] origin, it becomes true that in the Bestowal of each Son of God upon the worlds of space, in and through and by these bestowals, the Eternal Son has Bestowed himself upon the intelligent will creatures of the universes.
8:2.6 Though in every way sharing the perfection, the righteousness, and the love of the Universal Father, the Infinite Spirit inclines towards the mercy attributes of the Eternal Son, thus becoming the Mercy Minister of the Paradise Deities to the grand universe. Ever and always — universally and eternally — the Spirit is a Mercy Minister, for, as the Divine Sons reveal the love of God, so the Divine Spirit depicts the mercy of God.
8:2.7 It is not possible that the Spirit could have more of goodness than the Father since all goodness takes origin in the Father, but in the acts of the Spirit we can the better comprehend such goodness. The Father’s faithfulness and the Son’s constancy are made very Real to the Spirit beings and the material creatures of the spheres by the loving ministry and ceaseless service of the personalities of the Infinite Spirit. [Countless angels, super-angels, Ministering Spirits on all levels. Each human has a ministering Guardian Angel pair of Seraphim and and the omnipresent local universe Creative Holy Spirit Minister Who is a Coordinate Partner of our Creator Father-Son Jesus Christ Michael. More on these good Ministering Spirits later.]
8:3.4 A Creator Son [our Sovereign Maker Jesus Christ Michael !] of the Eternal Son and a Creative Spirit [our Holy Mother Spirit !] of the Infinite Spirit created you and your universe; and while the Father in faithfulness upholds that which they have organized, it devolves upon this Universe Son and this Universe Spirit to foster and sustain their work as well as to minister to the creatures of their own making.
8:3.5 The Infinite Spirit is the effective agent of the all-loving Father and the all-merciful Son for the execution of their conjoint project of drawing to themselves all truth-loving souls on all the worlds of time and space. The very instant the Eternal Son accepted his Father's plan of perfection attainment for the creatures of the universes, the moment the ascension project became a Father-Son plan, that instant the Infinite Spirit became the Conjoint Administrator of the Father and the Son for the execution of their united and eternal purpose. And in so doing the Infinite Spirit pledged all his resources of Divine Presence and of Spirit Personalities to the Father and the Son; He has dedicated all to the stupendous plan of exalting surviving will creatures to the divine heights of Paradise perfection. [! Perfect triune loving ministry to all of us !]
8:3.6 The Infinite Spirit is a complete, exclusive, and Universal Revelation of the Universal Father and his Eternal Son. All knowledge of the Father-Son partnership must be had through the Infinite Spirit, the Conjoint Representative of the Divine Thought-Word Union.
8:3.7 The Eternal Son is the only avenue of approach to the Universal Father, and the Infinite Spirit is the only means of attaining the Eternal Son. Only by the patient Ministry of the Spirit are the ascendant beings of time able to discover the Son.
8:4.1 Paralleling the physical universe wherein Paradise gravity holds all things together is the spiritual universe wherein the word of the Son interprets the thought of God and, when “made flesh,” [Jesus Christ Incarnated here; and He remains here in Spirit !] demonstrates the loving mercy of the combined nature of the associated Creators. But in and through all this material and spiritual creation there is a vast stage whereon the Infinite Spirit and his Spirit offspring show forth the combined mercy, patience, and everlasting affection of the Divine Parents towards the intelligent children of their co-operative devising and making. Everlasting Ministry to Mind is the essence of the Spirit’s Divine Character. And all the [Universe Divine Minister, Creative Mother, Holy] Spirit offspring of the Conjoint Actor partake of this desire to Minister, this Divine Urge to Service.
8:4.2 God is love, the Son is mercy, the Spirit is ministry — the ministry of divine love and endless mercy to all intelligent creation. The Spirit is the personification of the Father’s love and the Son’s mercy; in him are they eternally united for universal service. The Spirit is love applied to the creature creation, the combined love of the Father and the Son.
8:4.3 On earth, the Infinite Spirit is known as an Omnipresent influence, a Universal Presence, but in Havona you shall know him as a Personal Presence of Actual Ministry. Here the Ministry of the Paradise Spirit is the exemplary and inspiring pattern for each of his Coordinate Spirits and subordinate personalities ministering to the created beings on the worlds of time and space. In this Divine [Central] Universe the Infinite Spirit fully participated in the seven transcendental appearances of the Eternal Son; likewise did he participate with the original Michael Son in the seven bestowals upon the circuits of Havona, thereby becoming the sympathetic and understanding Spirit Minister to every pilgrim of time traversing these perfect circles on high.[Wonderful !]
8:4.4 When a Creator Son of God accepts the Creatorship charge of responsibility for a projected local universe, the personalities of the Infinite Spirit pledge themselves as the tireless Ministers of this Michael Son when he goes forth on his Mission of Creative adventure. Especially in the persons of the Creative Daughters, the local universe Mother Spirits, do we find the Infinite Spirit devoted to the task of fostering the ascension of the material creatures to higher and higher levels of spiritual attainment. And all this work of creature ministry is done in perfect harmony with the purposes, and in close association with the personalities, of the Creator Sons of these local universes.[Our Creator Father-Son of God is Jesus Christ Michael; his Partner is the Creative Minister (Holy Spirit) of the Infinite Spirit.]
8:4.5 As the Sons of God are engaged in the gigantic task of Revealing the Father’s Personality of love to a universe, so is the Infinite Spirit dedicated to the unending Ministry of Revealing the combined love of the Father and the Son to the individual minds of all the children [and thus, also all humans !] of each universe. In these local creations the Spirit does not come down to the material races in the likeness of mortal flesh [Christ Michael who Incarnated here as Jesus is also the Son of Man and our Very Elder Brother !] as do certain of the Sons of God, but the Infinite Spirit and his Coordinate Spirits do downstep themselves, do joyfully undergo an amazing series of divinity attenuations, until they appear as angels to stand by your side and guide you through the lowly paths of earthly existence.
8:4.6 By this very diminishing series the Infinite Spirit does actually, and as a Person, draw very near to every being of the animal-origin spheres. And all this the Spirit does without in the least invalidating his existence as the Third Person of Deity at the center of all things.
8:4.7 The Conjoint Creator is truly and forever the great Ministering Personality, the Universal Mercy Minister. To comprehend the ministry of the Spirit, ponder the truth that he is the combined portrayal of the Father’s unending love and of the Son’s eternal mercy. The Spirit’s ministry is not, however, restricted solely to the representation of the Eternal Son and the Universal Father. The Infinite Spirit also possesses the power to minister to the creatures of the realm in his own name and right; the Third Person is of Divine Dignity and also bestows the Universal Ministry of Mercy in his own behalf.
8:4.8 As man learns more of the loving and tireless ministry of the lower orders of the creature family of this Infinite Spirit, he will all the more admire and adore the transcendent nature and matchless character of this combined Action of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son. Indeed is this Spirit “the eyes of the Lord which are ever over the righteous” and “the divine ears which are ever open to their prayers.” [God is Spirit ! Amen !]
8:5.1 The outstanding attribute of the Infinite Spirit is Omnipresence. Throughout all the Universe of Universes there is everywhere present this all-pervading [Ministering] Spirit, which is so akin to the presence of a universal and divine Mind. Both the Second Person and the Third Person of Deity are represented on all worlds [even on our backwards planet earth !] by their ever-present Spirits.
8:5.2 The Father is infinite and is therefore limited only by volition. [His infinite, absolute, eternal will.] In the Bestowal of Adjusters [God's pure. prepersonal spirit portion within each normal human being] and in the encircuitment of personality, the Father acts alone, but in the contact of Spirit forces with intelligent beings, He utilizes the Spirits and Personalities of the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. He is at will spiritually Present equally with the Son or with the Conjoint Actor; He is Present with the Son and in the Spirit. The Father is most certainly everywhere Present, and we [Paradise Divine Counselors on Uversa, the headquarters of our Orvonton Seventh Superuniverse] discern his Presence by and through any and all of these diverse but associated forces, influences, and presences.
8:5.3 In your sacred writings the term Spirit of God seems to be used interchangeably to designate both the Infinite Spirit on Paradise and the Creative Spirit [Bride of Christ, Co-equal Partner of our Sovereign Father-Son Jesus Christ Michael] of your local universe. The Holy Spirit is the spiritual circuit of this Creative Daughter of the Paradise Infinite Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a circuit indigenous to each local universe and is confined to the spiritual realm of that creation; but the Infinite Spirit is omnipresent. [There are 700,000 local universes in this present Grand Universe of Seven Superuniverses; the past-now-future Master Universe is much larger, but not yet much revealed to humans. There is also the unrevealed Infinite Universe. And there is more ever being revealed as we progress in Spirit and in All Truth. Amen !]
8:5.4 [Very important:] There are many spiritual influences, and they are all as ONE. Even the work of the Thought Adjusters, though independent of all other influences, unvaryingly coincides with the Spirit Ministry of the combined influences of the Infinite Spirit and a local universe Mother Spirit. As these spiritual Presences operate in the lives of mortals on earth, they cannot be segregated. In your minds and upon your souls they function as One Spirit, notwithstanding their diverse origins. And as this united spiritual Ministration is experienced, it becomes to you the influence of the Supreme, “who is ever able to keep you from failing and to present you blameless before your Father on high.”
8:5.5 Ever remember that the Infinite Spirit is the Conjoint Actor; both the Father and the Son are functioning in and through him; He is Present not only as himself but also as the Father and as the Son and as the Father-Son. In recognition of this and for many additional reasons the Spirit Presence of the Infinite Spirit is often referred to as "the Spirit of God." [Coordinate Unity of the Godhead and the Coordinate Universe Creators and Creative Spirits !]
8:5.6 It would also be consistent to refer to the liaison of all spiritual Ministry as the Spirit of God, for such a liaison is truly the union of the spirits of God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit, and God the Sevenfold — even the Spirit of God the Supreme. [More on that later.]